Granting The Right Authorizations to Your Users – SlashdotMedia AdOps Asset Management

Granting The Right Authorizations to Your Users

Hypothetical situation - say you’re the authorization manager – either a SAP authorization manager or a general authorization manager and you need to grant authorizations to users. Now this isnt really your actual job but it was delegated to you by someone who said, "Hey, you can grant authorizations to users, it’s really not that complicated". In fact, it is really quite simple; technically it is just to add the right authorization to the user. Now, say someone is filling out paperwork requesting the authorization for MM01 (to create materials) – you would search for one authorization role that includes this activity (out of 50 possible options) and grant it. That’s it, right? Good job?!
No, not really. Let me show you the correct way to grant authorizations.

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