Demonstrating Watson Services on Bluemix: Watson Films App

In the final of three segments, Swami will show you a demonstration app called Watson Films. This application leverage multiple Watson services available today on Bluemix. Powered by a natural language processing system, Watson, this application is a fun demonstration of how Watson can interact with the user. Join us for the live demo of the application, but you can also read and play with the code here . Join us to see a Watson powered application in action and check out the Watson Services available today for any one on
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Watson is Available Today on Bluemix

We want your great application ideas! Join us for this deep dive into the 7 Watson Services available for any user to start using on Bluemix. We'll talk about the new services available for users to start with today. These are foundational components of the Watson machine, new technologies, and improved services that we've discussed in the past. Leveraging these services in your application can: help you understand your user's needs based on the words they use, help you use words that resonate with a particular community, visualize your data in new, interactive ways, and much, much more. Join us to find out more on these services, partners using them today, and check them out for yourself at
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What is IBM Watson and Bluemix?

Do you want to put the power of Watson in your applications? Do you want to radically change the way you interface with your users? In the first of three Techbyte videos, Nathan Vega and Swami Chandrasekaran will introduce the listeners to the concepts of cognitive computing, IBM Watson, and IBM's Platform-as-a-Service, Bluemix. This is no longer just a machine that won on Jeopardy, but a powerful cognitive cloud platform. This session will orient the listener to what's different about this technology and just how powerful it is. Join us for the series to learn about how you can power your own application with Watson. Join us to find out more on Watson services and check them out for yourself at
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5 Critical Considerations for Enterprise Cloud Backup

An increasing amount of critical corporate data resides outside the firewall on end user devices, cloud apps and remote servers. This framework provides key considerations when evaluating cloud backup solutions to ensure adequate protection security and availability of enterprise data.
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Softwaredefinierter Speicher: Weniger Speicherkosten, bessere Service-Levels

Einer aktuellen Umfrage der IDC zufolge erwägen rund 35 % der Unternehmen eine Investition in softwaredefinierte Speicherlösungen (SDS) im Jahr 2014. Dies stimmt mit den Ergebnissen von IDC-Gesprächen mit IT-Entscheidern überein, welche ihre Speicherarchitekturen der nächsten Generation entsprechend den steigenden Geschäftsanforderungen entwickeln und dabei die ITKosten reduzieren möchten.
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Mit Virtualisierung verborgene Speicher-Schätze heben

Die Flut der digitalen Informationen ist für das menschliche Hirn schon lang nicht mehr fassbar. Auch die Speichersysteme der Unternehmensnetze gelangen aufgrund dieses rasanten Wachstums ständig an ihre Grenzen. Mit Virtualisierungslösungen, die versteckte Kapazitäten aufspüren und nutzen, lässt sich viel Geld sparen. SANsymphony von DataCore Software hilft, die Speichereinheiten im Rechenzentrum zu optimieren und Administrations-Prozesse zu vereinfachen. Darüber hinaus sorgt die Lösung für transparente Kostenstrukturen.
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Software-defined Storage sorgt für Datensicherheit

Der Begriff „Software-defined“ ist inzwischen auch in der Speicherwelt angekommen. Kaum ein großer Anbieter, der dieses Schlagwort nicht für die Beschreibung seiner Produkte nutzt. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Konzept, welche Vorteile entstehen Unternehmen durch dessen Umsetzung und wann lohnt es sich, über Software-defined Storage nachzudenken?
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Software-defined Storage, an SSG-NOW Outlook Report

Software-defined storage is more than just a new term for old features. While it could be said that storage has always been defined by software, which is true to a degree, specialized hardware for the physical storage has been required since the earliest computers. With more and more flavors of purpose-built hardware coming to market, the urgency to centrally control them becomes more pronounced.
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