Business Intelligence and Analytics: Key Drivers for Enterprise Adoption

You've heard all the buzzwords. Big Data. Mobility. The Cloud. Security. These four issues continue to vex IT at companies of every size around the globe. Which challenges are most pressing, and what should IT and LOB both be doing to resolve the challenges of the day?
To find out, IBM and Slashdot Media polled more than 500 visitors to Slashdot, using an online survey that asked what four technology trends or developments concerned them the most, and what things about each prompted that concern.
More than ever, businesses today need to be responsive to changing conditions, act quickly on new business opportunities, and improve customer service. To accomplish these objectives, many organizations are turning to the benefits offered by increased mobility. However, taking a “mobile first” approach requires new thinking to address the challenges mobility can introduce. Specifically, it brings new platform, application development, access, data protection, and security challenges.
A recent survey of IT professionals conducted by Slashdot Media asked four key questions about businesses’ plans for mobility and the key factors when undertaking a mobile strategy. Register now to see the results of that survey.
Companies today are struggling with how to deal the 3 "Vs" of their data. They must manage and use vastly larger volumes of data. They must incorporate a greater variety of data types such as that produced by social media and smart devices. And they must handle the velocity of today's data gathering, processing and analyzing fast-changing data in real time. In-memory technology has increasingly become the way to address the challenges of data's 3Vs and achieve business success.
A recent survey by Slashdot Media asked more than 500 IT and business managers four key questions concerning real-time, in-memory technology to support business analytics/intelligence objectives.
In the past few years Big Data has grown quickly, from fringe topic to a top concern of CIOs and business leaders. No surprise; organizations of all sizes are drowning in ever-growing pools of data, desperate to put it to good use.
To better understand the challenges, opportunities and practices related to Big Data, Slashdot Media recently conducted a survey of 500 IT and business leaders, with a special focus on the role of business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA).