Learn Five Reasons to Invest in Next-Gen Privileged Access Management

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is one of the most important areas of risk management and security in any organization. Changing business practices, agile software development and digital transformation has meant that PAM solutions need an enhanced set of features to reduce the risk of privileged accounts being hijacked in this more challenging operating environment.

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Strategies for successfully managing privileged accounts

One of the most important aspects of an identity and access management (IAM) program is the securing, management and governance of the accounts belonging to superusers — privileged accounts. Like the accounts used by regular users, these superuser accounts require access management – ensuring that admins have the access they need to do their job — and governance – ensuring that there is oversight and control over that access, often for the purpose of compliance. Unfortunately, privileged accounts have some unique idiosyncrasies that make both access management and governance difficult or impossible with traditional PAM methods. To learn how to deal with those unique characteristics and manage your privileged accounts successfully, assume that the ideal PAM program addresses the broadest range of privileged accounts and elevated-access users. That’s where the problems start for most organizations.

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KuppingerCole Whitepaper: Enhance Privileged Access Management Solutions

Before there were privileged access management (PAM) solutions, it seemed that everyone was given access to privileged accounts with little regard for who had access, when they had access and what they did with that access. As security breaches started to rise and compliance regulations were written, it was obvious that manual processes and home-grown approaches to privileged access management solutions weren’t enough. Why make the investment to next-gen PAM? After we briefly cover the history of first-gen and next-gen PAM solutions, we will give you five reasons to consider purchasing next-gen PAM solutions. At minimum, we think you’ll be intrigued and, at best, convinced you need to procure next-gen for your organization.

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Get ahead of your next security breach – 5 Steps to mitigate the risks of privileged accounts

Privileged accounts are a necessity in any enterprise IT environment, since they enable administrators to manage the environment. But as news reports constantly remind us, granting privileged access increases the risk of a security breach, no matter what industry your organization represents. However, your organization does not have to become the next statistic. By taking the five concrete steps outlined in this paper, you can help protect your organization from the risks inherent in privileged accounts.

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5 Innovative Trends In E-Commerce

Improve Conversions, Increase Revenue, and Boost Brand Loyalty.

Early digital transformation adopters are leveraging new technologies and capitalizing on hot trends resulting in improved conversions, increases in revenue and boosts in brand loyalty.

Download the Cloudinary eBook, Elevating the Digital Experience: 5 Innovative Trends in E-commerce, and learn how to leverage the hottest trends in digital media to increase your bottom line.

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A Better User Experience and Improved Conversions for Reformation

Reformation — a leading sustainable fashion brand — focuses primarily on eCommerce, with more than half of their customers visiting its website using mobile devices. Relying on a basic, outof-the-box functionality of their existing eCommerce platform, Reformation struggled to deliver images that were optimized to suit the context of every user’s device and videos that weren’t choppy and hard to watch. After integrating Cloudinary into its media workflow, Reformation was finally able to deliver high-fidelity and high-performant images, as well as videos, for each individual visitor’s device and bandwidth requirements. These changes not only simplified their media workflow, it gave Reformation’s customers a better experience that resulted in a significant improvement of its conversions and brand satisfaction.

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How to create, distribute and manage video content to drive ecommerce

Today, video is the most compelling content on the web, and is undeniably one of the most powerful tools available to retailers in the internet age. Yet how to create, edit, manage and distribute video across devices – and across a whole retail business – at the scale needed to satisfy the massive and growing hunger for video content is a real challenge.

This whitepaper will not only outline the familiar ideas of the power of video and why it is important, but will also focus on how to create, manage and distribute this content at scale and across channels and platforms for reuse – efficiently and cost effectively, with real ROI goals

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Streamlined Media Management Optimizes Performance and User Experience for StubHub

As StubHub evolved from a lightweight website to one that was rich with images, videos and custom views from seat locations at event venues around the world, it sought a way to streamline media management. The company implemented Cloudinary, which automated a time-consuming and complex image and video upload and management process, resulting in a 60% reduction in page weight and achieving a three times faster page load time. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content and created a single source of truth for all their media assets.

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How to create, distribute and manage video content to drive ecommerce

Today, video is the most compelling content on the web, and is undeniably one of the most powerful tools available to retailers in the internet age. Yet how to create, edit, manage and distribute video across devices – and across a whole retail business – at the scale needed to satisfy the massive and growing hunger for video content is a real challenge.

This whitepaper will not only outline the familiar ideas of the power of video and why it is important, but will also focus on how to create, manage and distribute this content at scale and across channels and platforms for reuse – efficiently and cost effectively, with real ROI goals

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Streamlined Media Management Optimizes Performance and User Experience for StubHub

As StubHub evolved from a lightweight website to one that was rich with images, videos and custom views from seat locations at event venues around the world, it sought a way to streamline media management. The company implemented Cloudinary, which automated a time-consuming and complex image and video upload and management process, resulting in a 60% reduction in page weight and achieving a three times faster page load time. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content and created a single source of truth for all their media assets.

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A Better User Experience and Improved Conversions for Reformation

Reformation — a leading sustainable fashion brand — focuses primarily on eCommerce, with more than half of their customers visiting its website using mobile devices. Relying on a basic, out-of-the-box functionality of their existing eCommerce platform, Reformation struggled to deliver images that were optimized to suit the context of every user’s device and videos that weren’t choppy and hard to watch. After integrating Cloudinary into its media workflow, Reformation was finally able to deliver high-fidelity and high-performant images, as well as videos, for each individual visitor’s device and bandwidth requirements. These changes not only simplified their media workflow, it gave Reformation’s customers a better experience that resulted in a significant improvement of its conversions and brand satisfaction.

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5 Innovative Trends In E-Commerce

Improve Conversions, Increase Revenue, and Boost Brand Loyalty.

Early digital transformation adopters are leveraging new technologies and capitalizing on hot trends resulting in improved conversions, increases in revenue and boosts in brand loyalty.

Download the Cloudinary eBook, Elevating the Digital Experience: 5 Innovative Trends in E-commerce, and learn how to leverage the hottest trends in digital media to increase your bottom line.

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Remote PC Access – Tech Insight Video

Discover how to quickly allow users access to their physical work PC when they aren't able to make it to the office by using remote PC access. From the user perspective, they can use any device, whether it be a smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, using any operating system and connect to the organization's site. Once they authenticate, which can include numerous multifactor authentication options, they initiate a connection to their work PC. This experience allows the user to access any application, website, or content as if they were physically located within the office.

Let's now take a look at the conceptual architecture of how remote PC functions.

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Webinar On-Demand: Workforce continuity and the Future of Work

Explore the Future of work with Scott Lane and Bryan Mann as they tackle relevant workforce topics such as:

  • Powering a better way to work a Citrix History.
  • Threats to Business and Workforce Continuity.
  • Business Continuity vs. Workforce Continuity.
  • Business Payoffs Beyond Business Continuity.
  • Zero to Remote Access in 10 Minutes.

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