Converting CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
With the announcement that the CentOS Project will discontinue updates and releases of CentOS Linux® version 8 on Dec. 31, 2021 and of version 7 on June 30, 2024, many organizations began the process of reevaluating their IT environments and started to plan for a migration.
If your organization needs a production-grade operating system to run critical business systems, migrating to a fully supported Red Hat® Enterprise Linux subscription with a predictable life cycle and extensive partner ecosystem is a straight-forward process that results in a deployment with a similar user experience to that of CentOS Linux. Learn more in this overview.

State Of Linux in The Public Cloud
More and more workloads are moving to public clouds. When it comes to hybrid cloud success, consistency is key. When an operating environment is flexible, consistent, resilient, and security-focused, the overall application and user environments inherit that consistency. That consistency starts with Linux®. Read this e-book to learn more about the value of Linux for today's business cloud strategy.

Simplify Cloud Security with Red Hat And AWS
As cloud adoption grows, security continues to be a leading concern for organizations of all sizes. In fact, 79% of organizations cite security as a top cloud challenge. This concern is with good reason—45% of breaches in 2022 occurred in the cloud. To protect your business, you need the same level of security policy and access controls in the cloud that you have on-site in your datacenter.
This overview describes how using Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as your operating foundation across your datacenter and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environments helps you:
- Detect and remediate vulnerabilities at scale with Red Hat Insights.
- Ensure compliance with standards certification and built-in scanning and remediation.
- Streamline security configuration and management with automation.
Download the overview to learn how Red Hat and AWS help create the consistency you need to maintain security and compliance.

5 Surprising Benefits of Moving from Centos Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Some organizations think that using an unpaid, unsupported operating system is a way to save money. However, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® has a lower total cost of ownership over time. In this infographic, learn how Red Hat Enterprise Linux can help you reduce costs, streamline migration, gain data insights, and enforce security—all while maintaining your preferred software, hardware, and cloud vendors.

Benefits of Migrating from CentOS Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The CentOS Project will discontinue updates and releases of CentOS Linux® between 2021 and 2024. As a result, CentOS Linux users must migrate to a new operating system to continue receiving updates, patches, and new features. While implementing a new operating system may seem tedious, it also presents an opportunity to reassess your organization’s needs and choose a platform that will better support your business now and in the future.
A consistent, intelligent operating foundation for modern IT and enterprise hybrid cloud deployments, Red Hat® Enterprise Linux delivers optimal benefits for your organization. Because CentOS Linux is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux sources, you can continue to use many of the same techniques and elements while gaining more features, tools, support, and value.
Compared to organizations that use unpaid alternatives like CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux users experience:
- 16% lower three-year cost of operations.
- 32% more efficient IT infrastructure teams.
- 35% faster development life cycles.
- 81% less unplanned downtime.
Download the overview to get all the details.

Taking The Lead on IT Automation
As IT automation becomes a critical element in digital transformation and for achieving other top business goals, IT leaders must not focus solely on technical matters like selecting the right technology. They should also become evangelists by developing a strategic vision for IT automation and serving as a proponent of culture change to overcome the resistance present at many organizations today.

The IT Automation Imperative
Cloud adoption is growing, but these environments also bring new operational challenges. IT automation can help you maximize the value of your cloud investments to support digital initiatives and innovation, at scale. Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform delivers all of this and more, allowing you to implement effective cloud and enterprise-wide automation. Read this e-book to learn how automation can help you deliver business outcomes across your hybrid cloud environment.

Network Automation for Everyone
Network management has remained largely the same for decades despite substantial change in network technologies. Traditional approaches cannot keep up with rapidly-evolving developer needs and application requirements, so more organizations are implementing automation into network services management. Automating network management provides more control and visibility into network resources. This e-book covers the benefits of modernizing your network with Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform.

Innovate with Automation
Many organizations are turning to automation to innovate and adapt to change. Ansible and the open source community continue to expand the possibilities of automation. Real Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform customers share their challenges, approaches, and successes across four industries and how they used automation to address their needs while advancing innovation in their industries in this collection of stories.

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform: A Beginner’s Guide
Although many organizations are dabbling in automation, they’re often approaching it with point solutions rather than a holistic view. Taking this approach can increase costs, result in duplicate efforts, and build barriers between functions and departments. Explore how Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform can help your organization solve enterprise IT challenges across hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Tech Tips to Advance Security and Compliance
See how Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides capabilities that help you mitigate risk, enforce security configuration and policy, and stay compliant.

Open Source And 5G: A Perfect Partnership for Wider Deployment?
As 5G technology becomes the industry standard in mobile telecommunications, enabling new levels and areas of connectivity, how can it be deployed in industry? What processes and platforms need to be in place to maximize the technology’s wider potential? Open source software is increasingly being seen as a means of helping developers extend 5G’s use cases and applications.

Modernize Your Infrastructure with Hybrid Cloud
See how software platforms on hybrid cloud landscapes helps modernize IT management for better performance, flexibility, and availability at scale.

7 Tech Tips to Help Manage Microsoft SQL Server Workloads
Jump start the management of your company’s Microsoft SQL Server workloads with these practical labs to get you on your way to better performance and more efficient work practices. Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® labs provide users with easy tutorials for the most popular processes.

Graybar Boosts IT Infrastructure Automation and Management with Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Graybar serves the construction market; the commercial, institutional, and government (CIG) market; and the industrial and utility markets. Graybar now leverages Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as its sole Linux distribution after completing a migration from a third-party Linux OS in 2021. Read this detailed, Red Hat sponsored, customer case study by IDC for information about the organizational challenges, solutions, and business benefits of IT infrastructure and automation management.