The Journey To IAM Success

For some it’s all about streamlining the user experience through technologies and practices that make it easier for them to securely logon. For others, IAM is all about identity lifecycle management – ensuring that accounts are set up, modified, and retired in a timely, accurate, and secure manner, and still for others it’s focused on security and compliance through technologies and practices that make governance activities such as attestations easy and complete, or adding a layer of control and visibility to privileged accounts and “superuser” access.

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Strategies to ensure success for your governance project

When IT professionals talk about identity and access management (IAM), governance now dominates the conversation.

In years past when we talked about IAM, the hot topics were provisioning, single sign-on and role-based access control. But we must have gotten bored with those stale topics and needed something new to focus on.

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Six Steps to Achieving Data Access Governance

Data is an organization’s most valuable asset, consisting of anything from intellectual property to customer information. Often, this data is found on a number of platforms: Microsoft® Windows® file servers, NAS devices, SharePoint® sites and more. Unfortunately, many organizations cannot adequately control access to that data, or even reliably assess who currently has access.

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The Journey to IAM Success

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is moving beyond IT security and compliance to become a valuable enabler that drives business performance, digital transformation and competitive advantage. But planning and deploying IAM is not without its challenges.

Discover first-hand opinions, lessons learnt and recommendations from senior peers in several global brands who have experienced the trials and triumphs of implementing their own IAM programs. Get practical advice and fresh insight to help you avoid common pitfalls and obstacles. Understand how business and IT departments can work together to deliver a smooth experience to users and stay agile to accommodate future requirements.

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You can get IAM right

In an ideal world, we’d have the budget and time we need to get things done. And tomorrow would be predictable. But that’s simply not the case, especially in the IT universe.

As you well know, the world of identity and access management (IAM) is one of constant change, shrinking deadlines, minuscule budgets, overtaxed staff and unmerciful regulations. Unfortunately, the approach most organizations take to IAM involves piecing together ‘half solutions,’ in the hope that tomorrow’s solutions will address real-world needs.

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Get IAM Right in SAPcentric organizations

SAP is critical to many organizations’ operations and success, and IAM is essential for EVERY organization’s success. You would think that it’s a compatible match, right? It turns out that navigating the relationship between the two sides can be tumultuous.

The identity and access management (IAM) team is on the front lines of security but are not SAP experts and do not know the intricacies of the popular enterprise software’s modules and their use. Then there’s the SAP teams, who support and enable business operations, as well as drive the user experience, who rarely claim to be experts in IAM. They know to not overstep their bounds when it comes to enterprise initiatives tied to IAM.

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Strengthening security with a unified, centralized approach

Since 1946, OeKB Group has provided a range of financial services to individuals and small, midsize, and large businesses throughout Austria. In addition to offering banking services, the company provides export, capital market, and energy market services, as well as development financing to thousands of customers.

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8 Best Practices for Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) isn’t something you do once and then forget about. It’s an ongoing process, a critical part of your infrastructure that demands continuous management. Even if you have a fully implemented directory, it’s never too late to take advantage of best practices to help continuously manage this crucial part of your environment.

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The Gorilla Guide to IT Resilience with Microsoft Azure

Working with a complex mix of on-premise and cloud IT infrastructure? Facing challenges of navigating disparate technologies or outdated backup? It’s time for IT Resilience in the cloud with Zerto and Microsoft Azure. With powerful continuous data protection, super simple application mobility and cloud agility capabilities, Zerto IT resilience can get you to, from and between clouds in no time flat.

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Azure Calculator | Zerto

Move Workloads to the Cloud and Reduce Costs! Considering a move to Azure? Use this simple tool to find out how much you can save on storage costs by mobilizing your applications to the cloud with Zerto on Azure!

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The State of IT Resilience

9 out of 10 companies that participated in the IDC study think having both Disaster Recovery and Backup is redundant. Do you agree? Read the report and benchmark against your peers.

An independent study by analyst firm, IDC, confirms the importance of IT resilience within hundreds of global organizations. The survey report spotlights the level of IT resilience within these companies and where there are gaps. Their findings may surprise you.

  • 93% surveyed find redundancy in having both disaster recovery and backup as separate solutions.
  • 9 out of 10 already do or will use the Cloud for data protection within the next 12 months.
  • Nearly 50% of respondents have suffered impacts from cyber threats, including unrecoverable data, within the last 3 years.
  • Use the report findings to benchmark your data protection and recovery strategies against your peers.

Learn how resilient IT is the foundation to not only protect, but to effectively grow your business.

Download the IDC report to benchmark your data protection and recovery strategies against those of your peers.

Learn how Resilient IT is the stepping stone for business growth and transformation.

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Zerto Helps Spirit Airlines Avoid Impact of Hurricane Irma with On-Demand Migration of Key Applications

Even in this stormy climate, Spirit Airlines relies on IT to help keep the company’s planes and passengers in the air, supporting everything from online apps, reservations, maintenance, ticket counters, baggage, and air traffic management. Downtime is unacceptable. Just one hour of its reservations systems being offline can cost the airline $500,000; as a 24/7 business, its applications and IT services need to be continuously available no matter what potential disruption may strike.

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Future of Backup: From Periodic to Continuous

Backup has been an essential part of IT infrastructure since its inception and it is unlikely that will ever change. But with the IT landscape rapidly changing and threats increasing, are we still able to rely on the backup technology we currently use? In this white paper, we will discuss how backup requirements are changing and whether today’s backup technology can meet businesses’ evolving demands to drive modernization and digital transformation. We will explain why the future of backup is continuous journal-based protection, and why it’s time to move from recovery to availability and restore to resume.

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Disaster Recovery 101

Confused about RTOs and RPOs? Fuzzy about failover and failback? Wondering about the advantages of continuous data protection over snapshots? Well, you are in the right place.

The Disaster Recovery 101 guide will help you learn about DR from the ground up and assist you in making informed decisions when implementing your DR strategy, enabling you to build a resilient IT infrastructure.

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