How Configuration Management Systems Deliver Change and Compliance

The fundamental capability which configuration management provides is backup and archiving of critical configuration data from network and server equipment. This along with collecting detailed inventory data provide the basis for managing change and compliance.

The ability to detect, report and alert on change in near real time improves overall service availability and reduces the time required to identify the cause of incidents and outages.

This paper is to help Network Engineers, IT Managers and Executive Leadership understand the benefits of configuration management and how it contributes to change and compliance management at the business.

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Optimizing and Automating Event Management to Support Incident Management

Opie has just arrived in the office and sat down to check his email. “Holy moly!” He yells out. He is looking at a massive influx of email messages in his Inbox from the Event Management tool, which was just configured to send out the alert notifications via email. “There’s no way the operations team will be able to respond to all those notifications in an efficient and timely manner. There has to be a better way to handle and address network events.”

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NMS Security Architecture Considerations & Approaches

The purpose of this article is to provide some practical guidance on securing Network Management systems and associated infrastructure. While it can’t make any guarantees of absolutely protecting from similar attacks in the future, implementing these approaches can make the job of an adversary significantly harder. It will also propose techniques for increasing the probability of detecting breaches, which should be a significant consideration within any security solution.

This article cannot provide exhaustive coverage. However, it will focus on delivering actionable guidance that will have a tangible impact in strengthening the Network Management’s security posture (and potentially other) Systems.

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An IT Managers Guide to Network Process Automation

This guide is designed for IT Managers looking to implement Network Process Automation in their organisation. It discusses the best approach for change management and team buy-in, provides a methodology framework to use when considering the automation of a manual task in a network environment and the Tsteps to take in order to identify an effective test case for your organization.

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Your MDM Doesn’t Want You to Read This (But We Do!)

If you’ve ever worked with an MDM (Mobile Device Management) to build and manage an Android device fleet, you know how one-sided that relationship becomes once your hardware is in the field. You also know that’s because MDMs are built on a model that chiefly rewards shipping devices, not supporting them. It’s hard to blame them, either — in a world where getting devices to the edge has become a critical concern across dozens of industries, hardware talks. But if you’re scaling a mission critical Android device fleet, you’re already asking the kind of hard questions your MDM probably isn’t very eager to answer.

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MDM is Dead. It’s Time to Shift to Android DevOps

Alright, so maybe not completely dead, but Mobile Device Management (MDM) - while necessary - cannot (alone) meet the needs of innovative, agile businesses, especially when customer experience and value are on the line.

With MDM, you can’t control the intake of changes to a fleet - risking widespread downtime - or debug your applications in real-time to prevent poor user experience. Enter Android DevOps where quality and speed are at the heart of dedicated device management.

According to Sam Guckenheimer of Microsoft Azure, “For a DevOps team...everything they do is about making a customer’ experience better.” Android DevOps enables businesses to focus on their business - not the platform - so they can deliver the ultimate customer experience.

Continue reading to learn more about how making the shift to Android DevOps can help you get back to what matters most: delighting your customers.

For more information about the advantages of Android DevOps reach out to Esper.

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How Strong is Your MDM Security?

6 Layer MDM Cybersecurity Self-Assessment

MDM security in 2020 must be dynamic. You need the flexibility to deploy and manage single-purpose Android devices according to use cases. MDM should offer features to completely wipe and re-provision devices at any given point during the device lifecycle. Most importantly, MDM security should allow real-time or automated response based on insights into devices, apps, and user behaviors.

According to the 2020 Verizon Mobile Security Index (MSI), 66% of organizations admit a mobile cybersecurity issue has spiraled into a “significant organizational calamity” in the past, Your chances of experiencing a mobile cybersecurity incident in the next two years are 28%.

Your mobile security risks vary depending on device type, industry, and most importantly, use case. Pay attention to this 42-point checklist to determine if your MDM security is at risk.

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Native Mobile vs. Progressive Web App: Developer Evaluation Guide

With just over half of all internet traffic serving mobile devices, your users expect a smartphone-friendly experience. But does that mean you have to invest in the creation and maintenance of native mobile apps?

Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer an alternative to native mobile development. PWAs give your users a native app-like experience but, under the hood, they're just standard web applications with some mobile-friendly additions. Depending on your app's needs, PWAs could help you get to market faster, improve discoverability, and reduce maintenance costs.

Is a PWA right for your next project? Download this evaluation guide where you’ll learn:

  • The fundamentals of progressive web apps
  • Business benefits and advantages of PWAs
  • The pros and cons of PWAs
  • How OutSystems accelerates PWA development

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Pandemic to Plan: 4 Steps to setting up your remote IT Help Desk

At a time of global pandemic and social distancing, a fully remote workforce is the “new normal” for nearly all organizations. Is your IT help desk fully empowered to provide fast and efficient remote support for today and the future?

In this LogMeIn guide, learn how to set up a successful, flexible and future-proof remote IT help desk to thrive in today's new normal.

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Help Desks in the New Normal

Covid has changed everything. Especially how we work.

Helpdesks are being forced to work in ways they never have before and adjust on the fly as they try to create sustainable strategies for the new normal.

In this infographic with LogMeIn, we partnered with IDG to poll a total of 119 ITDMs to understand the impact of increased remote work on IT helpdesks.

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Mobile Support: Are Your Employees Getting What they Need?

When it comes to supporting mobile devices in the workplace, it all comes down to one thing: employees. Employees are using their own personal devices (or similar corporate devices) at work much more frequently, and they expect the same level of mobile support in the corporate world as they receive in the consumer one. Deliver anything less and companies risk taking a hit on employee productivity and job satisfaction.

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Buyer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Remote Support Tool

More and more organizations are looking to implement an intuitive remote support solution that gives support professionals on-demand productivity and provides quick resolutions to the ever-evolving set of pains that bedevil support teams today. But choosing the best remote support solution can be a challenge, especially as user expectations grow and systems become more complex and offer more options and features.

This buyer’s guide can help you select the remote support tool that will work best for your organization. With more than 15 years of experience, LogMeIn delivers remote support solutions with key features and functionalities that make us the market leader in the remote support space.

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Remote Buyers Guide

More and more organizations are looking to implement an intuitive remote support solution that gives support professionals on-demand productivity and provides quick resolutions to the ever-evolving set of pains that bedevil support teams today. But choosing the best remote support solution can be a challenge, especially as user expectations grow and systems become more complex and offer more options and features.

This buyer’s guide can help you select the remote support tool that will work best for your organization. With more than 15 years of experience, LogMeIn delivers remote support solutions with key features and functionalities that make us the market leader in the remote support space.

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Mobile Support: Are your employees getting what they need?

When it comes to supporting mobile devices in the workplace, it all comes down to one thing: employees. Employees are using their own personal devices (or similar corporate devices) at work much more frequently, and they expect the same level of mobile support in the corporate world as they receive in the consumer one. Deliver anything less and companies risk taking a hit on employee productivity and job satisfaction.

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eBay Scales Up Mobile Marketing with AppsFlyer

In the early days of eBay’s mobile marketing efforts, the team chose a basic attribution setup that enabled them to connect with a handful of advertising partners. Every such integration required extensive resources from eBay, an investment of numerous man-hours by multiple teams.

eBay’s business goals for their mobile app matured over time, requiring a more elaborate, scalable, agile attribution provider. The solution that answered their needs was AppsFlyer, offering self-serve access to an ecosystem of over 5,700 advertising and technological partners. AppsFlyer enabled eBay to integrate quickly with multiple partners around the world, test the value of each and optimize quickly.

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