HP Network Virtualisation for Mobile

Most CIOs in these industries want nothing more than to help their line-of-business colleagues uncover new opportunities for growth.
While enterprises in other industries may be concerned about security – health-related organizations and their business associates are obliged by law to conform to detailed rules around storing and sharing sensitive data.
In the past, better mobile security meant sacrificing the user experience, and vice versa.This paradigm ends with BlackBerry® Balance.™
A new survey from IDG Research Services tells the story: most organizations lack confidence in the ability of their security defenses to keep them safe. In fact, more than half said 100% security is a pipe dream. This summary by Network World lays out the facts but also presents an approach to detect malware and prevent it from spreading throughout the network. Read the summary to learn:
• How respondents view their security measures
• Why a layered approach to security is now necessary
• How HP TippingPoint Advanced Threat Appliance "detonates" suspicious files or malware in a safe sandbox environment to stop it before it can spread
The security industry has thousands of researchers looking for vulnerabilities in the software you use—HP Security Research alone has more than 3000. But how do you apply the security intelligence they develop to the job of protecting your network?
The Activate “Network Security Intelligence Selection Buying Guide" tells you what you need to know about security intelligence. Read it to learn:
<p<• Who finds more Microsoft vulnerabilities than anyone else in the industry
• How next-generation firewalls (NGFW) and next-generation intrusion prevention systems (NGIPS) work
• How HP TippingPoint NGFW and NGIPS combine industry-leading security research with ultra-fast hardware to spot and block cyber attacks