Managed File Transfer Survival Guide – Implement a Successful MFT Strategy

More than a third of all business-critical processes involve managed file transfer but many people underestimate the effort it takes to be successful with the strategy. MFT is not a simple install-and-go solution. In this final installment of our MFT Survival Guide series, we walk the phases of incremental MFT implementation to ensure a smooth transition to the world of high-end managed file transfer.

In this white paper, you will learn:

•How to build a solid business case for a Managed File Transfer project

•How to create and execute a project blueprint

•Why testing MFT processes is important and how to do it

•How to support your MFT solution and plan for future functionality

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Unfettered Mobility: Driving the International Extended Enterprise

Organisations are increasingly international in both their outlook and their operations. Despite these developments, international workers continue to be impeded by their organisations' approaches to mobility.

IDC research highlights that when working internationally, employees make a distinct change in their communication preferences, becoming less available and less collaborative. This impacts both productivity and job satisfaction.

This whitepaper outlines the learnings that can be implemented in mobile policies by senior decision makers who are responsible for managing telecommunications across the globe.

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Unfettered Mobility: Research Highlights

Organisations are increasingly international in both their outlook and their operations. This is being driven by developments in the global economy and the search for new partners, as well as access to travel and communications. As a result, businesses are making greater use of a global network of customers, suppliers and partners. IDC refers to this network as the International Extended Enterprise.
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Eliminate Blind Spots in SSL Encrypted Traffic

Many security systems now perform high speed SSL/TLS decryption. But these systems cannot decrypt traffic if they don’t have access to keys and certificates. To eliminate blind spots in encrypted traffic, you need to secure your keys and certificates. Otherwise, your other security controls become less effective and leave the door open to cybercriminals.
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Stop Unauthorized Privileged Access

SSH is a cryptographic security protocol used to connect administrators and machines. While SSH keys are often used to secure access to the most sensitive systems and data, there is usually little awareness or policy enforcement in place around their use. If you don’t know which administrator or SSH key has access to which servers, your IT environment may already be at risk.
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Failure to Protect Keys and Certificates Undermines Critical Security Controls

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) operators have proven they can breach enterprises like yours by undermining your critical security controls when you fail to protect digital certificates and cryptographic keys. Not securing all of your keys and certificates enables cybercriminals to bypass controls like threat detection, data protection, firewalls, VPNs, DLP, privileged access, and authentication systems that you expect will mitigate threats.
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Prevent Costly Outages Due to Expired Digital Certificates

Your organization, like so many others, is most likely increasing its use of SSL/TLS to protect sensitive data and reduce risk. To accomplish this, organizations rely on digital certificates to enable encryption and authenticate communications for customers, partners, and employees. These digital certificates are also used to secure machine-to-machine authentication and mobile applications.
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Hearts Continue to Bleed: Heartbleed One Year Later

Using the recently released Venafi TrustNet certificate reputation service, the Venafi Labs team re-evaluated SSL/TLS vulnerabilities in Q1 2015 and found that most Global 2000 organizations have failed to completely remediate Heartbleed—now a full year after the vulnerability was first publicly disclosed.

This leaves these organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks, future brand damage, and intellectual property loss. In one oft-cited incident, Community Health Systems was breached by the Chinese APT 18 group, who exploited incomplete Heartbleed remediation and unprotected keys to steal data on 4.5 million patients.

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Enabling Multi-speed IT Transformation With WebSphere Application Server and Java EE 7

Cloud, Mobile and Social are today's communication and engagement models for customers, employees and partners. And to support these models, your infrastructure needs to be simple, flexible, stable, scalable and highly secure. The new capabilities of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile, based on Java EE 7 standards, are designed for enhanced developer productivity, dynamic scale, resilient production deployments and ease of integration into modern DevOps workflows. Watch this On Demand webcast to learn more!
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Houston, we have a problem!

In today’s 24/7 “on-line all the time” world where there is an app for everything, how do you keep all your systems running? How quickly can you react to unexpected system performance degradation? Can you monitor specific applications in production environments and pro-actively uncover/prevent the next big crisis? How do you get all these practitioners, experts and processes aligned to get production problems fixed quickly while keeping all systems stable?

If your customer satisfaction and retention relies on your ability to quickly and efficiently deploy application fixes in complex production environments, join us on this TechByte session. We will discuss practices and tools that will help you get ahead of the curve so less time is spent reacting to crisis.

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Democratic DevOps!

Do you wonder how to increase collaboration between your Operations and Development teams in support of new multi-tier applications or changes to existing applications? Is your organization looking to leverage Agile and Lean techniques to accelerate software delivery, but struggles to move teams away from silo’d mentality and behavior? Is your organization looking to adopt a DevOps approach but is not sure how to start? If any of these questions sound familiar, join us on this TechByte session where we will discuss practices and tools that will help address these challenges.
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Which DevOps Middleware Scenario Do You Use?

Building middleware applications is challenging because of the multi-tier nature of the application; discipline, communication and transparency across all the teams are required to be successful. Depending on what is most important to your organization, specific application lifecycle patterns might be most suitable.

Join us on this TechByte session, where we will provide an overview of the most common DevOps scenarios we come across, as well as highlight characteristics and benefits of each of these lifecycle patterns.

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Replicación Veeam: La protección un paso más allá

No cabe duda que cada día hay una mayor relación entre la actividad objeto del negocio, la que proporciona los beneficios, y la tecnología utilizada en cada organización. Y del acierto en la elección de estos dependerá totalmente el éxito o fracaso de cada organización. Ciñéndonos al apartado estrictamente tecnológico existe una relación directa, como ocurre con el comercio online, donde la más mínima variación sobre el comportamiento previsto impacta directamente a la cuenta de resultados, y existen relaciones indirectas, como ocurre con servicios financieros, donde la indisponibilidad de un servicio de consulta online, afecta a la imagen de la compañía, lo que repercutirá negativamente en los resultados futuros, especialmente si esta situación se repite.
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