Sponsor: Symantec Corporation

Website Security For Dummies

This 'Website Security for Dummies' Guide offers an insight and an unique understanding of the threats that impact the online business and helps answer the below questions and more:
  • How does SSL work?
  • What makes EV SSL worth it?
  • Why use the Always On SSL approach?
  • What are the most common threats?
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Wild Card and SAN

Multi-Use SSL Certificates such as Wildcard and SAN certificates are becoming an increasingly common requirement in securing today's IT infrastructure. Find out about how these certificates can provide greater flexibility to simplify certificate management and reduce costs.
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Phishing Tactics

As one of the top cyber crime ploys impacting both consumers and businesses, phishing has remained a consistently potent threat over the past several years. You no longer need to be a sophisticated hacker to commit fraud on the Internet. Anyone who is motivated can join in, thanks to the off-the-shelf phishing kits provided by a thriving cyber crime ecosystem and the impact on a business can be quite severe.

Organizations need to stay current on the latest methods employed by cyber criminals, and proactively take steps to protect themselves from fraud. This fraud alert highlights the current growth and trends in today's phishing schemes, the potential impact on companies, and insight into how businesses can apply technology to protect themselves and their customers.
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SSL for Apps Best Practices for Developers

SSL is a fundamentally sound technology that provides confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. The most significant challenge facing the SSL ecosystem is not a technological flaw or limitation, but rather the way it is being implemented and the practices around it.

This paper lists necessary steps to take to create a stronger, more trustworthy SSL implementation. All SSL Client non-browser applications should follow all the practices in this document to ensure the high level of authentication, confidentiality and integrity promised by SSL are achieved.
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Simplify SSL Certificate Management Across the Enterprise

The need for SSL Certificates has moved well beyond the “buy” page to core functions of the enterprise. SSL Certificates are used to protect remote employee and partner communications via webmail, chat and IM. Browser-to-server communications for cloud-based services require SSL Certificates when used to display customer account information, business partner transactions and for employee productivity tools. Finally, SSL Certificates are used to secure server-to-server communications for applications and data exchange.

Managing individual Certificates across a large organization quickly becomes complicated with multiple locations, many divisions, and rapidly growing Web-based services. If an SSL Certificate expires, a company not only loses sales and puts customer confidence in jeopardy, employees and business partners may not be able to do their work or risk exposure of confidential information. Managing SSL Certificates across complex networks to ensure protection and prevent unanticipated expirations has become mission critical to all businesses.

This guide provides five simple steps for IT professionals to take control of SSL across the enterprise, and recommendations for a management platform for full visibility and single-point of control for these Certificates throughout their lifecycle.
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Best Practices and Applications of TLS/SSL

TLS (Transport Layer Security), widely known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), is the most well known method to secure your web site. But it can also be used for much more. Read the white paper to learn how TLS works, best practices for its use and the various applications in which it can secure business computing.
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Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates: Making the Best Choice When Considering Your Online Security Options

Whether you are an individual or a company, you should approach online security in the same way that you would approach physical security for your home or business. Not only does it make you feel safer but it also protects people who visit your home, place of business, or website. It is important to understand the potential risks and then make sure you are fully protected against them. In the fast-paced world of technology, it is not always easy to stay abreast of the latest advancements. For this reason it is wise to partner with a reputable Internet security company.
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Best Practices and Applications of TLS/SSL

SSL/TLS has been and will be a core enabling technology critical for securing communications. The most significant challenge facing the SSL ecosystem is its implementation. Researchers have recently published reports indicating widespread errors and shortcomings in the implementation of SSL/TLS in mobile applications. These issues often result from flawed use of SDKs or APIs used by developers.

This paper lists necessary steps to take to create a stronger, more trustworthy SSL implementation. All SSL client non-browser applications should follow all these practices to ensure strong authentication, confidentiality & integrity.
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Website Security Threat Report Part 2

These resources have offered unparalleled sources of data with which to identify, analyze, and provide informed commentary on emerging trends in attacks, malicious code activity, phishing, and spam. Symantec’s Website Security Solutions have distilled this information down to focus specifically on the threats that are targeting online business and websites.

Join Symantec’s team of as they draw on this report to discuss:
  • Trends and patterns across the globe and the impact these have
  • Best practices to mitigate risk for online businesses
  • What actions you can take to protect your site and your customers
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Your Website Health Check – Get in Shape

More than half a billion (552 million) identities were exposed in 2013 as a result of data breaches. If your website is weak enough to let in a hacker, not only could you face the wrath of angry customers, but you could also be exposed to regulatory fines and damaging media coverage.

It’s as simple as this: resolve to keep your site fit and healthy or get out of the game.
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萬用字元和 SAN 憑證: 認識多用途 SSL 憑證

在網際網路上運用網頁式服務時,SSL 憑證就成為驗證與安全性的業界標準。根據 您對 SSL 憑證的使用規畫,多用途憑證可以提供比傳統憑證豐富的彈性。多用途 憑證能保護多個完整網域名稱 (FQDN) 和子網域,降低您的管理成本,並且簡化 憑證安裝、管理和部署程序。
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SSL 憑證 新手指南

無論您是個人或企業,網路安全防護就如同為居家或公司提供的保全,不容等閒 視之。因為這些措施不僅可以讓您自身感到更安全,亦可以保護造訪您府上、公 司或網站的訪客。瞭解潛在的風險,並確實獲得完整的保護,這一點至為重要。科技的發展瞬息萬變,要時時掌握最新科技並不容易。因此,挑選聲譽卓著的網 際網路安全性公司作為合作夥伴,是明智的做法。

本指南將揭開相關技術的神秘面紗,並在您考慮線上安全性選項時,為您提供所 需的資訊。如需參閱詞彙表,請見本文件結尾處的「輕鬆科技漫談」。
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2014 年網站安全威脅研究報告

2013 年有幾項備受關注的焦點,包括網路間諜活動、隱私威 脅和內部人員的惡意行為。然而至 2013 年底,我們意識到 網路犯罪依然猖獗,而網路罪犯所造成的破壞仍繼續籠罩著 企業和消費者,無疑是令人痛苦的回憶。2013 年的 8 起資料 洩露事件中,每一起都洩露 1000 多萬份身份資訊,目標式 攻擊有增無減。

附 賽門鐵克的安全專家收集和分析的資料。本摘要中,我們著 重於主要領域。
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Raise Your Google SEO Ranking with Symantec

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience. Today, that means a secure experience, which is why Google now boosts a site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking if it secures the entire user session by HTTPS. Essential to a site’s success, SEO helps a business to be found, so higher ranking means more site traffic.
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