Sponsor: Box

Sharing Simplified: Consolidating Multiple File Sharing Technologies

Employees need to share content with colleagues throughout the organization and, increasingly, with others not directly employed by their company. However, traditional ECM technologies make it hard to share content within a single business and, in many cases, impossible to do between organizations. Ideally, multiple file sharing technologies would be consolidated into a single solution with the following characteristics: intuitive, accessible, comprehensive, connectable, embeddable, secure, scalable, reliable, and affordable. Box meets and exceeds these criteria.
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Power to the People – Identify and Empower Your Mobile Workforce

One-in-two mobile owners in the US owns a smartphone, and many more own tablets. As most of these same consumers adapt their personal lifestyle to be "mobile first", they expect their employers to be there to meet them. Taking this on seems daunting, as IT has less ability to enforce a single standard than ever before. Not taking action, however, and ignoring this trend risks exposing corporate data to public clouds with no visibility on the part of IT. Enforcing a single standard will do a lot to serve all users partially, but none particularly well.
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