Assess Your Software Asset Management Maturity Level and Develop a Plan for Improvement

Managing the software licensing landscape within most companies is a complex task, which is made more complicated by the sheer number of contracts to be managed (hundreds, if not thousands) as well as the different types of licenses that must be administered. Industry trends such as virtualization, cloud, and increased flexibility in software licensing have added to this challenge, ensuring that the complexities associated with understanding and managing software assets continue to increase.
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Ovum SWOT Assessment: CA Release Automation

Chandranshu writes that downstream software lifecycle processes, e.g. release automation, are getting increased attention due to trends like continuous delivery and continuous deployment. He says that release automation helps organizations avoid production issues caused by erroneous releases.

CA Release Automation can help organizations move towards continuous delivery, he says, and organizations considering DevOps adoption should shortlist it. Its tight integration with CA Service Virtualization, he adds, makes for a compelling offering for those looking to speed up application delivery.

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Staying Agile with Big Data

Like any major technology project, organizations implementing Big Data projects face challenges with aligning business cases, selecting the right technology solutions, and mobilizing the right skillsets. Big data projects add some unique challenges to the mix. With growing awareness of the value of data, organizations must innovate rapidly in the use of that data to preserve competitive edge. And, as they implement solutions, they must contend with a technology base that is becoming a rapidly moving target.
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Choosing the Right Storage Platform for Splunk Enterprise

To help businesses easily and cost-effectively realize the benefits of operational analytics, Red Hat has integrated Splunk® Enterprise, an industry-leading platform for delivering real-time operational intelligence, with Red Hat® Gluster Storage, a software-defined storage platform for files, objects, and machine-to-machine data. Using these products together helps enterprise solve the cost and scale problems of explosive analytic data growth.
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IDC MaturityScape: Software License Optimization

This study provides organizations with a framework of stages, critical measures, outcomes, and actions required for the effective management of software license assets for the purposes of spend optimization. IDC's Software License Optimization MaturityScape can be used to assess current competencies and maturity and identify steps for improvement as well as help identify the critical people, process, and technology strategies that help drive effective software license optimization.
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DevOps: Enterprise Organizations Newest Best Practices

The research shows DevOps delivers 18% faster time-to-market and 19% better app quality/performance.

The application economy is motivating leaders to make critical changes across IT and the business, one of the most significant being the adoption of DevOps. For enterprise IT organizations who need to accelerate delivery of apps and provide customers with higher-quality software, faster, DevOps–with its focus on collaboration across IT domains from development to delivery–is increasingly the answer.

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Building a Shortcut Between Innovation and Business Value

Struggling with delivering new capabilities to the market in a timely manner? Start your DevOps journey now and learn how implementing Continuous Delivery solution can be the ultimate competitive differentiator for your business.

Read this executive brief to learn:

How to bring innovation and business value together more rapidly How to improve Communication and collaboration between development and operations teams How to improve quality and increase visibility to the application deployment process.

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DevOps Perspectives: IT luminaries discuss the major issues impacting DevOps today

Industry leaders share insights on DevOps and big data, ITIL, testing and more. Once again, we have spent time talking to leading community figures such as Dave Farley (“Continuous Delivery” author) to discuss the major issues impacting DevOps today.

This latest issue features comments from 10 experts and covers many hot topics such as:

• Enterprise DevOps transformation

• DevOps and big data

• DevOps and ITIL

• Shadow IT vs DevOps

• 6 Habits of Effective DevOps Practitioners

• DevOps and Testing

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Automating the Application Release Process: Build vs. Buy

As application complexity continues to increase and the demand to improve time to market continues to grow, organizations are increasingly embracing Application Release Automation to help them maintain a competitive advantage. This white paper will help you understand how an Application Release Automation solution can help you save valuable resources and streamline your application deployment process and avoid many of the pitfalls customers have experience in attempting to develop and maintaining in-house scripts.
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Dysfunction Junction: A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

There has been growing buzz about DevOps. DevOps is a methodology that unites the often separate functions of software development (Dev) and production and operations (Ops) into a single, integrated, and continuous process. DevOps is about breaking down the barriers between Dev and Ops. It leverages people, processes, and technology to stimulate collaboration and innovation across the entire software development and release process.

Dev and Ops should always be part of an integrated process, but that’s not always as easy as it sounds. You may be stuck in what we call “Dysfunction Junction.” Read this eBooklet to learn about the pitfalls of DevOps, how you can avoid them, and how to get started on your DevOps journey.

This whitepaper is in Portuguese.

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Evolved Capacity Management: Six Key Steps to Success

Effective capacity management has become a critical differentiator for IT organizations. Those that can’t effectively evolve their capacity management practice will continue to struggle with complexity and negligible insights into capacity sizing and the impact of changing demand and resulting service/application performance.

However, those that gain advanced capacity management capabilities will be able to more effectively right-size investments, support key IT projects, and align resources with business objectives. This paper offers a practical look at capacity management, outlining the six key steps IT organizations can take to realize capacity management that delivers maximum value.

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