What We Strive For

Experience unparalleled service in the construction industry with SharpeSoft. With resourcefulness at the core of our operations, we offer around-the-clock support and a user-friendly experience. Emphasizing partnership, we work hand-in-hand with clients to achieve the best outcomes. At SharpeSoft, excellence isn't just a goal—it's our standard, in everything we do. Discover the SharpeSoft difference today!

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Watch It Work. Stay Sharp with Sharpe.

Construction cost estimating consultants play a crucial role in ensuring the financial success of a project. Their primary responsibilities revolve around providing accurate cost assessments and budget management.

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How Sandstone Site Services Found the Right Partner with SharpeSoft

When Hunter Murphy, owner and operator of Sandstone Site Services, founded his company in January of 2020, he had only 9 employees. Working hard to position his company as a trusted source for home and apartment construction in the Central Florida area, Hunter had the opportunity to expand in 2021 with the opening of Sandstone’s Jacksonville office.

Now with over 70 employees, Hunter is looking to bring Sandstone to the next stage. For that, he turned to SharpeSoft.

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Built By Estimators. For Estimators.

The SharpeSoft Estimator is a construction bidding software designed to provide civil constructors with an easy-to-use platform to quickly and accurately create detailed estimates. It is a crucial tool used to help professionals take the guesswork out of civil construction projects, enabling businesses to bid more competitively and get their bids funded in record time.

With the SharpeSoft Estimator, civil constructors have the power to gain an edge over the competition by submitting precise, reliable bids regardless of the project size or complexity. It is ideal for any company looking for a cutting-edge software solution for their construction business.

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Digitaliza Tu Negocio Con Twimm

Un minuto para explorar las principales características de nuestra herramienta de GMAO Twimm.

Para las empresas proveedoras de servicios, Twimm es la herramienta que impulsará la productividad y rentabilidad de tu negocio.

Ponte en contacto con nosotros para obtener más informaciones sobre nuestro software GMAO.

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Hacer De Su Proyecto GMAO Un Éxito

Un despliegue de GMAO mal preparado o insuficientemente acompañado puede resultar en un fracaso o abandono: mala organización, falta de preparación o personal poco comprometido... Las razones para no alcanzar los objetivos suelen ser bastante similares.

¡No hay razón para entrar en pánico! Estos riesgos no deben asustarlo, sino todo lo contrario: ser consciente de ellos lo ayudará a establecer las diferentes etapas para llevar su proyecto de GMAO por el camino correcto.

Twimm le ofrece una guía completa con los 5 pasos clave para digitalizar su empresa utilizando un software de GMAO de manera simple y efectiva.

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¿Cómo Aumentar La Eficiencia Mediante El Uso De La GMAO?

La actividad de mantenimiento preventivo es el núcleo del negocio de las empresas proveedoras de servicios. Gestionar de manera eficiente todos los procesos relacionados con esta actividad de mantenimiento es un desafío estratégico para su rentabilidad, competitividad y, por lo tanto, su sostenibilidad a medio y largo plazo. Esto es lo que permite la adopción de un software de GMAO.

Gracias a este enfoque, es posible fortalecer el servicio de mantenimiento y, al mismo tiempo, reducir los costes.

El mantenimiento preventivo no se refiere solo a la prevención de fallas o interrupciones del servicio, sino que también debe considerarse como una estrategia de gestión de los gastos de mantenimiento.

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5 Étapes Pour Réussir Votre Projet GMAO

Réussir l’implémentation de votre projet de GMAO représente un enjeu crucial pour poursuivre votre transformation numérique et rester dans la course vis-à-vis de vos concurrents.

Un déploiement de GMAO mal préparé ou insuffisamment accompagné peut se solder par un échec ou un abandon : mauvaise organisation, mauvaise préparation, ou personnel pas ou peu impliqué... Les raisons de la non-atteinte des objectifs sont souvent assez similaires.

Pas de panique ! Ces risques ne doivent pas vous effrayer pour autant, bien au contraire : en avoir conscience va vous aider à mettre en place les différentes étapes pour mettre votre projet GMAO sur la bonne voie.

Twimm vous propose un guide complet avec les 5 étapes clés pour digitaliser votre entreprise à l’aide dʼun logiciel GMAO simplement et efficacement.

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Maintenance Préventive Immobilière : Comment Gagner En Efficacité Grâce À La GMAO?

L’activité de maintenance préventive est le coeur de métier des entreprises prestataires de service. Piloter efficacement tous les process liés à cette activité de maintenance est un enjeu stratégique pour leur rentabilité, leur compétitivité et donc leur pérennité à moyen et long terme.

C’est ce que permet l’adoption d’un logiciel de GMAO (Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur).

En effet, lorsqu’elles utilisent une GMAO, les entreprises accroissent leur performance, en améliorant leur efficacité et leur qualité de service.

Grâce à cette approche, il est possible de renforcer le service de maintenance et de réduire parallèlement les coûts.

La maintenance préventive ne concerne pas seulement la prévention des pannes ou les interruptions de service mais elle doit également être considérée comme une stratégie de gestion des dépenses de maintenance.

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Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Expanding Your Markets

Enterprise connectivity represents a massive opportunity for both machine builders and their customers.

But the risks associated with having a complex, interconnected system – from cybercriminals and competitors – are growing. Almost one in two companies has experienced illicit copying of entire machines. Cyberattacks can cause damage to physical assets, workers or products.

Fundamental to today’s production environment is the ability to provide secure, remote access for end customers, improve productivity and safety, protect critical production data from internal and external threats, while keeping intellectual property equally secure.

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Scalable Secure Remote Access Solutions for OEMs

Secure remote access to production assets, data and applications, along with the latest collaboration tools, provides plant and sites with the ability to apply the right skills and resources at the right time, independent of their physical location. OEMs are looking to reduce costs, add more value to their Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors. This paper outlines the means to enable secure remote access to plant or site-based applications and data and can be used as guidance for OEMs to collaborate with their customers when designing a secure remote access solution.

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Realizing Digital Value: Three Opportunity Areas for OEMs

Success as an OEM has always hinged on the ability to design and deploy machines in ways that yield rapid time to value, no matter the challenges that may be involved.

Industry challenges, both perennial and new, are likely here to stay.

What’s different now is the technology landscape and opportunities it presents for OEMs to not only maximize efficiency from within, but also to differentiate themselves and strengthen their position in the marketplace.

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Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Expanding Your Markets

Enterprise connectivity represents a massive opportunity for both machine builders and their customers.

But the risks associated with having a complex, interconnected system – from cybercriminals and competitors – are growing. Almost one in two companies has experienced illicit copying of entire machines. Cyberattacks can cause damage to physical assets, workers or products.

Fundamental to today’s production environment is the ability to provide secure, remote access for end customers, improve productivity and safety, protect critical production data from internal and external threats, while keeping intellectual property equally secure.

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Scalable Secure Remote Access Solutions for OEMs

Secure remote access to production assets, data and applications, along with the latest collaboration tools, provides plant and sites with the ability to apply the right skills and resources at the right time, independent of their physical location. OEMs are looking to reduce costs, add more value to their Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors. This paper outlines the means to enable secure remote access to plant or site-based applications and data and can be used as guidance for OEMs to collaborate with their customers when designing a secure remote access solution.

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