WP Biz Case for FaaS
- Properly communicate the challenges you face
- Assess the business impact
- Shift the discussion from technically-focused to dollars and cents.

A few reasons a company would build their own private cloud focus on three key points: Value extraction, by investing in your custom infrastructure; control and agility, to be able to keep cost down and respond quickly to business needs as they arise; and regulation and compliance, for auditing proof and visibility across business, customer, and partner data. It makes sense to build and own a private cloud when you need to take a custom approach to your company’s cloud configuration. Dell and Intel® allows users to build OpenStack private clouds through a close partnership with RedHat.
Intel Inside®. Powerful Cloud (Services) Outside.
**Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.**
Say hello to the “Broadcast Quality Generation.”
Say hello to the “Broadcast Quality Generation.”
• The ability to remotely start or unlock a vehicle
• Real-time diagnostic information to prevent minor issues from turning major
• Connection with insurance companies, to take advantage of “good driver” discounts
• Integration with car part suppliers in order to better manage inventory