Sponsor: CA Technology

DevOps and Enterprise Mobile: An eBook from the editors of FierceMobileIT

Mobile applications could be considered a blessing and a curse for enterprise IT.

On one hand, the smaller, more discreet functionality implied by most (though not all) mobile apps offers to help IT continue to break from its past history of monolithic applications, scope creep, and so on.

That’s something mobile has in common with DevOps – the mosh pit of development/deployment/operations that pushes companies toward automation, continuous deployment of small updates, and generally a more holisitic view of how software applications work in a business setting.

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Everyone SHIFT-LEFT to High-Velocity Application Delivery

When it comes to delivering applications, what if you could SHIFT your timeline LEFT and turn out apps 25 to 50 percent faster with higher quality and less labor? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and achieve 100 percent return on your investment by the time you deliver your next application? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and make DevOps a reality?
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Rapprocher innovation et valeur métier

Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, PDG, DSI et équipes IT s’accordent sur un point. Après avoir constaté les changements survenus sur le marché, ils ont pris conscience que pour rester compétitifs, ils devaient trouver un moyen de proposer plus rapidement de nouvelles applications et fonctionnalités et de nouveaux services, d’une qualité inédite, sans encourir de risques ou de dépenses supplémentaires.
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Guide pratique de prise en main de DevOps

Dans l’économie des applications, les logiciels sont l’affaire de chaque entreprise. Dès lors, une approche DevOps devient rapidement l’une des disciplines les plus précieuses pour votre activité. Axée sur l’amélioration de la qualité des nouvelles applications et l’accélération de leur mise sur le marché, une méthodologie DevOps implique une intégration étroite entre développement et production.
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Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden für die Einführung von DevOps

In der Application Economy ist jedes Unternehmen ein Softwareunternehmen. Daher wird DevOps auch schnell zu einer der wichtigsten Disziplinen in Ihrem Unternehmen werden. Der Fokus von DevOps liegt auf der Verbesserung der Qualität und beschleunigten Bereitstellung von Anwendungen auf dem Markt. Und dazu ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Development und Operations erforderlich.
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Building a Shortcut Between Innovation and Business Value

For the first time in a long time, CEOs, CIOs and IT groups are on the same page. They’ve seen the changes in the marketplace, and they know that if they want to compete, they must find a way to deliver new applications, services and capabilities faster and at a higher quality than ever before – and do so without taking on new costs or risks.

It’s clear why the current environment is the way it is: Thanks to the innovative consumer devices and services they interact with on a daily basis, today’s users have become conditioned to expect a compelling, flawless experience from every technology they encounter – whether in or out of the office. And if the experience isn’t meeting their expectations, they have no qualms with moving on to another one that does.

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Everyone SHIFT LEFT to High-Velocity Application Delivery

When it comes to delivering applications, what if you could SHIFT your timeline LEFT and turn out apps 25 to 50 percent faster with higher quality and less labor? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and achieve 100 percent return on your investment by the time you deliver your next application? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and make DevOps a reality?
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The Digital Transformation Journey: Key Technology Considerations

In the Application Economy, speed, innovation, and quality, have become table stakes. If you can’t meet your customers’ expectations, they will surely find a competitor who can. Whether your organization is in one of the sectors facing the most intense digital competition (like insurance, banking, telecommunications or retail), or a more traditional industry, how rapidly and successfully you embrace a software-driven digital transformation strategy will likely have a profound effect on your organization’s long term viability. In this Whitepaper, learn how the Application Economy is driving Digital Transformation in companies, and how you can position your organization for success.
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Perspectivas de DevOps

Como empresa que trabaja día a día con un equipo de profesionales expertos en desarrollo y operaciones de verdaderas aplicaciones de software en todos los ámbitos del mundo real, en CA somos conscientes de que el neologismo DevOps bien merece una aclaración, un análisis y un examen.

En el marco del programa que hemos dado en bautizar como Perspectivas de DevOps de CA, hemos charlado con varias figuras destacadas de esta comunidad para abordar los principales problemas que afectan actualmente a la metodología DevOps.

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Guida pratica all’adozione di DevOps

Nell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni business dipende dal software. Per questo motivo DevOps sta rapidamente diventando una delle materie di maggior valore per l'azienda. Si focalizza sul miglioramento della qualità e sull'accelerazione della delivery di nuove applicazioni sul mercato e per ottenere questi risultati integra in maniera serrata sviluppo e operations.

Ormai ovunque, le aziende guardano con interesse a ciò che inizialmente era considerato solo un termine alla moda, potenzialmente superabile in tempi brevi da altre novità.

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DevOps Perspecitves

Collaborando ogni giorno con membri effettivi di team di operations e sviluppo di applicazioni software a ogni livello, CA Technologies è ben consapevole che il "nuovo" termine DevOps deve essere chiarito, analizzato, esaminato.
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Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation: Welche Technologien spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle?

Im Internet of Things (IoT) werden bis zum Jahr 2020 voraussichtlich 26 Milliarden Geräte installiert sein. Anbieter von IoT-Produkten und - Services werden steigende Umsätze erzielen, die 2020 die Marke von 300  Mrd.  USD überschreiten werden. Dabei wird durch Verkäufe an unterschiedliche Endmärkte ein globaler Mehrwert von 1,9 Billionen USD geschaffen werden.

Das ist viel Geld, und Unternehmen wie die MUFG Union Bank, Nordstrom und Swisscom sorgen dafür, dass sie dank geeigneter Softwareanwendungen und -services in dieser neuen Realität ganz vorn dabei sind. Kunden über diese wachsenden Channels zu erreichen und ihre Erwartungen mit beeindruckenden Experiences zu erfüllen, wird für jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen zur alltäglichen Praxis werden.

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A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

In the application economy, every business is a software business.This is why DevOps is quickly becoming one of the most valuable disciplines for your business. It’s focused on improving the quality and speed of delivering new apps to market. And it’s about tightly integrating development and operations in order to do so.

This is driving businesses everywhere to take a second look at what they may have initially thought was just a buzzword – here one day and gone the next.

Now everyone is starting to wonder, “Can we adopt a DevOps method ourselves? And will it work for us?”

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