Why DBMSs Matter More than Ever in the Big Data Era

Big data promises valuable insights that are enticing organizations to invest in analytics and BI tools. Yet many overlook the need for a DBMS that can stand up to the strain big data places on the underlying infrastructure. This ePaper explores the DBMS characteristics of most importance in a big data setting.
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Future-Proof Your Data Environment

In this era of big data, business and IT leaders across all industries are looking for ways to easily and cost-effectively unlock the value of enterprise data that resides in both transactional processing and data warehouse systems. They are trying to quickly implement new solutions to gain additional insight from this data to improve outcomes across all areas of the business, while simultaneously optimizing resource utilization and reducing costs. IBM® DB2® for Linux, UNIX and Windows is a multi-workload database management solution built for these challenges. Built with CIOs in mind, this interactive online tool offers new insights in form of analyst research papers, problem/solution guides and direct client feedback about Total Cost of Ownership and overall efficiencies gained by selecting DB2.
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Database Reliability and Deployment Trends Survey

High reliability and system availability are absolutely crucial for database and the underlying server hardware. A 67% majority of organizations now require that their databases deliver a minimum of four, five or six "nines" of uptime for their most mission critical applications. That is the equivalent of 52 seconds to 52 minutes of unplanned downtime per database/per annum. Those are the results of ITIC's 2013 - 2014 Database Reliability and Deployment Trends Survey, an independent Web-based survey which polled 600 organizations worldwide from August through October 2013. IBM DB2 and Informix databases, followed closely by Microsoft SQL Server, achieved the highest overall reliability and customer satisfaction ratings for product performance, security, technical service and support and the value of its pricing and licensing agreements. Oracle DB scored high for reliability and performance but lagged far behind IBM and Microsoft in customer satisfaction with pricing, licensing and technical support.
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Business Analytics Buying Criteria: The Three Maxims

In this Advisory, Clabby Analytics looks more closely at the importance of implementing an integrated infrastructure - and its relationship to business analytics. The paper will examine the business analytics workloads, discuss how these workloads put different demands on the underlying systems and infrastructure, and provide guidance designing an integrated business analytics environment that will provide organizations with high performance, resiliency, and a scalable growth path.
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IBM Special Report: Designed for Business

Forward-thinking organizations are recognizing the superiority of Power Systems technology. The Power Systems family offers the ultimate system for today's compute intensive business applications and databases. Power Systems continues to prove itself as the ultimate system for compute intensive workloads, high performance analytics, high performance UNIX, and high performance computing.
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Save your Data while Saving your Budget: Bottom-line benefits of Cloud-Connected™ Backup and Recovery

How can you improve data protection in your organization while reducing your overall budget? Simply, with a cloud-connected (hybrid) backup and recovery strategy that helps you move from a capital-intensive backup model to a pay-as-you go structure that provides better data security in day-to-day operations and faster recovery if disaster strikes.

Join presenters Eric Jewett, Microsoft Worldwide Director, Windows Azure Enterprise Strategy, and David A. Chapa, EVault Chief Technology Evangelist, to learn how cloud-connected can help your IT organization do more with less.

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SIEM & Compliance: 10 Ways to Build a Better Big Data Security Strategy

The age of siloed data collection and databases is over. The explosion of data in the enterprise - coupled with the three-prong advance of cloud computing, social media, and mobile - is changing the rate and the amount of data organizations and their IT departments collect. With all this data comes increased security risks. Most IT departments are running data security plans that were designed for the age of in-house, on-premise databases. In short, those data security plans are now seriously out of date.

This IT Manager's Journal tackles the security and compliance challenges posed by Big Data in the age of social media, mobile and the cloud. Learn how to build a better Big Data security strategy that will better manage risk, ensure proper compliance, and secure your organization's sensitive data. Learn 10 ways you and your IT group can start to protect big data today.

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IBM Analytic Answers for Retail Purchase Analysis and Offer Targeting

Many small and midsize retailers could benefit from using advanced analytics to understand their customers better and improve promotions but are daunted by the prospect. They are aware that advanced analytics can help retailers turn purchase data into retail excellence. However, they perceive that advanced analytics requires massive infrastructure changes, expensive software licenses, analytics expertise, long lead times and major upfront capital expenses.
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The real-world use of big data

This study highlights the phases of the big data journey, the objectives and challenges of midsize organizations taking the journey, and the current state of the technology that they are using to drive results. It also offers a pragmatic course of action for midsize companies to take as they dive into this new era of computing.
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10 Ways to Boost Computing Performance in Midsize Organizations

With the growing demand for faster business applications and the rapid spread of technology trends like Big Data, computing performance has never been more important. The challenges for midsize businesses are even greater. With fewer resources, IT teams in midmarket organizations need to be able to deliver mission-critical applications at full-horsepower to employees. They also need to be able to do more with less -- more computing power with fewer servers, smaller teams and leaner budgets. This IT Managers' Journal delivers 10 ways IT managers and data center professionals in midsize organizations can deliver more computing power to meet the promises they have made. Topics covered include Linux servers, IBM Power Systems, SAP applications and business systems, a real-world case study showcasing the benefits of replacing underperforming servers, Big Data, techniques for better server management and more. Download this exclusive IT Managers' Journal and learn how to get more out of your data centers today.
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IBM DB2 and SAP software: Optimized for accelerated analytics

The enterprise database provides the critical foundation for any SAP implementation. It must deliver exceptional performance for timely decision making while controlling costs and complexity. IBM® DB2® is uniquely designed to fulfill this need. This brochure highlights: IBM® DB2® with BLU Acceleration includes new capabilities that help enhance performance, simplify management and reduce the total cost of ownership for organizations using the SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse application.
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Thinking outside the data warehouse

The IBM portfolio combines data warehousing, business analytics and information management software, hardware and solutions. Businesses can use IBM technologies to increase agility, boost performance, lower TCO, maximize value of data assets and make better decisions, faster.
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The Big Data Zoo—Taming the Beasts

Big data is probably the single most important trend in information usage for both business and IT in the past decade. It is changing the way companies make decisions, do business, succeed or fail. Using information and insights intelligently to anticipate and profit from change.
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