TCO Report – NAS File Tiering

Every organization is under pressure to meet the exponential growth in demand for file storage capacity. Surveys show, however, that 60% or more of data on Tier 1 storage is either dormant or rarely used. Organizations can now achieve significant savings by moving that inactive content to a secondary storage tier.

While the concept of storage tiering is well known, it has not been widely adopted in the past due to various limitations. New storage technologies now overcome those limitations, making tiering an attractive option to reclaim capacity on Tier 1 storage systems and reduce backup costs and time requirements — often resulting in overall file storage cost savings of 50%.

Of particular note, new solutions now enable these savings with zero impact on user data access.

In this paper, we compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) of traditional NAS to the TCO of traditional NAS augmented by file tiering with Cloudian object storage.

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TCO Report – Tape vs. Object Storage

We are living in an age of explosive data growth. IDC projects that the digital universe is growing 50% a year, doubling in size every 2 years. In media and entertainment, the growth is even faster as capacity-intensive formats such as 4K, 8K, and 360/VR gain traction. Fortunately, new trends in data storage are making it easier to stay ahead of the curve.

Historically, many studios and broadcasters have relied on LTO tape as the most economical option for long-term media archiving and backup — but that is beginning to change. The increasing costs of maintaining and expanding aging tape libraries are prompting many businesses to explore other options. At the same, the costs of more modern and flexible solutions like object storage now make them a cost-effective alternative to LTO tape.

In this paper, we will examine how object storage stacks up against LTO tape for media archives and backup. In addition to a detailed total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis covering both capital and operational expenses, this paper will look at the opportunity costs of not leveraging the real-time data access of object storage to monetize existing data.

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TCO Report – Cloudian HyperFile

A new class of storage promises to revolutionize file data management with scalability, simplicity and cost benefits that together represent a step function improvement from traditional NAS.

With unstructured data growth rates exceeding 50% per year, the need for such a solution is clear. Files have become more numerous, much larger and they’re being retained and accessed over longer periods of time. For 30 years now, Network Attached Storage (NAS) has been the go-to technology for file storage, but the changing nature of data is straining the ability of NAS to scale, deliver adequate performance, and do so economically.

Cloudian HyperFile offers a new approach that addresses both the scalability and cost concerns. It is the first to combine traditional NAS features with a limitlessly scalable, fully modular storage environment that reduces CAPEX costs by 2/3 while simplifying management and eliminating storage silos.

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How to choose the right CRM (Bonus Сhecklist Included)

These days a CRM isn’t just a luxury — it forms the cornerstone of your entire workflow, helping (or hindering) the effectiveness of your sales process.

That’s why choosing the right customer relationship management solution can feel like a huge undertaking. You’ve got to think about whether the functionality fits the way you work, how to get your team on board and if it’s a worthwhile investment of time and money. Pair that with the fact that there are literally hundreds of CRMs to choose from, and shopping for a CRM can be downright overwhelming.

But don’t put it off. The sooner you find a CRM, the sooner you can start enjoying the perks of a more systematized and transparent sales process. If you follow the tips below, you’ll find that searching for the right CRM can not only be painless, but even enjoyable.

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6 Ways Your CRM Is Failing You

The modern customer expects a lot — a response within the hour, a personalized buying journey and an account manager who anticipates their wants and needs. It’s no wonder that the demand for customer relationship management tools is growing every year. It gives businesses that competitive edge of getting in there first and really wowing your leads while they’re hot. Nevertheless, a lot of CRMs don’t deliver the dazzling ROI you’re expecting and working with them becomes tedious.

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Aeris IoT Launch Checklist

Your organization has decided to empower its growth through an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. How can you be successful in launching your first IoT deployment and then monetize it to scale?

You need a reliable, experienced partner with global connectivity, real-time visibility into your assets to improve maintenance and scheduling, as well as the ability to provide in-depth support — all from one comprehensive platform.

Your business needs require the ability to grow and develop in various locations. Therefore, your IoT platform has to insure the largest possible geo-coverage of countries and continents, along with the ability to develop services and enhance products seamlessly. The platform has to provide a superior combination of coverage and operational time, while offering a heightened level of security.

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Aeris Brief – Wi-Fi Cellular Hybrid

The Aeris hybrid solution seamlessly delivers the cost savings of Wi-Fi with the coverage and reliability benefits of cellular — in a single subscription. With a single platform for Wi-Fi / cellular provisioning, billing, reporting, diagnostics, and troubleshooting, the Aeris hybrid solution prevents carrier or technology lock-in, affording far more choices for your specific business needs.

It has been said that the choice for connectivity comes down to coverage and cost. It used to be that if you picked coverage, the cost was high. If you picked a more pocketbook-friendly alternative, your coverage suffered. No more.

Today, connectivity providers are able to present a hybrid amalgamation of cellular and Wi-Fi features, created to exploit the complementary powers of each technology.

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Aeris AerPort Product Sheet

Aeris AerPort is a comprehensive IoT Management platform. It offers provisioning of devices, billing, location and tracing capabilities, and access to customer support. Using the AerPort platform, companies can gain timely insights, proactively identify usage and billing issues, and take positive actions based on real-time data, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership.

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eBook: Not All Cloud Contact Center Platforms Are Created Equal

Everyone says they’re “in the cloud,” but most technology leaders would agree that not all clouds are created equal. When evaluating a cloud contact center solution for your business, it’s important to understand the difference between a true Cloud 2.0 application and traditional software, including which features to look for and why those features are important..

Download this eBook and learn:

  • How a true Cloud 2.0 model is built to provide levels of reliability, scalability, flexibility and security that that far exceed those of previous generations.
  • The benefits of utilizing a platform built on microservices architecture.
  • How to take your business to the next level with a built to scale cloud contact center platform.

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Forrester Report: Artificial Intelligence with the Human Touch

Artificial intelligence (AI) can’t replicate the human touch, but it can ease your agents’ burden by handling many simple, repetitive requests. A new Forrester Consulting paper offers a look at the strengths and weaknesses of both AI and humans independently, yet how blending them together can give your customers the seamless end-to-end experience they expect.

See how enterprises around the world use AI to improve customer service and uncover new revenue streams, the challenges they overcame, and why a blended solution with live agents makes sense.

Download the paper to learn three key recommendations on using AI to improve agent productivity, agent satisfaction, and customer satisfaction.

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eBook: Not All Cloud Contact Center Platforms Are Created Equal

Everyone says they’re “in the cloud,” but most technology leaders would agree that not all clouds are created equal. When evaluating a cloud contact center solution for your business, it’s important to understand the difference between a true Cloud 2.0 application and traditional software, including which features to look for and why those features are important..

Download this eBook and learn:

  • How a true Cloud 2.0 model is built to provide levels of reliability, scalability, flexibility and security that that far exceed those of previous generations.
  • The benefits of utilizing a platform built on microservices architecture.
  • How to take your business to the next level with a built to scale cloud contact center platform.

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Forrester Report: Artificial Intelligence with the Human Touch

Artificial intelligence (AI) can’t replicate the human touch, but it can ease your agents’ burden by handling many simple, repetitive requests. A new Forrester Consulting paper offers a look at the strengths and weaknesses of both AI and humans independently, yet how blending them together can give your customers the seamless end-to-end experience they expect.

See how enterprises around the world use AI to improve customer service and uncover new revenue streams, the challenges they overcame, and why a blended solution with live agents makes sense.

Download the paper to learn three key recommendations on using AI to improve agent productivity, agent satisfaction, and customer satisfaction.

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Forrester Report: 2018 Customer Service Trends: How Operations Become Faster, Cheaper – And Yet, More Human

Ease, effectiveness, and emotion drive great customer service, but top line growth requires professionals to keep an eye out on trends for truly determining improvements in quality of service. Download this report to learn 10 customer service trends Forrester Research has identified for 2018.

Discover which investments are critical and the advantages of:

  • Focusing on context and inquiry type to deliver the best customer experience
  • Using automation and AI to uncover new revenue streams and transform operations
  • Exploring new labor models to maximize human connections in a digital world
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    eBook: Blended AI for Customer Experience

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is staggering in its speed of handling simple requests and automating conversations. But AI solutions are not enough for the best customer experiences. Human emotions sometimes demand the human touch that only live agents can provide.

    Kate, Customer Experience AI by Genesys, combined with the power of human touch can improve customer experience, empower employees and dramatically reduce costs. This seamless combination of AI technology and humans, or “Blended AI by Genesys,” addresses the entire customer journey for the best possible outcomes.

    Download the eBook and learn how Kate and Blended AI lets you:

    • Personalize self-service
    • Connect customer conversations
    • Create smart agent experiences
    • Start small and deploy fast with MicroApps

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    Forrester Report: 2018 Customer Service Trends: How Operations Become Faster, Cheaper – And Yet, More Human

    Ease, effectiveness, and emotion drive great customer service, but top line growth requires professionals to keep an eye out on trends for truly determining improvements in quality of service. Download this report to learn 10 customer service trends Forrester Research has identified for 2018.

    Discover which investments are critical and the advantages of:

  • Focusing on context and inquiry type to deliver the best customer experience
  • Using automation and AI to uncover new revenue streams and transform operations
  • Exploring new labor models to maximize human connections in a digital world
  • Get Whitepaper