3 Ways Your Users’ Feedback can Boost Your Bottom Line

With so many competing apps and websites offering comparable products and services, the battleground on which brands compete has shifted away from what they are providing, to how they are providing it. Leveraging user feedback early and often across the entire software development lifecycle guarantees the user experience you are providing reflects the same high level of quality you’ve established with your products and services. When you can differentiate your brand through your user experience, and improve your teams’ efficiency, your bottom line will reap the benefits.

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Is The QA Lab Dead?

The traditional QA lab cannot keep up with the demands of modern software development, unable to keep pace with developer speeds, cover the necessary level of devices and real-life use cases, and account for the entirety of an omnichannel experience.

Many organizations are opening their pockets to resolve these inefficiencies, but money alone won’t solve a traditional lab’s shortcomings. To succeed, organizations must adopt a new philosophy around QA.

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Essential Guide To Agile Testing

The speed and adaptability of agile development is no longer a competitive advantage - it is a requirement. According to Atlassian, 80% of all software organizations now practice agile.

In spite of this need for agile, running an effective process remains rare. The rapid nature of agile often forces developers to choose between functionality and quality. But, you don’t need to. All you need to do is adjust your approach to testing.

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