Sponsor: LiquidPlanner, Inc

10 Tips for Getting Your Chaotic Project Back on Track

Chaotic projects can wreak havoc on our working and personal lives. One day you may wake up to realize that the priorities in your organization have changed, causing your project to be deprioritized, over budget, won't be delivered on time, or worse. Project management software like LiquidPlanner can help you catch these common issues before they arise. Read our top 10 tips for getting a chaotic project back on track.

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Victaulic Uses LiquidPlanner to Maintain Their Competitive Advantage

Victaulic is the global leading producer of mechanical pipe joining, flow control & fire protection solutions. Since 1919, their innovative technologies and engineering services have optimized productivity and reduced risk, ensuring projects are completed safely, on time and within budget.

How does Victaulic maintain its competitive advantage in the mechanical pipe industry? By bringing new, value-add solutions to their customer. LiquidPlanner enables them to have:

  • VISIBILITY: Accurate insights inform critical conversations about strategic priorities to enable confident prioritization and resourcing decisions.
  • TRANSPARENCY: Teams know how the plan was put together, can see the data underpinning the next steps, and feel more confident in managing the daily work across the project portfolio.
  • STANDARDIZED WORK: Creating standard work with repeatable processes saves time and provides baseline metrics for key performance indicators.

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How to Prioritize When Everything is #1

Prioritization is the process of determining the level of importance and urgency of a task, project or event. It’s a key skill for any working professional and is absolutely essential for project managers to master. Smart prioritization is a vital part of Liquid Planner’s Planning Intelligence philosophy to align people, priorities and projects.

One of the biggest challenges for project managers and team leaders is accurately prioritizing the work that matters on a daily basis. Even if you have the best project management software, your team could end up working on the wrong things at the wrong time. And, you don’t want to fall into the role of crying “top priority” for every other project that comes down the pike.

To help you manage your team’s workload and hit deadlines on time, here are 6 steps to prioritizing projects that have a lot of moving parts.

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The Project Leader’s Guide to Successfully Adapt to Change & Manage Uncertainty

Research shows that 70% of organizations have suffered at least one project failure in the last year. Why? When priorities and work are constantly changing, we all know that it’s hard to keep our entire portfolio of projects up-to-date and see what’s next.

Our latest eBook will walk you through important tips to help manage change and uncertainty in today’s workplace, including how to:

  • Keep your workload balanced
  • Track progress to know where time goes
  • Use a priority-driven methodology
  • Wrangle uncertainty with predictive scheduling

Ready to achieve the momentum that your business needs to succeed through seamless project execution?

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