Softwaredefinierter Speicher: Weniger Speicherkosten, bessere Service-Levels

Einer aktuellen Umfrage der IDC zufolge erwägen rund 35 % der Unternehmen eine Investition in softwaredefinierte Speicherlösungen (SDS) im Jahr 2014. Dies stimmt mit den Ergebnissen von IDC-Gesprächen mit IT-Entscheidern überein, welche ihre Speicherarchitekturen der nächsten Generation entsprechend den steigenden Geschäftsanforderungen entwickeln und dabei die ITKosten reduzieren möchten.
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Mit Virtualisierung verborgene Speicher-Schätze heben

Die Flut der digitalen Informationen ist für das menschliche Hirn schon lang nicht mehr fassbar. Auch die Speichersysteme der Unternehmensnetze gelangen aufgrund dieses rasanten Wachstums ständig an ihre Grenzen. Mit Virtualisierungslösungen, die versteckte Kapazitäten aufspüren und nutzen, lässt sich viel Geld sparen. SANsymphony von DataCore Software hilft, die Speichereinheiten im Rechenzentrum zu optimieren und Administrations-Prozesse zu vereinfachen. Darüber hinaus sorgt die Lösung für transparente Kostenstrukturen.
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Software-defined Storage sorgt für Datensicherheit

Der Begriff „Software-defined“ ist inzwischen auch in der Speicherwelt angekommen. Kaum ein großer Anbieter, der dieses Schlagwort nicht für die Beschreibung seiner Produkte nutzt. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Konzept, welche Vorteile entstehen Unternehmen durch dessen Umsetzung und wann lohnt es sich, über Software-defined Storage nachzudenken?
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Software-defined Storage, an SSG-NOW Outlook Report

Software-defined storage is more than just a new term for old features. While it could be said that storage has always been defined by software, which is true to a degree, specialized hardware for the physical storage has been required since the earliest computers. With more and more flavors of purpose-built hardware coming to market, the urgency to centrally control them becomes more pronounced.
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Preparing for the 2014 Holiday Shopping Season

With 93% of people doing at least some of their holiday-season shopping with online merchants, e-tailers of every kind need to get their websites in gear and ensure their customers feel confident shopping on their site. Whether it’s shopping online, instore pick-up, or even browsing and wish lists, customers are offering you an unprecedented amount of data and sales this season. But fail to keep your customers safe with good website security, and all you’ll get is a lump of coal in your stocking.
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Evaluating Performance – Management Solutions

"Across industries, companies are looking for smarter and more efficient ways to guarantee the performance and availability of business-critical applications. Like many, you may have invested in Network Performance Management (NPM) and/or Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools to gain visibility into the health of your application delivery infrastructure. The problem with this approach however, is that APM and NPM operations are rarely integrated—meaning little collaboration or collation of data occurs between the teams operating them. When performance degradations occur, troubleshooting efforts are often lengthy and marred with finger pointing as teams look to defer blame. A better approach is needed—one that assesses network and application performance as a whole."
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10 Common Problems APM Helps You

Applications in today's distributed, cloud-based IT environment need to perform at their peak at all times. Unfortunately, most do not. And while many developers and IT professionals have Application Performance Management (APM) solutions, they often don't know how to take full advantage of the benefits. This SlashGuide gives IT professionals and developers practical advice they need to get the most out of APM.
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Deliver Workload Automation for the App Developer

These are exciting times for enterprise application developers, as companies challenge them to build solutions that better exploit mobile devices, cloud infrastructures, sensor networks, big data, and APIs for widely used services such as Facebook and Gmail. Application development, however, isn't all intellectual exhilaration. It has its pain points, too, such as the toil that goes into creating and modifying batch workload jobs. This paper explores how app developers can use automation to deal with batch application workflows.
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Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital

This paper, "Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery," describes how a workload automation solution can eliminate the manual processes developers now use to define batch workflows and communicate them to schedulers.By extending the use of workload automation to developers, organizations can implement applications faster, slash costs, and increase service quality.
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Integrate Big Data into Business Processes and Enterprise Systems

In the paper, “Integrate Big Data into Your Business Processes and Enterprise Systems” you’ll learn how to drive maximum value with an enterprise approach to Big Data. Topics discussed include:

• How to ensure that your Big Data projects will drive clearly defined business value

• The operational challenges each Big Data initiative must address

• The importance of using an enterprise approach for Hadoop batch processing

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