Empowering Sustainable Primary Care – SlashdotMedia AdOps Asset Management

Empowering Sustainable Primary Care

Throughout the pandemic, the resilience, dedication, and heroism of primary care professionals across the nation was put on full display. But even before the pandemic reshaped the healthcare landscape, there has been a growing consensus around the idea that primary care can and should play a more central role in U.S. healthcare.

But while primary care is being recognized as a key lever in providing a better patient experience, improving health outcomes, and delivering care at a lower cost, many primary care physicians are being driven to serious burnout and experiencing unsustainable pressures.

In this ebook, we’ll try to unpack the broken economics surrounding primary care that are contributing to these challenges. We’ll also explain why we believe another system is possible: A healthcare system where primary care clinicians can take the driver's seat in making healthcare sustainable again. Where we can advance the craft of medicine and transition of payment models while staying true to what’s most important about medicine: the patient-physician relationship.

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