Sponsor: Optimy

Your Grant Management Workbook

Nowadays, your grant management works involve a lot of operational and administrative responsibilities. When launching a grant project, one of your main focuses is to ensure that everyone follows the grant process's steps and remains efficient in delivering the required materials and reports. Your goal is to make sure that the grant goes to the nonprofit chosen and is implemented effectively.

In this ebook, you’ll find out how to make your Grant Management process easy and efficient.

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Empower Your Corporate Social Mindset

Because the field of Corporate Volunteering is so vast, it is essential to lay the basis of it and start your volunteering journey with every piece of information and the best tips to run a smooth successful program.

In this handy ebook, you will find everything you need to make the most out of your Volunteering program, meaning:

  • An insightful comment on how to adopt a corporate social mindset, based on the discussion Optimy had with the amazing speaker and writer Michael Alberg-Seberich.
  • The best tips on how to plan and execute your Corporate Volunteering program.
  • Tricks to grow your employee engagement for your volunteering activities.
  • The secrets to overcoming the challenges you might face.
  • An article to get a clear idea of why you might need a volunteering management software for your organization.

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