IDC Analyst Connection: Sharpening the Edge of Organizations

The rapid increase of cloud-based services, and dynamic business expectations to enable customers is redefining the "edge" of organizations — branch offices, storefronts, remote locations. This paper explores the challenges and IT requirements for delivering better services to the front lines of the organization.
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6 Stratégies pour la transition vers le Cloud

Déplacement vers le cloud devrait être entraînée par un problème d'affaires réel, et non par un désir abstrait être dans le nuage . Par exemple , besoin d'une nouvelle solution de gestion des ressources humaines ? Envisager de commencer Là. Évaluer les offres de cloud dans cet espace , comme journée de travail , SuccessFactors , et d'autres. Vous aurez probablement une mise en œuvre rapide par les nuages ​​aller , ce qui signifie que vous obtenez la valeur rapide, et vous serez en mesure de démarrer votre transition sans déchirer quelque chose qui fonctionne . Et les chances sont que vous allez économiser de l'argent dans l'affaire.
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6 Strategies for Transitioning to the Cloud

Moving to the cloud should be driven by a real business problem, not by an abstract desire to be in the cloud. For example, need a new HR management solution? Consider starting there. Evaluate the cloud offerings in that space, like Workday, SuccessFactors, and others. You’ll likely have a faster implementation by going cloud, which means you’ll get value fast, and you’ll be able to start your transition without ripping out something that’s working. And chances are you’ll save money in the bargain.
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Best Practice Security in a Cloud Enabled World

This report explores that security in a fast-paced technology-infused world cries for an “invest once and deploy everywhere” approach. For this to be realized, security must be planned in advance and built-in, yet still be fluidly adaptable to circumstances, and singularly controllable.
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Paving the Road to Cloud: What Matters Most in Storage Today

This IT Managers Journal looks into three key areas that must be addressed while planning for Cloud storage, namely performance, real-time compression and storage tiering and their importance when developing an overall storage strategy in today’s era of accelerating growth. The report offers best practices for implementing leading edge storage solutions that offer integration with existing infrastructure as well as seamless migration to tiered platforms that can meet increasing business demands with room to grow.
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Building an Android App using MobileData Cloud

Learn more about the benefits of Bluemix. This webcast focuses on building an Android application using the MobileData service. Walk-through the real process and workflow used to build and link the MobileData service within your application.
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Gartner: Converged Infrastructure: Utopia or Myopia?

Gartner predicts that the next generation technology will evolve integrated and converged infrastructure to be in step with applications and service delivery. Convergent designs will focus on performance, capacity, provisioning, service demands, infrastructure optimization and cloud stacks.
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Hybrid Cloud for Dummies eBook

IT organizations need the right tools and technologies to make hybrid cloud strategies a flexible and efficient reality for their organizations. Learn how to address inhibitors to cloud adoption, recognize data challenges in the cloud and seamlessly move data in the cloud.
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Your BT Agenda Demands A Hybrid Cloud Storage Strategy

This Forrester research report emphasizes that how CIOs handle storage will heavily influence their cloud success. Henry Baltazar of Forrester claims that although the road to hybrid clouds will not be short or easy, hybrid clouds are the future state of compute and storage for enterprises.
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Analytics in a Dash: Strategies to Speed Data Warehousing and Analysis in the Cloud

In today’s “instant this, instant that” world, the speed with which business decisions are made can have a huge impact on the success or failure of a project or product. Many organizations are turning to advanced analytics and “Big Data” tools to accelerate the transition from data to decision.

This IT Managers Journal looks at how new cloud-based data warehousing and analytics solutions can level the playing field for businesses that don’t have resources to deploy sophisticated data warehousing and Big Data infrastructure, and offer enterprises of all types and sizes access to advanced analytics tools that can quickly turn information into business advantage.

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Mapping the Cloud Maturity Curve

This report is an in-depth analysis of the findings of a global survey of 784 IT and business executives to identify the core components of cloud maturity and incorporates further insights from senior IT leaders to identify how they are moving their organizations up the cloud maturity curve.
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