Sponsor: Imperva

10 Features Every Web App Firewall Should Provide

Web application firewalls protect data and applications against online threats. Because Web application firewalls are strategic, every organization must carefully evaluate their security, management, and deployment capabilities. This paper explains in detail the 10 features that every Web application firewall must provide.
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10 Features Every Web App Firewall Should Provide

Web application firewalls protect data and applications against online threats. Because Web application firewalls are strategic, every organization must carefully evaluate their security, management, and deployment capabilities. This paper explains in detail the 10 features that every Web application firewall must provide.
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Guide to Selecting a DDoS Mitigation Solution

Given today's threat landscape and the availability of inexpensive "Do It Yourself DDoS tools", commercial websites of all sizes have become targets of DDoS attacks. This white paper offers online businesses practical guidelines and evaluation criteria for choosing their DDoS mitigation solution.
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DDoS Response Playbook

This handbook provides you with a practical guide for planning and executing a DDoS response plan. It outlines pragmatic steps and best practices for choosing and setting up the right mitigation solution for your organization, how to authoritatively respond to an attack, and conduct a thorough post-attack analysis for developing follow-up defense strategies.
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Top 10 DDoS Attack Trends

DDoS attacks are constantly evolving, both in terms of size as well as sophistication. Not keeping up with the changes in the DDoS attack landscape could leave your business vulnerable to attacks. This paper outlines the top 10 DDoS attack trends.
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Top 10 Database Threats

Practical applications for Big Data have become widespread, and Big Data has now become the new "prize" for hackers. Worse, widespread lack of Big Data security expertise spells disaster. These threats are real. This whitepaper explains common injection points that provide an avenue for attackers to maliciously access database and Big Data components.
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The Cloud App Visibility Blindspot

This white paper covers the significant blindspot in visibility and increased risks for organizations in the face of “Shadow IT”. In addition, this paper covers why traditional controls that secure your on-premise environment don’t provide the required visibility into user activity and risks related to cloud app use.
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Digital Media and Gaming Company Protects Cloud-based Apps and Services on AWS

In anticipation of a major product launch, this online gaming company decided to host its e-commerce applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS), rather than invest significant time and money upgrading physical data centers. Delivering services in the cloud exposed the organization to web attacks, data theft, and fraud. Learn how this company found protection with Imperva SecureSphere Web Application Firewall for AWS.
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IaaS Reference Architectures: for AWS

Data center, IT and Operations Architects can now secure their web applications whether they are on-premise, in a virtual environment or in the most popular public cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS). This blueprint document provides guidance on architecting security for cloud-based web applications.
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