L’automatisation des flux de travail de Hadoop améliore l’efficacité et renforce l’avantage concurrentiel

Découvrez le rôle clé de l'automatisation de la charge de travail dans les stratégies Big Data des entreprises de nos jours

L'enquête approfondie de Forrester sur les responsables informatiques et les chefs d'entreprise révèle des informations clés sur les stratégies Big Data dont les avantages de l'automatisation de la charge de travail pour accélérer le traitement des données, améliorer l'efficacité et diminuer le risque d'erreurs. Découvrez :

  • Comment et pourquoi les entreprises automatisent-elles leurs charges de travail Hadoop
  • Quels sont les outils et les méthodes d'automatisation les plus populaires
  • Les secrets du succès des initiatives Hadoop
  • Les modèles évolutifs et les cas d'utilisation des déploiements Hadoop

Mettez en œuvre les conclusions du livre blanc sur le leadership éclairé de Forrester Consulting pour profiter pleinement des avantages du Big Data pour votre entreprise. Téléchargez cette étude aujourd'hui.

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Effiziente IT-Abläufe erfordern eine Workload-Automatisierung

Erzielen Sie größere Sichtbarkeit, Genauigkeit und Kontrolle über Ihre IT Operations durch Workload-Automatisierung

Die Anforderungen an digitale Unternehmen verlangen nach einem immer effizienteren Umgang mit IT Operations. Dieses Whitepaper zu Thought Leadership von Forrester erläutert, wie Unternehmen Workload-Automatisierung nutzen, um Ihren Business Workflow akkurater zu gestalten und besser zu kontrollieren. Lernen Sie, wie führende IT-Kräfte:

  • auf manuelle Skripterstellung verzichten, um Effizienz und Produktivität zu steigern
  • mit nur einem Blick den kompletten Überblick über alle anstehenden Aufgaben im Unternehmen erhalten
  • den operativen Overhead reduzieren und damit deutlich schneller und besser Ihre Business Needs erreichen

die Vorzüge holistischer und automatisierter digitaler Business Workflows erkunden

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Des opérations informatiques efficaces nécessitent une automatisation de la charge de travail

Obtenez un meilleur contrôle informatique, une meilleure visibilité, et une plus grande précision grâce à l'automatisation de la charge de travail

Les exigences de l'entreprise numérique impliquent une approche plus efficace des opérations informatiques. Ce livre blanc de référence Forrester évalue comment les sociétés utilisent l'automatisation de la charge de travail afin d'améliorer les workflows métiers avec davantage de précision et de contrôle. Découvrez de quelle façon les leaders de l'informatique peuvent :

  • Eliminer la création manuelle de scripts pour augmenter l'efficacité et la productivité
  • Bénéficier d'une vue unique des tâches planifiées au sein de l'entreprise
  • Réduire le gaspillage opérationnel afin de mieux répondre et plus rapidement aux besoins de l'entreprise

Découvrir les avantages d'une approche plus holistique et automatisée des workflows commerciaux numériques.

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Overcome New Financial Services Compliance Challenges

Put big data to work to address new regulatory requirements

The right big data architecture can help you meet the vastly expanding data processing requirements imposed by new regulations—without starving your budget for innovation. Learn how you can prepare cost-effectively for compliance with BCBS 239, CRS, EMIR, FATCA, FRTB, MiFID and other new rules. Topics include:

  • Using the same systems to power both compliance and competitive differentiation
  • Increasing the pace of innovation throughout the enterprise
  • Building a flexible, scalable infrastructure to easily accommodate future needs

Find out how you can prepare your institution for the challenges to come.

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Measuring The Total Economic Impact™ Of Control-M

Find out how much you can save through enterprise workload automation

The improved efficiency, reliability, and control provided by enterprise workload automation can yield dramatic savings in IT costs. Read this commissioned Total Economic Impact study by Forrester Consulting (on behalf of BMC) to learn how other organizations have realized benefits totaling more than $6 million over three years, including:

  • $1,148,629 saved in labor and operational costs through automation
  • $819,241 gained in efficiency through streamlined workload processes
  • $3,632,421 gained in IT productivity through improved error remediation time

Build a strong business case for workload automation in your organization.

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Efficient IT Operations Require Workload Automation

Achieve greater IT ops control, visibility, and accuracy through workload automation

The demands of digital business call for a more efficient approach to IT operations. This Forrester thought leadership paper evaluates how companies are using workload automation to support business workflows more accurately and with greater control. Learn how IT leaders can:

  • Eliminate manual scripting to increase efficiency and productivity
  • Gain a single view of scheduled jobs across the enterprise
  • Reduce operational waste to meet business needs better and faster

Explore the benefits of a more holistic and automated approach to digital business workflows.

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Visual COBOL: The Agent of Change

This white paper explores the challenges that many organizations face when addressing their IT backlogs while implementing the innovation that will drive future growth.

It also offers a potential solution to these challenges in the form of Visual COBOL, a Micro Focus development environment that bridges the gap between existing IT issues and advanced technology.

You will learn about:

  • The issue of IT debt
  • The skills gap between common IT issues and the developers who need to address them
  • Disruptive technology and innovation
  • Development efficiency
  • New architecture
  • Future challenges
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Get More from Azure from Riverbed

How good is your visibility into app performance on Azure? Nearly two-thirds (64%) of organizations use a fragmented approach to technology monitoring. As a result, this fragmented visibility causes IT teams to spend as much as half their time firefighting performance problems – instead of innovating for the benefit of the business. Join the webinar to learn current best practices for gaining clear visibility into cloud performance.

This webinar will address these questions:

  • Are your end users happy with their SaaS app performance ?
  • Do you have the right toolset for monitoring performance of cloud-based apps?
  • What are the best practices to mitigate performance issues from the cloud?
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Accelerate Office 365 Performance & Enhance Visibility

Do you need to accelerate Office 365 performance? Astonishingly, IT teams learn about more than 60% of performance issues from end-users. This is because performance visibility is so thoroughly compromised by the growing complexity involved in delivering cloud apps over multiple networks to ever-growing numbers of end users. This webinar explores the complexity of cloud delivery and best practices for optimizing application performance and, ultimately, end user experience.

Learn how to:

  • Reduce latency issues for SaaS apps
  • Accelerate and secure corporate data over the Internet
  • Decrease bandwidth use by up to 97%
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Gartner Network Design Best Practices for Office 365

Many organizations transitioning from on-premises Microsoft applications to Office 365 will experience performance problems due to geographic factors and use of the Internet for connectivity. IT can minimize performance issues and deliver an acceptable experience to end users by paying careful attention to network design. Read this research note to learn:

  • How the Office 365 Region you choose can affect performance
  • What tools are available to model and monitor performance
  • What options you have for network connectivity and how they compare
  • How WAN optimization can be used to improve application performance.
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15 Keys for Ensuring a Successful Windows 10 Migration

Whenever you are planning to migrate to Windows 10, there are unique opportunities to optimize IT service support during your migration. This guide shows how to use SteelCentral Aternity End User Experience Monitoring in a best practice continuous improvement process to ensure success. In it, you’ll learn how to:

  • Discover every local, cloud, or mobile app actually in use in your enterprise, to fight “Shadow IT” and migrate only the apps that matter
  • Ensure end user experience on Windows 10 devices is as good or better as that on earlier OS versions, so you can migrate with confidence
  • Proactively monitor applications as they render on the screens of any physical, virtual, or mobile device used in your enterprise, to assure the seamless user experience promised by Windows 10
  • Cost justify your Windows 10 upgrade by analyzing the impact of slow application performance in terms of lost productivity 
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Connectivity Benchmark Report 2017

Nearly all IT decision makers are executing on digital transformation, but they are facing challenges and obstacles along the way. MuleSoft surveyed 951 IT decision makers across the globe to discover how they are executing on digital transformation initiatives, what their IT challenges are, and the role of an API strategy to meet their business goals.

Download the 2017 Connectivity Benchmark Report to find out:

  • The one strategy IT decision makers say help them deliver projects faster
  • The top 11 technologies ITDMs think will increase the pace of digital transformation
  • The two obstacles holding ITDMs back from achieving their digital transformation goals

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Gartner iPaaS Magic Quadrant 2017

MuleSoft Positioned as a Leader 4 Years in a Row

Read this complimentary copy of the 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for iPaaS, and find out why MuleSoft was named a Leader based on completeness of vision and the ability to execute

  • Expert perspectives on the iPaaS vendor landscape
  • Critical analysis of key differentiators
  • Latest developments in integration technology
  • Industry benchmarks and trends
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Business Process Management (BPM)

Using an API strategy as a foundation for BPM

Business Process Management is an important part of continuous improvement and business transformation, but many organizations struggle with implementing it effectively. Learn how a holistic API strategy, API-led connectivity, can help your organization implement BPM with ease.

This whitepaper will cover:

  • An overview of Business Process Management
  • A new way of thinking about implementing BPM with APIs
  • A walkthrough of a use case on how an organization uses API-led connectivity to successfully implement BPM
  • Best practices to adopt BPM with Anypoint Platform

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