Big Security for Big Data

In order to meet current security problems, a new paradigm shift needs to occur. Businesses need the ability to secure data, collect it, and aggregate into an intelligent format, so that real-time alerting and reporting can take place. The first step is to establish complete visibility so that you can monitor your data and those who access it. Next, you need to understand the context, so that you can focus on assets that are critical to your business. Finally, you need to utilize the intelligence gathered so that you can harden your attack surface and stop attacks before data is exfiltrated. This white paper will give you the information you need to get started.
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Why IBM Operational Decision Management?

By using IBM Operational Decision Management (IBM ODM) software for implementing decision logic, you can realize a major advancement in bridging the gap between business people and IT. The solution provides capabilities for the line-of-business to define policies in a form that is both understandable by the non-technical user and deployable to the systems that use them to automate decisions, facilitating clear communication between the policy managers defining the requirements and the developers implementing the business system solution.
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SOA Design Principles for Dummies

What you may call basic SOA or IT - centric SOA applies SOA principles to the flexible integration of an enterprise IT portfolio. But controlling interactions through well-defined services and interfaces certainly applies to mobile, social, cloud, and Big Data solutions as well. SOA is simply good design for IT integration and for the business solutions of an ever-more-connected and ever-more-distributed world. This book is a guide to applying the design principles of SOA to the business problems of today.
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Big Data, Big Advantages

Join SlashDot Media Editor, Joe Maglitta as he takes a look at the hard and soft ROI of leveraging big data, based on real experiences from top organizations
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Big Data and Analytics, SAP Style

Is your head spinning from trying to understand how to best capture, organize, understand and leverage Big Data? You're not alone. Join Slashdot Media Editor Joe Maglitta and his team of industry experts, for a clear look at SAP's strategy and offerings.
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Managing Big Data – A Key To BI Success

Explore how organizations of every size are recording more data than ever, but still letting Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabytes fly by unanalyzed. Managing these gigantic flows, probing massive respositories and speedily extracting actionable business intelligence is a major opportunity for enterprises.
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Improve Performance, Availability and Affordability in the Era of Big Data

Organizations around the world continue to see massive data growth in OLTP, analytics and data warehousing systems. At the same time, business users require new applications to be deployed faster and cheaper, have high availability, and provide excellent performance. Can your IT ecosystem continue to excel while embracing this growth and meeting user needs? Learn how to overcome today's data management challenges with innovative database software designed for the new era of big data.
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Big Data is Talking. Are You Listening?

This interactive white paper from CIO Magazine and EMC lays out the benefits of big data and predictive analytics, provides tips on how to get started, and shares the remarkable results that businesses have achieved by marrying these two powerhouses. Embedded videos feature Gerry McCartney, CIO of Purdue University and Jeremy Burton, Chief Marketing Officer of EMC with Bill Cook, President of EMC's Greenplum Division. And a quick survey provides benchmarking between CIO peers.
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Big Data. Evolution? Game Changer? Definitely.

In a recent survey of CIOs conducted for EMC by CIO Magazine, almost half the respondents said they agreed with this statement: "Big Data analytics is an evolution but not a revolution in the area of data warehousing, databases, and big file systems." The rest were about evenly divided among "game changer", "pipedream", "and not sure". What's up with that? Isn't Big Data changing the world?
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The Risks of Using Spreadsheets for Statistical Analysis

Spreadsheets are widely used for statistical analysis; and while they are incredibly useful tools, they are useful only to a certain point. When used for a task they're not designed to perform, or for a task at or beyond the limit of their capabilities, spreadsheets can actually be dangerous. This paper presents some points you should consider if you use, or plan to use, a spreadsheet to perform statistical analysis. It also describes an alternative that in many cases will be more suitable.
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Five Limitations of Spreadsheet Analysis

If you're looking for an alternative to using spreadsheets, take a few minutes to check out our game, The Limitations of Spreadsheet Analysis. You will find out how easy it is to carry out your analytical tasks with IBM SPSS Statistics...and have fun doing it!
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