Can SaaS Deliver Nirvana for Overtaxed Security Teams?

Developers need, want and deserve simple security solutions that don’t slow them down. But, with each code breach and supply chain attack security teams find it increasingly imperative to secure the credentials and secrets used by all applications to access resources. It doesn’t get any easier when security teams face resource challenges and skills gaps. But are innovative SaaS based secrets management solutions the answer for overtaxed security teams?

In this webinar we will explore:

  • How SaaS based secret management solutions can deliver on their promise of increased simplicity for developers and for security and operations teams.
  • Approaches for giving developers a native experience with solution such as Kubernetes Secrets and AWS Secrets Manager while giving security teams centralized management, rotation, and control of secrets.
  • Demos of new SaaS based solutions from CyberArk which get closer to delivering nirvana to developers and security teams.

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The CISO Mandate: Accelerate Securing All Application Identities

Increasingly, executives are asking their security teams to secure all application secrets – everywhere across their entire organization. A potentially daunting task.

Where do security teams begin? This eBook outlines a practical systematic approach and blueprint for organizations to take to enhance the security of their entire application portfolio. It addresses applications of all types from zOS and COTS, to Kubernetes.

Note, while focused on securing credentials used by applications, it leverages CyberArk’s holistic blueprint and methodology for securing the credentials used by both human users as well as applications and other non-human identities.

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Securing Non-human Identities and Managing Secrets in Multi-cloud Environments

Cloud migration and digital transformation have led to an explosion of non-human identities that need to be secured across multiple cloud and hybrid environments. And more identities mean more secrets that need to be secured, rotated and managed. That’s where SaaS-based secrets management can help.

In this eBook, you’ll learn about:

  • The challenges security teams face when managing access for non-human identities in multi-cloud environments.
  • How holistic secrets management can provide visibility and improve efficiency for security teams.
  • The five benefits of SaaS secrets management.
  • How CyberArk Conjur Cloud can help you secure secrets in multi-cloud and hybrid environments.

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ESG Showcase: Enhancing Secrets Management for AWS Applications 

Digital businesses rely on applications, and these apps need to be able to be deployed quickly and at scale to meet increasing market needs. However, while cloud-native apps meet these needs and have become increasingly widely used, they use secrets and other non-human credentials that are critical to secure. Security teams need comprehensive tools to secure all the credentials used by the various application types. To get high levels of developer adoption, security teams must use tools that meet developers where they are—for example, integrating with the existing cloud security tools they already use, such as AWS Secrets Manager.

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Get Everything You Need with Just One Tool

GRC management lies at the heart of every company's activity. However, with constantly changing requirements, inefficient assessments, audit fatigue among stakeholders, deleted spreadsheets, and lost emails, staying compliant is becoming more challenging and time-consuming.

That's why we have created AdaptiveGRC, a comprehensive solution designed to fully coordinate governance, risk, and compliance. Measuring, monitoring, and managing your GRC activities quickly and efficiently often differentiates success from failure. We will help you reduce manual work and allow your team to focus on things that really matter. Each part of AdaptiveGRC can be used as a standalone solution or deployed as a fully integrated solution.

If you struggle with spreadsheets and lack automation, download Fact Sheet and ask our experts how we can support you!

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Frustrated by Tedious Manual Data Entry? MindCloud Integration Platform Can Help!

Do you need help getting your software to talk to each other? Are you still having your staff manually copy data from one platform to another?
Tired of so many software subscriptions and your problem still isn't resolved? MindCloud can help.

MindCloud seamlessly connects your software to other platforms and digital applications. MindCloud makes it possible to leverage the power of software integration, API management and automation tools without the high costs.

Isn't it time you got integrated?

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Simplified Software Integration and Automation Technology

MindCloud is a software company that builds and maintains custom connections between your software and other platforms so you can eliminate manual data entry and start automating and scaling your business.

Using MindCloud you can have:

  • One platform that connects all your data .
  • Smooth flow of data through all your systems.
  • Saved time from unnecessary manual input.
  • A single source of truth for your mission critical data.

Most importantly, after working together you can actually scale your business because you've simplified and automated your process.

Software should make things simpler, not more complex!

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Simplifying Software Integration

As technology continues to advance, the modern business owner uses more and more online software tools to manage their business. The more software a company uses the more disconnected their business can become – resulting in wasted time and money on having to duplicate data from one software platform to the next.

MindCloud is a software company that builds and maintains custom connections between your software and other platforms utilizing a cutting edge integration platform allowing you to eliminate manual data entry and start automating and scaling your business.

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BG Unified Delivers 100% Network Uptime to Clients Using FirstWave

The BG Unified Solutions team consists of experts in different technologies like security, voice, load balancers, WAN, WAN optimization, Cloud, and Cisco Technologies. As experts across different technologies, their focus is to provide competitive, affordable and Unified Solutions to our clients.

BG Unified is a business that is built upon their clients trusting in the services that are delivered, whether that is infrastructure, backup, email, database or platform as a service, Saurabh Sareen (Sunny), BG Unified Solutions Co-Founder and Managing Director, aims for, and delivers, 100% uptime to his clients.

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An IT Managers Guide To Network Process Automation

This guide is designed for IT Managers looking to implement Network Process Automation in their organisation.

Key Points:

  • Focus on good operational practices.
  • Picking the right tasks.
  • Handling of common issues through automation.
  • Mapping out the automation process.
  • Time savings.
  • Checklist.

The guide discusses the best approach for change management and team buy-in, provides a methodology framework to use when considering the automation of a manual task in a network environment and the steps to take in order to identify an effective test case for your organization.

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How to Detect, Diagnose, and Fix Issues with Network Bandwidth

Network bandwidth has always been a precious commodity and given our current circumstances with so many people working from home, many companies have not had the bandwidth they need in the right places. This E-book will help you with some strategies on how to detect bandwidth issues, further diagnose those issues, and what actions you can take to relieve those bandwidth issues.

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Can Technology Help Solve the Burnout Crisis?

The causes of the physician burnout crisis are many and complex, which makes it hard to find a solution. How does technology play a role, in both the problem and the solution?

Physicians who are burned out often feel powerless. The first step to relieving burnout is to realize you can take back control. One way physicians can do this is by seeking out technology solutions that support — rather than hinder — the physician-patient relationship.

This e-book will put the burnout crisis in context, discuss the role of technology in relieving the pressure and provide practical advice for physicians, practice executives and administrators looking for solutions.

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One and Done: Health IT That Does It All

Healthcare technology that puts people first and considers the whole person—physical, behavioral, and oral health—is the future. Integrated technology meets integrated care. One platform and one partner that does it all—for people in every part of the healthcare experience. We’ve got you covered.

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Three Steps to Easier Patient Visits and Better Practice Outcomes

Your primary care practice can save time and money by delivering on patient expectations. You can enhance your ability to keep up with regulatory demands and reporting requirements—and avoid unsatisfied and unresponsive patients—when you employ best practices that address patient needs.

In this e-book, you’ll learn strategies to avoid missed revenue and save staff time by using smart efficiency improvements, such as checking insurance information up front. You’ll also learn how you can get back to caring for patients, not chasing payments—and the secret to achieving strong financial outcomes. Finally, you’ll discover how you can get paid quickly, easily, and fully—all while addressing your patient demands for an improved, more efficient experience.

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Three Steps to Easier Patient Visits and Better Practice Outcomes

Many patients are frustrated by long wait times and practice inefficiencies. They feel their care quality suffers when providers are too crunched for time. They want simpler payment processes and more transparent billing.

In this e-book, you’ll learn strategies to avoid missed revenue and save staff time by using smart efficiency improvements, such as checking insurance information up front. You’ll also learn how you can get back to caring for patients, not chasing payments—and the secret to achieving strong financial outcomes. Finally, you’ll discover how you can get paid quickly, easily, and fully—all while addressing your patient demands for an improved, more efficient experience.

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