La prochaine génération à entrer dans la population active a grandi dans un monde largement influencé par les appareils mobiles.

Pour les jeunes d'aujourd'hui, l'expression "il y a une appli pour ça" n'est pas juste un slogan publicitaire accrocheur. C'est un truisme, une réponse à plus ou moins toutes les questions qu'ils se sont jamais posées et une approche à chaque tâche. Peut-on en dire autant de la façon de travailler actuelle ? Eh bien, pas vraiment. On n'est plus dans le "il se pourrait qu'il y ait une appli pour ça, mais il faut que vous demandiez au service informatique, et elle pourrait être bloquée, ou ne pas fonctionner sur votre téléphone, et...", bref, ce n'est pas encore aussi évident qu'on pourrait le croire.

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Five Key Initiatives To Wow Your Workforce With Your Service Desk

Each interaction between your employees and your service desk affects the reputation of the entire infrastructure and operations (I&O) team. To delight (or, as we like to say, wow) members of your workforce, they must see you as effective, pleasant, and easy to work with. The service desk is the single point of contact for all business and technology service questions and an essential communication platform for all the operational processes in technology management. The service desk is also responsible for answering, escalating, and resolving enablement issues for other teams within technology management and other players in the ecosystem.

This report provides I&O pros with five steps to creating a service desk that is internally and externally effective.
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ESG White Paper: Driving Business Value from Flash-optimized Storage

NetApp closely ties its product development and portfolio to match its customers' real-world application needs; to support tangible business-level value. NetApp has a full portfolio of products that support customer needs ranging from brute horsepower to datamanagement-rich sophistication. Read about driving business value from flash-optimized storage.
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Top 10 Best Practices in Embedded Analytics

"What is Embedded Analytics?

The objective is to help users work smarter by combining data and analytics to solve high-value business problems and work more efficiently, as these capabilities are available inside the applications users work with every day.This eBook will provide you with the necessary knowledge to successfully implement embedded analytics in your organization.

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VCW Provides Old Dutch Foods a Fresh Way to Make and Deliver its Quality Snacks

To ensure that its products are as fresh as possible when they reach consumers, Old Dutch operates six plants located in close proximity to its marketing areas.

“The biggest challenge from a business perspective is to get the right products to the right places at the right time,” said Tom Nollan, Director of IT for Old Dutch Foods. “Our products have a limited shelf life, and we always want the freshest products in consumers’ hands.”

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When Trust Online Breaks, Businesses Lose Customers

This is the second part of the Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Failed Trust Report, which reveals the damaging impacts on global business from unprotected cryptographic keys and digital certificates. This new report reveals that most companies lose customers, suffer costly outages, fail audits, and experience breaches due to unprotected and poorly managed keys and certificates.
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Unified IT Monitoring: A Necessity in the Era of the Customer

Today’s customer and employee profiles look very different than they did just a few years ago. These tech-enabled, highly connected buyers are using many different platforms to research, shop and work. They’re engaging brands in new ways—through social networks, as well as mobile and cloud-based applications. And with all their newfound capabilities, they’re expecting more from their business interactions.
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A How-to Guide to OAuth & API Security

OAuth is an emerging Web standard for authorizing limited access to applications and data. It is designed so that users can grant restricted access to resources they own—such as pictures residing on a site like Flickr or SmugMug—to a third-party client like a photo printing site. In the past, it was common to ask the user to share their username and password with the client, a deceptively simple request masking unacceptable security risk. In contrast to this, OAuth promotes a least privilege model, allowing a user to grant limited access to their applications and data by issuing a token with limited capability.
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Moving Service Management to SaaS

In areas such as sales force automation and customer relationship management, cloud-based computing services have become the norm—and substantially improved the economics, capabilities, and efficiencies customers have realized. Today, organizations can enjoy similarly substantial benefits by migrating their IT service management functions to a Software-as-a-Service model. This paper shows how CA Cloud Service Management enables organizations to make the most of this opportunity by providing a service management solution with a breakthrough in time.
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Managing Spreadsheets: Reducing Risk and Gaining Confidence

Nine out of 10 spreadsheets have errors. Critical business decisions are made every day based on data in Excel. With the whitepaper “Managing Spreadsheets: Reducing Risk and Gaining Confidence” Incisive outlines 6 ways to manage spreadsheet risk to save time and gain confidence in your data.

Click here to download the whitepaper.

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THE CIO’S GUIDE: To Enterprise Mobility Management

CIOs make tough decisions every day. To make the right ones, you have to trust your sources and be confident that you’re prioritizing the right issues.

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is top of mind for most CIOs today, not just because of BYOD and COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled), but also because of the clear opportunity that mobility presents to boost productivity, customer engagement, job satisfaction and more.

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Uw Online Business naar de Cloud verplaatsen: Sleutelfactoren in Online Succes

Elk slim bedrijf heeft tegenwoordig een uitgebreide online aanwezigheid. Behalve een vereiste website, bieden veel bedrijven hun werknemers, zakenpartners en klanten online toegang tot applicaties, systemen en data.

De IT-infrastructuur die deze online aanwezigheid ondersteunt, verschuift momenteel van traditionele eigen systemen naar Cloud-gebaseerde oplossingen. Cloud providers hebben meer internetbandbreedte dan de meeste bedrijven. Bovendien isoleren ze internet transacties van het bedrijfsnetwerk, en voorkomen overbelasting van routers en switches met data die daar niet nodig is. Daarom is het selecteren van een goede Cloud provider cruciaal.

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Bringing Your Online Business to the Cloud: Key Factors in Online Success

Today, every savvy company has embraced an extensive online presence. Beyond the required web site, many businesses routinely provide their employees, business partners, and customers with online access to applications, systems, and data.

Increasingly, the IT infrastructure that supports these online business efforts is shifting from traditional on-premises to Cloud-based solutions. Cloud providers have more Internet bandwidth than most businesses, and additionally isolate Internet transactions from the corporate network instead of clogging on-premises routers and switches with data that needn't be there in the first place. As such, selection of a suitable Cloud provider is critical.

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CRM Prizefight: Salesforce vs. Oracle

Oracle and Salesforce are two undisputed titans in the CRM space. Their solutions are top notch for a reason, but have you ever wondered how they match up 1-to-1? Our new infographic answers this question among many others when it comes to comparing these two solutions.
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Must-have CRM Mobile Apps and Tools in 2014

2014 is being hailed as "the Year of the CRM App"; is your business mobile CRM-ready? The estimated rates of CRM app use in 2014 are staggering, so if you want to stay ahead of the curve, our newest white paper is for you. In it, our CRM expert will detail all the recent trends with mobile CRM and what is projected to happen in 2014. We’ll also give you a sneak peek into the top CRM apps of the new year.
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