How Data Integration Boosts a Competitive Edge in a Multi-Cloud Ecosystem

If you’re like nearly 80% of organizations,1 you rely on a variety of cloud platforms to store your data and provide critical business functions.

Multi-cloud data integration can bring them together to provide the cross-organizational analytics and insights your business needs to beat the competition.

Download the “Winning with Multi-Cloud: How to Drive a Competitive Advantage and Overcome Data Integration Challenges” eBook to:

  • Understand the benefits and risks of implementing a multi-cloud strategy.
  • Explore the common data integration challenges for multi-cloud data management.
  • Learn how the right data integration and data management platform can help you bridge the multi-cloud divide and meet your analytics and insights requirements.
  • Discover how other companies are delivering better customer experiences, improving productivity, and powering automation with cloud data integration.

1. IDC study.

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Plus & Minus Pricing

Our unique 1 file/format design allows us to offer our fully-featured accounting/ERP software at a much lower price than those of more expensive, complex, and program-intensive accounting software solutions. With Plus & Minus, you get a complete system that includes all the functionality necessary for running your business without any modules, expensive add-ons, and charges for email, EFTs, and document imaging.

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Plus & Minus Innovative Design

Plus & Minus brings you comprehensive, real-time cloud accounting software using a unique 1 file/format design. Plus & Minus Software Corp. is a Veteran Owned Business involved in the creation and modification of streamlined and reliable accounting software for numerous diverse industries since 1982. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Watch this video to learn more!

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Plus & Minus Features

We dare you to compare the Plus & Minus comprehensive solution for accounting software to our competitors based on an equal number of accounting functions, reports, and performance.

Our 1 file/format design is a complete accounting software solution resulting in invaluable real-time business insights and intelligence for all types and sizes of businesses. All accounting functions are available for a one-time per user license fee of $1,000. The 1 file/format design provides all functions and capabilities a business needs with minimal software and hardware overhead.

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Plus & Minus Accounting Software

Plus & Minus is the most comprehensive, fastest, and competitively priced accounting software solution a business needs to maximize profitability and growth.

The strength of Plus & Minus is in the design of the product. There are no data silos. Financial data is always within reach of any account and time period or range of accounts and range of time.

With a simple design this software eliminates three of the greatest problems our competitors are burdened with: complexity, reliability, and maintenance. Download the whitepaper now to learn more about Plus & Minus Accounting Software.

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The Future Is Here: Multicloud for the Distributed World

Recent global events like the Global Financial Collapse and COVID-19 pandemic have transformed how we build technology. The future is now here and it has brought multicloud with it. Read the white paper to learn how to master the “new normal” of today’s multi-service, multicloud, and multi-geography approach to technology.

Read and discover:

  • Key factors that have driven the adoption of multicloud.
  • How multicloud enables unprecedented choice and flexibility.
  • The unique challenges that have arisen as multicloud has become the norm.
  • How Redis Enterprise can help overcome challenges around new multicloud distributed applications.

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The Total Economic Impact Of Redis Enterprise

The digital economy demands ultra-fast, real-time data processing to meet customer needs, and Redis Enterprise meets those demands with better performance and higher uptime at a lower cost than customers’ legacy SQL and NoSQL databases.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study commissioned by Redis to see how a composite Redis customer achieved:

  • $1.8M in savings on new projects, competitor transitions, and relational database conversions.
  • $1.6M in new revenue from accelerated time to market enabled by Redis’ speed and stability.
  • $952K in avoided downtime and SLA penalties from improved performance.
  • $949K in improved efficiency for IT and DevOps teams.

All told, the composite customer realized 350% ROI and $4.12M in net present value over three years—with payback of less than 6 months.

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Latency is the New Outage

More organizations are tying their future success to digital and online business. As brands expand their digital customer experiences, they rely on applications hosted on different infrastructures, in different geographies, and with different providers.

IT, operations teams, and developers that previously obsessed over availability and uptime of applications are now faced with a new challenge: latency. Download the white paper and discover how to tackle the challenge of speed.

Top Reasons to Download:

  • Know what slow applications can cost your business, and why response time is more critical than ever.
  • Learn how leading brands are delivering speed in a complex world of applications for digital consumers.
  • Get the intelligence you need to deliver your customers the lowest latency possible.

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The Total Economic Impact Of Redis Enterprise

The digital economy demands ultra-fast, real-time data processing to meet customer needs, and Redis Enterprise meets those demands with better performance and higher uptime at a lower cost than customers’ legacy SQL and NoSQL databases.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study commissioned by Redis to see how a composite Redis customer achieved:

  • $1.8M in savings on new projects, competitor transitions, and relational database conversions.
  • $1.6M in new revenue from accelerated time to market enabled by Redis’ speed and stability.
  • $952K in avoided downtime and SLA penalties from improved performance.
  • $949K in improved efficiency for IT and DevOps teams.

All told, the composite customer realized 350% ROI and $4.12M in net present value over three years—with payback of less than 6 months.

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The Future Is Here: Multicloud for the Distributed World

Recent global events like the Global Financial Collapse and COVID-19 pandemic have transformed how we build technology. The future is now here and it has brought multicloud with it. Read the white paper to learn how to master the “new normal” of today’s multi-service, multicloud, and multi-geography approach to technology.

Read and discover:

  • Key factors that have driven the adoption of multicloud.
  • How multicloud enables unprecedented choice and flexibility.
  • The unique challenges that have arisen as multicloud has become the norm.
  • How Redis Enterprise can help overcome challenges around new multicloud distributed applications.

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Latency is the New Outage

More organizations are tying their future success to digital and online business. As brands expand their digital customer experiences, they rely on applications hosted on different infrastructures, in different geographies, and with different providers.

IT, operations teams, and developers that previously obsessed over availability and uptime of applications are now faced with a new challenge: latency. Download the white paper and discover how to tackle the challenge of speed.

Top Reasons to Download:

  • Know what slow applications can cost your business, and why response time is more critical than ever.
  • Learn how leading brands are delivering speed in a complex world of applications for digital consumers.
  • Get the intelligence you need to deliver your customers the lowest latency possible.

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MyTeam11 Case Study

MyTeam11 is the new global leader in the market of fantasy sports sites, ensuring that each user gets benefits and rewards at the end of any contest.

MyTeam11 is a leading option when it comes to sports like cricket, football (soccer), kabaddi, hockey, basketball, handball, volleyball, rugby, and baseball. Read this case study to find out why MyTeam11 choose Redis Enterprise Cloud, instead of Amazon Elasticache, for it’s extremely unpredictable data loads.

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6 Key Elements of Enterprise Caching

As your business grows, so do the demands and complexity of your caching layer. This means that you will eventually outgrow basic caching and require an enterprise solution that delivers performance, resilience, and cost-efficiency at scale.

But what is enterprise caching? Download the checklist to discover:

  • What enterprise caching is and why you need it.
  • What the 6 key elements of enterprise caching are.
  • How enterprise caching maximizes application performance.

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Caching at Scale with Redis

This is the only primer you need to understand what application caching is, why and when it’s needed, and how to get the best performance from your applications using advanced enterprise application caching techniques.

You’ll also learn about:

  • The role of caching in modern application stack.
  • Horizontal and vertical scaling techniques.
  • Caching in the cloud.
  • Caching at enterprise scale.

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Caching for Microservices Solution Brief

Redis Enterprise was designed and built with many of the same core principles that guide microservices architectures: agility, resilience, scalability, and flexibility.

This alignment makes Redis Enterprise an ideal caching solution for microservices applications. But not only does Redis Enterprise align with the strengths of microservices – it also helps overcome two key microservices challenges: complexity and latency.

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