HR Strategy Guide

Businesses are demanding more and more of Human Resources teams. Strategic priorities like change management must be balanced with employee engagement, culture and wellbeing.

An effective Human Resources Plan makes it easier for organizations to recruit, retain and reinforce the strong workforce needed to achieve strategic goals.

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Top Workplace Trends 2023 (& Why Communications Are Essential)

What changes are coming for your organization in 2023?

Looking ahead is essential for successful businesses. Predicting what’s to come allows us to seize opportunities and mitigate threats.

We’ve compiled our top seven business trends for 2023, why you should care about them, and how we as communication specialists should adapt our messaging to respond.

From remote working and automation to social responsibility, these are the biggest internal communication trends and human resources trends you need to know for 2023.

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Change Communications

Change is the only constant for businesses. Well-planned, formalized change communications are essential.

Nearly half of employees believe most resistance to workplace change could be avoided with good change management practices.

Download your free guide for:

  • Research on change management and how employees respond.
  • Best practice advice on balancing business and employee needs.
  • Change communications framework for your organization.
  • Practical tips for overcoming employee objections.

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IT Comms Plan

IT teams need to communicate important messages across their organization – from scheduled maintenance and status updates to unplanned outages and security reminders.

Getting this messaging wrong means users are left in the dark, putting the business at risk.

This comprehensive IT communications toolkit has all you need to improve IT messaging and performance.

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Plus & Minus Pricing

Our unique 1 file/format design allows us to offer our fully-featured accounting/ERP software at a much lower price than those of more expensive, complex, and program-intensive accounting software solutions. With Plus & Minus, you get a complete system that includes all the functionality necessary for running your business without any modules, expensive add-ons, and charges for email, EFTs, and document imaging.

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Plus & Minus Innovative Design

Plus & Minus brings you comprehensive, real-time cloud accounting software using a unique 1 file/format design. Plus & Minus Software Corp. is a Veteran Owned Business involved in the creation and modification of streamlined and reliable accounting software for numerous diverse industries since 1982. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Watch this video to learn more!

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Plus & Minus Features

We dare you to compare the Plus & Minus comprehensive solution for accounting software to our competitors based on an equal number of accounting functions, reports, and performance.

Our 1 file/format design is a complete accounting software solution resulting in invaluable real-time business insights and intelligence for all types and sizes of businesses. All accounting functions are available for a one-time per user license fee of $1,000. The 1 file/format design provides all functions and capabilities a business needs with minimal software and hardware overhead.

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Plus & Minus Accounting Software

Plus & Minus is the most comprehensive, fastest, and competitively priced accounting software solution a business needs to maximize profitability and growth.

The strength of Plus & Minus is in the design of the product. There are no data silos. Financial data is always within reach of any account and time period or range of accounts and range of time.

With a simple design this software eliminates three of the greatest problems our competitors are burdened with: complexity, reliability, and maintenance. Download the whitepaper now to learn more about Plus & Minus Accounting Software.

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Plus & Minus Pricing

Our unique 1 file/format design allows us to offer our fully-featured accounting/ERP software at a much lower price than those of more expensive, complex, and program-intensive accounting software solutions. With Plus & Minus, you get a complete system that includes all the functionality necessary for running your business without any modules, expensive add-ons, and charges for email, EFTs, and document imaging.

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Plus & Minus Innovative Design

Plus & Minus brings you comprehensive, real-time cloud accounting software using a unique 1 file/format design. Plus & Minus Software Corp. is a Veteran Owned Business involved in the creation and modification of streamlined and reliable accounting software for numerous diverse industries since 1982. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Watch this video to learn more!

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Plus & Minus Features

We dare you to compare the Plus & Minus comprehensive solution for accounting software to our competitors based on an equal number of accounting functions, reports, and performance.

Our 1 file/format design is a complete accounting software solution resulting in invaluable real-time business insights and intelligence for all types and sizes of businesses. All accounting functions are available for a one-time per user license fee of $1,000. The 1 file/format design provides all functions and capabilities a business needs with minimal software and hardware overhead.

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Plus & Minus Accounting Software

Plus & Minus is the most comprehensive, fastest, and competitively priced accounting software solution a business needs to maximize profitability and growth.

The strength of Plus & Minus is in the design of the product. There are no data silos. Financial data is always within reach of any account and time period or range of accounts and range of time.

With a simple design this software eliminates three of the greatest problems our competitors are burdened with: complexity, reliability, and maintenance. Download the whitepaper now to learn more about Plus & Minus Accounting Software.

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6 Essential Workplace Tactics For Better Employee Wellness

Across the world, businesses are grappling with how to address employee wellbeing and reduce burnout.

Strong employee wellbeing drives performance – both personal and organizational. Happy, healthy employees are productive ones. When wellbeing is low, their ability – and willingness – to do their jobs is compromised.

On the following pages we address six tactics for improving employee wellness and how you can achieve these through your communications.

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Digital Transformation of HR

Employee engagement, recruitment and culture have all undergone a digital transformation. That can make hitting your HR goals more difficult.

This new guide features a range of tips and visual examples to help you connect with, engage, and motivate your employees in a digital workplace.

Get your copy now for tips and best practice on how to:

  • Boost engagement and reduce disconnection
  • Revitalize training and development
  • Create richer, more immersive onboarding
  • Rebuild positive workplace culture

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Cracking the Hackers – How to Build a 100% Engaged Human Firewall

Every day over 2,200 cyber-attacks hit organizations around the world. The human firewall is under threat. Phishing scams, malware and other tactics exploit remote workers’ weaknesses.

Doubling down and ensuring 100% effectiveness of your human firewall has never been more important.

This exclusive free guide contains everything you need for a successful cyber security campaign:

  1. The cyber-threat today – what does it mean for you?
  2. A block and tackle strategy – combining protection with proaction.
  3. Employee communication – tactics from training to breaches.
  4. Building an InfoSec campaign – how to get your messages read and acted on.

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