Ventana Research: Éviter Les Dépassements De Coûts Liés Aux Données Dans Le Cloud

Vous gérez vos données dans le Cloud, mais les résultats ne sont pas à la hauteur ? Des performances lentes et des dépassements de coûts ? La gestion des données dans le Cloud offre une flexibilité en termes de ressources et de budget. Mais il peut être difficile de trouver la bonne solution.

Téléchargez le livre blanc Ventana Research, « Éviter les dépassements de coûts liés aux données dans le Cloud » pour :

  • Découvrir pourquoi des capacités complètes pour l'intégration de données, la qualité des données, la gestion des données de référence et la gouvernance des données sont essentielles
  • Découvrir quatre étapes à suivre pour améliorer les performances et les résultats
  • Découvrir pourquoi les architectures Cloud native permettent une élasticité et une évolutivité accrue
  • Comprendre le rôle essentiel que jouent l'automatisation et l'IA dans l'optimisation de l'efficacité et la gestion des contraintes de ressources

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L’Analyse Du Streaming De Bloor

Votre capacité à agir sur les données en streaming quasiment en temps réel dépend de votre solution d'intégration de données pour le traitement et l'analyse de ces données. Dans son dernier rapport, Bloor Research désigne Informatica spécialiste du marché.

Téléchargez « Streaming Analytics Market Update » pour découvrir pourquoi nous sommes engagés dans la transformation des données. En savoir plus sur :

  • Les tendances qui façonnent le marché de la gestion des données en streaming
  • Les fournisseurs qui illustrent les forces et les opportunités du marché
  • Les indicateurs clés utilisés pour évaluer et classer les fournisseurs

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Faster, Simpler, More Cost-Effective Cloud Data Integration for Analytics

The more data sources you have, the more important it is to connect them to drive analytics and data science projects. Today, that means ingesting and integrating data in the cloud.

“Faster, Simpler, More Cost-Effective Cloud Data Integration for Analytics” is our strategic guide to choosing an approach that ensures you can gain value from your data faster with ETL, ELT, or elastic data processing. You will learn how to:

  • Reduce costs
  • Solve resource constraints
  • Simplify complexity

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Ventana Research: Avoiding Cloud Data Cost Overruns

If your company is investing in cloud data integration projects, there’s a good chance your monthly costs have been surprisingly high at times, especially with the skyrocketing demand for cloud computing during the pandemic.

At the same time, your data integration projects may not be driving the results you expected. While cloud data management provides greater flexibility in terms of resources and budget, it can be hard to strike the right balance between cost vs. benefit when:

  • Resource constraints limit scalability and provide disappointing performance
  • Many cloud applications aren’t as robust as their on-premises counterparts
  • Combining multiple applications creates operational and technical complexity

Download the white paper now to access more proven ways to conquer your cloud data cost overruns while resolving inefficient data integration.

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Bloor Research Data Governance Market Update

In the Bloor Streaming Analytics Market Update, you’ll discover the names of leading data integration and streaming analytics vendors. Each vendor is divided into one of three categories, making it easy for you to understand who’s who in data integration and streaming analytics. You’ll also:

  • Learn about the top three trends in streaming data management today
  • See why open-source technology no longer offers a strong competitive edge
  • Explore the eight metrics used to rank and assess a wide range of vendors

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DoorDash Gift Card 

See a demo of Qrvey, the embedded analytics platform for SaaS providers, and you can qualify for a FREE $50 DoorDash Gift Card as our way of saying thanks!

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4 Types of Analytics Solutions & What They Mean for SaaS

You’re constantly making decisions that have long-term effects on your company and your products. One of the biggest decisions facing SaaS companies is how to effectively implement the right type of analytics solution for your products.

Analytics is easily one of the most under-estimated features in most product roadmaps, and I’ve been watching companies for 20 years struggle to get off the ground with their developments. There are so many choices for analytics and here I outline four distinct types of solutions that can help guide you in choosing the best type for your product.

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What Is Infused Analytics For SaaS Companies?

In the SaaS world today, competition is fierce. Competition isn’t just about acquiring new customers, but also new partners and investors. SaaS founders know they need to stand out from the pack. But how and where do they create the most value and differentiation?

SaaS companies get their start in many ways. Often founders start with an industry or service that is familiar to them where they know a gap exists and then create a new software company to solve that problem. You see this in many verticals such as legal software, restaurant management, and real estate. SaaS companies exist to create solutions specifically for those industries, and their teams often know those industries inside and out.

However, a common thread within SaaS companies that specialize, is that every company’s customers expect their software provider to also be an expert at analytics, and unfortunately that simply is not the case. That’s where Infused Analytics for SaaS Companies comes in.

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DoorDash Gift Card 

See a demo of Qrvey, the embedded analytics platform for SaaS providers, and you can qualify for a FREE $50 DoorDash Gift Card as our way of saying thanks!

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4 Types of Analytics Solutions & What They Mean for SaaS

You’re constantly making decisions that have long-term effects on your company and your products. One of the biggest decisions facing SaaS companies is how to effectively implement the right type of analytics solution for your products.

Analytics is easily one of the most under-estimated features in most product roadmaps, and I’ve been watching companies for 20 years struggle to get off the ground with their developments. There are so many choices for analytics and here I outline four distinct types of solutions that can help guide you in choosing the best type for your product.

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What Is Infused Analytics For SaaS Companies?

In the SaaS world today, competition is fierce. Competition isn’t just about acquiring new customers, but also new partners and investors. SaaS founders know they need to stand out from the pack. But how and where do they create the most value and differentiation?

SaaS companies get their start in many ways. Often founders start with an industry or service that is familiar to them where they know a gap exists and then create a new software company to solve that problem. You see this in many verticals such as legal software, restaurant management, and real estate. SaaS companies exist to create solutions specifically for those industries, and their teams often know those industries inside and out.

However, a common thread within SaaS companies that specialize, is that every company’s customers expect their software provider to also be an expert at analytics, and unfortunately that simply is not the case. That’s where Infused Analytics for SaaS Companies comes in.

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DoorDash Gift Card 

See a demo of Qrvey, the embedded analytics platform for SaaS providers, and you can qualify for a FREE $50 DoorDash Gift Card as our way of saying thanks!

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4 Types of Analytics Solutions & What They Mean for SaaS

You’re constantly making decisions that have long-term effects on your company and your products. One of the biggest decisions facing SaaS companies is how to effectively implement the right type of analytics solution for your products.

Analytics is easily one of the most under-estimated features in most product roadmaps, and I’ve been watching companies for 20 years struggle to get off the ground with their developments. There are so many choices for analytics and here I outline four distinct types of solutions that can help guide you in choosing the best type for your product.

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What Is Infused Analytics For SaaS Companies?

In the SaaS world today, competition is fierce. Competition isn’t just about acquiring new customers, but also new partners and investors. SaaS founders know they need to stand out from the pack. But how and where do they create the most value and differentiation?

SaaS companies get their start in many ways. Often founders start with an industry or service that is familiar to them where they know a gap exists and then create a new software company to solve that problem. You see this in many verticals such as legal software, restaurant management, and real estate. SaaS companies exist to create solutions specifically for those industries, and their teams often know those industries inside and out.

However, a common thread within SaaS companies that specialize, is that every company’s customers expect their software provider to also be an expert at analytics, and unfortunately that simply is not the case. That’s where Infused Analytics for SaaS Companies comes in.

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Wisdom of Crowds® Business Intelligence Market Study

Dresner Advisory Services has just unveiled their “2022 Business Intelligence Market Study,” an in-depth look at the business intelligence industry that ranks more than two dozen BI vendors in areas like product, service, support and overall customer satisfaction. How does your current BI vendor stack up against the competition? Who’s the perfect vendor for your business needs? Find out by downloading your complimentary copy today!

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