Sponsor: Mission

Securing Every Step of Your SaaS Journey

The impact on IT and security teams has been significant, and it has also created new and unique opportunities for attackers. Security is an essential component in every step of your SaaS journey, from migration to transformation and modernization to optimization and efficiency. As businesses progress on their cloud transformation journey, cybersecurity is getting more attention and organizations are looking for solutions to help secure and protect their applications and data.

Fortunately, there’s an effective solution, cloud providers like Amazon offer a full range of services to manage data security in the Cloud. From infrastructure hardening to threat detection, AWS provides comprehensive services to maximize data security in cloud computing environments. Working with a managed cloud services provider, you can leverage the experience of a team of cloud experts for less than the cost of a full time employee.

In this Ebook, we’ll discuss how to integrate the proper security protocol into each step of your modernization journey and how Mission Cloud Secure can help you modernize your IT infrastructure without sacrificing security.

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10 Best Practices for Reducing Spend in AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) forever changed the world of IT when it entered the market in 2006 offering services for pennies on the dollar. While its prices have come down significantly over the years, many companies learned the hard way that moving to the public cloud didn’t always achieve the cost savings they expected.

In fact, organizations have frequently noticed public cloud bills two to three times higher than expectations. This doesn’t mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake. The public cloud provides huge benefits in agility, responsiveness, simplified operation, and improved innovation but the reality of the cloud is that costs steadily rise over time, and without clear insight into what drives your spend, strategic cost reduction is impossible.

In this book, you will learn the 10 best practices for reducing spend in AWS, so you can start optimizing your cloud for spend and performance today.

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12 Hidden Costs and Hurdles to Managing AWS Infrastructure

Cloud adoption is booming. Gartner estimates that spending on cloud services grew 6 percent in 2020 to a total market value of $257.9 billion. While there are several large public cloud players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the largest, with 45 percent of the market share for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and more than 1 million active users.

But, even with an estimated 91 percent of organizations now using a public cloud, many lack the bandwidth, internal resources, and expertise to properly manage their infrastructure. Aspects like monitoring, proactive improvements, and cost optimization typically require substantial legwork that may occupy engineers and pull them away from core business initiatives.

Without the right resources and expertise, managing your own AWS infrastructure can lead to:

  • Costly outages due to hard-to-use monitoring tools.
  • Never achieving a proactive approach.
  • Overpaying for cloud services.

In this Ebook, we will review 12 hidden costs and hurdles to managing AWS infrastructure on your own, and how working with a managed cloud service provider like Mission can help leverage AWS to accelerate your business.

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Securing Every Step of Your SaaS Journey

The impact on IT and security teams has been significant, and it has also created new and unique opportunities for attackers. Security is an essential component in every step of your SaaS journey, from migration to transformation and modernization to optimization and efficiency. As businesses progress on their cloud transformation journey, cybersecurity is getting more attention and organizations are looking for solutions to help secure and protect their applications and data.

Fortunately, there’s an effective solution, cloud providers like Amazon offer a full range of services to manage data security in the Cloud. From infrastructure hardening to threat detection, AWS provides comprehensive services to maximize data security in cloud computing environments. Working with a managed cloud services provider, you can leverage the experience of a team of cloud experts for less than the cost of a full time employee.

In this Ebook, we’ll discuss how to integrate the proper security protocol into each step of your modernization journey and how Mission Cloud Secure can help you modernize your IT infrastructure without sacrificing security.

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10 Best Practices for Reducing Spend in AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) forever changed the world of IT when it entered the market in 2006 offering services for pennies on the dollar. While its prices have come down significantly over the years, many companies learned the hard way that moving to the public cloud didn’t always achieve the cost savings they expected.

In fact, organizations have frequently noticed public cloud bills two to three times higher than expectations. This doesn’t mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake. The public cloud provides huge benefits in agility, responsiveness, simplified operation, and improved innovation but the reality of the cloud is that costs steadily rise over time, and without clear insight into what drives your spend, strategic cost reduction is impossible.

In this book, you will learn the 10 best practices for reducing spend in AWS, so you can start optimizing your cloud for spend and performance today.

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12 Hidden Costs and Hurdles to Managing AWS Infrastructure

Cloud adoption is booming. Gartner estimates that spending on cloud services grew 6 percent in 2020 to a total market value of $257.9 billion. While there are several large public cloud players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the largest, with 45 percent of the market share for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and more than 1 million active users.

But, even with an estimated 91 percent of organizations now using a public cloud, many lack the bandwidth, internal resources, and expertise to properly manage their infrastructure. Aspects like monitoring, proactive improvements, and cost optimization typically require substantial legwork that may occupy engineers and pull them away from core business initiatives.

Without the right resources and expertise, managing your own AWS infrastructure can lead to:

  • Costly outages due to hard-to-use monitoring tools.
  • Never achieving a proactive approach.
  • Overpaying for cloud services.

In this Ebook, we will review 12 hidden costs and hurdles to managing AWS infrastructure on your own, and how working with a managed cloud service provider like Mission can help leverage AWS to accelerate your business.

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AWS Shared Responsibility Model

Security and compliance on AWS operates on a Shared Responsibility Model which means that AWS is responsible for updating, maintaining, and protecting the infrastructure it provides to its customers, but YOU, the customer, is responsible for managing and securing all of the assets and resources YOU run on AWS. To put it simply, AWS is responsible for “security of the cloud” and you are responsible for “security in the cloud.”

In this ebook, you will learn how to navigate the AWS Shared Responsibility Model in order to build on AWS with the utmost confidence, clarity, flexibility, and control.

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The Ultimate Guide to AWS Savings Plans

AWS Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model offering lower prices compared to On-Demand pricing, in exchange for a specific usage commitment for a one or three-year period. While AWS Savings Plans provide greater degrees of flexibility, they don’t alleviate all the management burden of Reservations—and in some areas come with greater challenges.

In this ebook, we’ll explain what these challenges are, explore the consequences of failing to address these challenges, and help you and your business get prepared to take advantage of and effectively manage AWS Savings Plans.

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12 Hidden Costs and Hurdles to Managing AWS Infrastructure

Cloud adoption is booming. Gartner estimates that spending on cloud services grew 6 percent in 2020 to a total market value of $257.9 billion. While there are several large public cloud players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the largest, with 45 percent of the market share for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and more than 1 million active users.

But, even with an estimated 91 percent of organizations now using a public cloud, many lack the bandwidth, internal resources, and expertise to properly manage their infrastructure. Aspects like monitoring, proactive improvements, and cost optimization typically require substantial legwork that may occupy engineers and pull them away from core business initiatives.

Without the right resources and expertise, managing your own AWS infrastructure can lead to:

  • Costly outages due to hard-to-use monitoring tools.
  • Never achieving a proactive approach.
  • Overpaying for cloud services.

In this Ebook, we will review 12 hidden costs and hurdles to managing AWS infrastructure on your own, and how working with a managed cloud service provider like Mission can help leverage AWS to accelerate your business.

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10 Best Practices For Reducing Spend In AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) forever changed the world of IT when it entered the market in 2006 offering services for pennies on the dollar. While its prices have come down significantly over the years, many companies learned the hard way that moving to the public cloud didn’t always achieve the cost savings they expected.

In fact, organizations have frequently noticed public cloud bills two to three times higher than expectations. This doesn’t mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake. The public cloud provides huge benefits in agility, responsiveness, simplified operation, and improved innovation but the reality of the cloud is that costs steadily rise over time, and without clear insight into what drives your spend, strategic cost reduction is impossible.

In this book, you will learn the 10 best practices for reducing spend in AWS, so you can start optimizing your cloud for spend and performance today.

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12 Hidden Costs and Hurdles to Managing AWS Infrastructure

Cloud adoption is booming. Gartner estimates that spending on cloud services grew 6 percent in 2020 to a total market value of $257.9 billion. While there are several large public cloud players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the largest, with 45 percent of the market share for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and more than 1 million active users.

But, even with an estimated 91 percent of organizations now using a public cloud, many lack the bandwidth, internal resources, and expertise to properly manage their infrastructure. Aspects like monitoring, proactive improvements, and cost optimization typically require substantial legwork that may occupy engineers and pull them away from core business initiatives.

Without the right resources and expertise, managing your own AWS infrastructure can lead to:

  • Costly outages due to hard-to-use monitoring tools.
  • Never achieving a proactive approach.
  • Overpaying for cloud services.

In this Ebook, we will review 12 hidden costs and hurdles to managing AWS infrastructure on your own, and how working with a managed cloud service provider like Mission can help leverage AWS to accelerate your business.

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10 Best Practices For Reducing Spend In AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) forever changed the world of IT when it entered the market in 2006 offering services for pennies on the dollar. While its prices have come down significantly over the years, many companies learned the hard way that moving to the public cloud didn’t always achieve the cost savings they expected.

In fact, organizations have frequently noticed public cloud bills two to three times higher than expectations. This doesn’t mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake. The public cloud provides huge benefits in agility, responsiveness, simplified operation, and improved innovation but the reality of the cloud is that costs steadily rise over time, and without clear insight into what drives your spend, strategic cost reduction is impossible.

In this book, you will learn the 10 best practices for reducing spend in AWS, so you can start optimizing your cloud for spend and performance today.

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