Sponsor: CA Technology

E.P.I.C. Application Performance Management

Internet of Things, cloud, social network e altre tendenze hanno meritatamente conquistato una notevole popolarità, ma c'è un denominatore comune cruciale che potrebbe sorpassarli tutti per importanza: l'applicazione. Secondo le previsioni, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità in-app sembra destinato a raddoppiare entro il 2017, arrivando a 151 miliardi di dollari.
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La Customer Experience nell’Application Economy

Per anni abbiamo sentito parlare delle promesse del computing onnipresente e dell'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni. Oggi, con il rapido progredire del mobile computing, siamo finalmente sul punto di vedere realizzata quella visione di effettiva onnipresenza del computing e dell'accesso alle applicazioni. E quando guardiamo ai potenti trend della banda larga del mobile computing e dell'impiego diffuso dei processi agili di sviluppo e di gestione IT, è evidente il motivo per cui molte aziende stanno rilasciando con successo sempre più applicazioni.
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Migliorare la customer experience nel mondo mobile

Tablet, telefoni, orologi: ci affidiamo a loro e alle applicazioni e ai servizi che offrono. Nella nuova economia delle applicazioni, questi device hanno cambiato il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e divertirci. Pensate appositamente per i device mobile, queste app si sono affermate come potentissimi generatori di ricavi. Nel 2014, le vendite di app hanno raggiunto i 30 miliardi di dollari e si prevede che, entro il 2017, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità arriverà a 151 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti.
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Perchè Agile Operations è fondamentale per la Digital Transformation

In passato, quando gli ambienti aziendali erano meno instabili e complessi di oggi, le operations IT si occupavano esclusivamente della stabilità. Con l'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni azienda ha iniziato a produrre software e la pressione competitiva alla rapida innovazione e all'iterazione delle applicazioni sono aumentate in maniera esponenziale.
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Le agile operations e le tre vie

Praticamente ogni discussione DevOps andrà a evidenziare la trasformazione subita dai team di sviluppo nel corso della loro evoluzione dalla progettazione sequenziale di metodi a cascata all'adozione dell'approccio iterativo e agile caratteristico dei metodi Scrum. Non c'è da meravigliarsi, dato che si tratta di un processo significativo, quasi emozionante e che offre risultati impressionanti. A venire citata meno spesso, pur essendo altrettanto rilevante, è invece la transizione affrontata dai team di operations IT. In un contesto tradizionalmente noto per la sua stabilità e prevedibilità, potrebbe sembrare improprio suggerire che esista un insieme crescente di pratiche note come "agile operations". Almeno finché non si considera come il cloud computing, i microservizi, le applicazioni in container e simili stiano cambiando la stessa definizione di infrastruttura. Questa nuova infrastruttura agile, e i concetti a essa associati, come l'insuccesso pianificato, agevolano, se non proprio richiedono, la collaborazione tra dev e ops.
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API Monetization: How to Unlock the Value of Your APIs

It should come as no surprise that exposing business data outside of the enterprise creates a range of new security and management challenges. API Management solutions make it simple for even the most security-conscious organization to open their information assets without impacting data security or the performance of backend systems. So in the end, you can focus not on the risks of API monetization, but rather, on the rewards.
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APIs in Mobile Apps: Delivering the Right Balance Between App Security and Usability

In order to take full advantage of the app opportunity, businesses must open up their traditional boundaries and connect valuable and sensitive data to the outside mobile world—it’s what today’s consumers expect.

From home, the office or on the road, people want the convenience of being able to login to their email, check their credit card balances, buy new clothes, book travel, share links with social networks, copy images into reports, upload files to the cloud and more. While businesses work feverishly to answer the demand, they need to be aware of the extreme security threat involved in enabling these mobile initiatives.

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APIs Guide for Extending Your ESB/SOA Environment to Mobile, Cloud and IoT

Every enterprise has a wide variety of IT requirements where integration is needed. The rapid proliferation and adoption of cloud and mobile technologies has accentuated the financial impact of these needs. In response, the integration space has matured to include feature-rich stacks from enterprise integration vendors that provide full, multi-layer platforms in the form of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) or SOA suite. But with these very broad capabilities comes complexity—multi-layer stacks can be difficult and costly to install, debug, administer and secure.
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Ovum SWOT Assessment: CA Release Automation

Chandranshu writes that downstream software lifecycle processes, e.g. release automation, are getting increased attention due to trends like continuous delivery and continuous deployment. He says that release automation helps organizations avoid production issues caused by erroneous releases.

CA Release Automation can help organizations move towards continuous delivery, he says, and organizations considering DevOps adoption should shortlist it. Its tight integration with CA Service Virtualization, he adds, makes for a compelling offering for those looking to speed up application delivery.

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DevOps: Enterprise Organizations Newest Best Practices

The research shows DevOps delivers 18% faster time-to-market and 19% better app quality/performance.

The application economy is motivating leaders to make critical changes across IT and the business, one of the most significant being the adoption of DevOps. For enterprise IT organizations who need to accelerate delivery of apps and provide customers with higher-quality software, faster, DevOps–with its focus on collaboration across IT domains from development to delivery–is increasingly the answer.

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Building a Shortcut Between Innovation and Business Value

Struggling with delivering new capabilities to the market in a timely manner? Start your DevOps journey now and learn how implementing Continuous Delivery solution can be the ultimate competitive differentiator for your business.

Read this executive brief to learn:

How to bring innovation and business value together more rapidly How to improve Communication and collaboration between development and operations teams How to improve quality and increase visibility to the application deployment process.

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DevOps Perspectives: Ideas, insight and direction from DevOps leaders

To support digital transformation imperatives, organizations are increasingly exploring DevOps style approaches for the continuous delivery of high quality software. Unfortunately, however, many enterprises remain burdened with accumulated technical debt and legacy wasteful practices – waste that can quickly inhibit the flow of value to customers and the business. Lean thinking provides organizations with a framework by which to quickly identify all forms of waste impacting the flow of value, which DevOps practitioners can apply in a software development context to quickly pinpoint and eliminate 8 elements of waste across people, process and technology dimensions.

This paper presents the 8 elements of waste framework, strategies needed to identify and eliminate waste, and the metrics needed to measure effectiveness.

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In the application economy, DevOps ignites your digital transformation

To stand out in the application economy, businesses must add digital dimensions to the experiences they provide for customers, employees and partners. Such a “digital transformation” requires new thinking around IT—specifically, its capabilities and goals, and how the various teams must collaborate to deliver on business objectives. For many organizations, the best way to navigate the digital transformation is with DevOps.

In this ebook, you’ll learn more about the challenges digital transformation has created and how DevOps best practices, such as Agile Parallel Development, Continuous Delivery and Agile Operations, can be used to capitalize on opportunities and create competitive differentiation in the application economy.

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Crossing the DevOps Chasm 

Enterprises that depend heavily on IT to deliver services to customers are constantly driven by market pressures to better develop and release new software features to meet growing demands. Facilitating the collaboration between development and IT operations and bringing application to market faster with high quality are crucial to today’s business success.

This solution brief provides insights into the DevOps movement, why it matters and how you can cross the chasm to achieve better collaboration to deliver business value rapidly. You’ll learn how CA Technologies solutions for DevOps bring your portfolio of IT technology forward in a cadence of faster, more predictable releases, letting you confirm the results of each phase of the software life cycle toward positive business outcomes.

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