Reinventing Supply Chains for an Uncertain Future

Today, businesses are looking for ways to respond quickly to current and potential future disruptions. The use of real-time data and advanced analytics to identify potential disruptions and understand their impact on the end-to-end supply chain is essential to being able to make informed decisions and respond quickly to mitigate risk.

This article will discuss key insights into today’s supply chain challenges and how to address them with a high degree of flexibility, allowing an organization to respond quickly to changing internal and external demands. We will examine pressing issues like demand volatility, business disruptions, inventory optimization struggles and talent gaps currently facing supply chains. The limitations of traditional linear strategies and outdated technologies will also be explored. Finally, we will present advanced solutions like artificial intelligence, blockchain, digital twin modeling and real-time data analytics that are revolutionizing supply chain planning.

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Calculate, Interpret and Improve Your DSO

DSO - for Days Sales Outstanding - is an important KPI to keep an eye on especially in fast-growing SaaS companies. It represents the number of days it takes your invoices to be paid by your clients. It, therefore, has an influence on your company’s cash flow. It also signals the efficiency of your cash management process.

There are 2 ways to calculate Days Sales Outstanding:

  • The simple method: a simple formula that calculates the average number of days it takes for your customers to pay your company.
  • The countback method: a more complicated and accurate way to find your DSO, where you go back month-by-month over a period of time.

Need help calculating your DSO? Check out our free spreadsheet that helps you calculate, interpret and reduce it!

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Collection Email Templates to Get Paid

All B2B businesses have one common challenge: getting paid. Even with the best clients, there can be times when invoices are paid late or ignored.

The right Collection emails is the first step towards tackling this challenge and improving your A/R health. Good payment reminders also help you maintain a positive customer relationship in awkward (but necessary) situations.

Keep reading to find out what makes a collection email efficient. You’ll also discover ready-to-use collection templates and tips on how to make payment reminders more efficient for your B2B business.

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8 Tips to Get Paid on Time

Not getting paid means you’re not receiving cash. Cash you need to invest, produce more, hire, and overall just grow. Cash flow issues are serious and can mean big trouble for your business.

Fortunately, we’re here to help! In this guide, you’ll learn about:

  • Best practices for cash collection deployed by industry leaders.
  • Tips to send the best payment reminders emails and letters.
  • Our experts’ advice about how to interpret your A/R metrics.

And much more!

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5 Top AR Metrics

On this spreadsheet, you'll find pre-filled formulas as well as explanations and examples to calculate the top 5 A/R metrics.

  • DSO or Days Sales Outstanding.
  • Accounts Receivable Aging.
  • Accounts Receivables Turnover Ratio.
  • ADD or Average Day Delinquent.
  • CEI or Collection Effectiveness Index.

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The 5 Maturity Stages of Cash Collection

B2B payments are currently undergoing a revolution. Finance leaders should pay close attention to this shift and take an early adopter approach to stay ahead of the curve.

In Upflow's latest piece, Alex Louisy, the CEO and co-founder, presents “The 5 Maturity Stages of Cash Collection”. Use this framework to identify which stage you are at, and learn how to take your accounts receivable strategy to the next level.

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Better Warehouse Systems Start with Emulation

The explosion in online shopping has been a boon for small retailers, massive distribution and logistics companies – and everything in between.

Simply put, if you’re not into e-commerce, you’re not in the game.

What’s the upside? If you’re a warehouse operator or integrator of warehouse systems, the necessity of increasingly automated solutions are needed to improve operations and increase throughput.

And with simulation and emulation tools, you can now implement truly innovative technology – with less risk.

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Synchronizing Supply & Demand in 2023 and Beyond

Subject matter experts from Kalypso take a probing look at the evolution of the supply chain, where the acceleration of key issues and trends over the past few years has left few industries and businesses unaffected. Volatility and constraints in labor, materials, resources and capacity have been compounded with limited end-to-end visibility and an ever-growing regulatory environment to create increasingly complex challenges for supply chain leaders.

We profile those challenges, as well as the central driving market forces that have created them, before exploring the future state of the supply chain and what actions supply chain leaders should take.

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Definitive Guide to Capital Planning

Whether it is a new construction, a renovation project, or an expansion, accurately planning and budgeting for each phase of your program is (probably) your top priority. As capital owners, how do you decide which programs and projects to fund and gather all pertinent information to help you make those decisions?

This guide will cover—setting clear strategic goals, how to manage projects and programs from start to finish, keys to accurate forecasting and analyses, cost management, and the best ways to communicate and collaborate with your agency. Using this guide streamline your capital planning process, manage projects effectively, and navigate your way to success.

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The Ultimate Guide to Cost Management

Knowing where your project costs stand at any time in a construction project is essential for understanding where you will finish. Without accurate cost data, capital owners are left guessing whether they will finish within budget or not. Accurate tracking and reporting of construction costs guarantee that you have the information you need to make critical decisions for your project.

The key to successful project cost controls begins with clearly defined systems and processes. It allows teams to handle changes swiftly, results in fewer disputes, and increases the likelihood of completing the project on time and under budget.

This guide will walk you through some of the best practices capital owners follow for estimating project costs, managing budgets, tracking commitment spending, and reporting on project health. You will be led through the process of developing a project budget and entering into a contract. We will cover how to track costs, report them, and keep spending under control to avoid cost overruns.

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Scalability in Document Management Systems

As digitization and process improvement continues, boosted by globalization, remote work, and the reduction of paper-based and manual processes in general, the reliance on document management systems increases in step. As cloud-based applications and storage also increase, there is an opportunity to leverage cloud-native services to create working document management systems (DMS) that can keep pace with the growth of any organization.

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Build Your Perfect Document Management Solution

FormKiQ gives you full power over your organization's information and workflows.

  • API-First Document Management
  • Includes a Web-based Document Console
  • Runs in your own AWS Account for better control and data ownership
  • Ready for Integration with internal and external applications, as well as with 200+ AWS Services
  • Open core version that is free to install and use
  • Pro and Enterprise offerings for extended functionality and support
  • Optional Enterprise add-on modules to meet specific use cases

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Customer Experience Session – Compact Guard Logix

Safety has always been a top priority in many applications for multiple industries. Have you ever wondered how safety architecture can play a major role in your application?

Join our guest speakers from Aagard and AIDA to explore how scalable safety control can help your applications achieve higher performance, increased capacity, improved productivity, and enhanced security.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • The safety solutions offered by Rockwell Automation.
  • How to deploy a Compact GuardLogix® 5380 safety architecture.
  • Discover how scalable safety provides a lower cost of ownership.

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