Sponsor: Groundcover Ltd.

Cut Your Total Cost of Ownership By At Least 68% With inCloud Observability

When assessing the 'build or buy' observability dilemma, there are a number of factors to weigh out. Above all else, it's crucial to consider: ease of use, simplicity of installation, seamless integration with your existing stack, user adoption, and of course - cost of ownership.

The following is a detailed breakdown of all of the factors which impact the total cost of ownership, guiding you to an informed decision of whether to invest in a homegrown solution, or which existing solution to opt for off the shelf.

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Monitor Everything You Run in The Cloud, With Zero Compromises

groundcover is the only observability platform that merges an inCloud architecture with the powers of eBPF. This unique combination makes it possible to gain granular visibility over all your cloud environments.

groundcover redefines application performance monitoring by completely disassociating data volumes from observability costs with a zero instrumentation deployment.

Main values:

  • No instrumentation
  • No need to stream data externally
  • End-to-end visibility
  • Near-zero CPU & memory impact

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onPrem and airGapped

groundcover’s proprietary eBPF sensor and unique inCloud infrastructure enable all of your observability data (logs, metrics, traces, etc.) to remain in your environment at all times.

This makes groundcover the only solution that directly tackles two of today’s most critical organizational concerns:

  1. Observability costs

    By removing the need to send and store your observability data outside of your cloud premises, groundcover completely decouples costs from data volume, reducing the total cost of ownership for observability by over 86%.

  2. Security and privacy

    groundcover’s standard inCloud offering creates a standard of unprecedented security, keeping all of your data in cloud premises, allowing for maximum adherence to organizational security policies with a unique setup for a complete offline installation.

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