The Future of Mobile Apps: Is Your Enterprise Ready?
1. How you build enterprise mobile apps
2. How you manage them (through their lifecycle)
3. How you protect the data they transmit and store

1. How you build enterprise mobile apps
2. How you manage them (through their lifecycle)
3. How you protect the data they transmit and store
• BES12 helps you manage enterprise mobility, across iOS, Android™, Windows® Phone and BlackBerry devices. Built on BlackBerry’s trusted, global network, BES12 makes managing enterprise mobility efficient and secure.
•BES12 introduces a new, modern architecture that consolidates all EMM control in a single, easy-to-use console. The new attribute-driven, endpoint-permissions model gives you strict control of devices, apps and data, by person or by group, more efficiently than ever.
• Monitoring and dashboards are streamlined and easy-to-use, increasing your day-to-day productivity.
Another breach. Another hack. Another brand struggling to minimize the damage. You hope it never happens on your watch. But hope isn’t enough, so you work hard to make sure. And yet those nagging questions keep re-surfacing: Have we done everything we can? Where’s the weak link in our chain? What’s the worst that could happen – and will it?