The Digital Transformation Journey: Key Technology Considerations

In the Application Economy, speed, innovation, and quality, have become table stakes. If you can’t meet your customers’ expectations, they will surely find a competitor who can. Whether your organization is in one of the sectors facing the most intense digital competition (like insurance, banking, telecommunications or retail), or a more traditional industry, how rapidly and successfully you embrace a software-driven digital transformation strategy will likely have a profound effect on your organization’s long term viability. In this Whitepaper, learn how the Application Economy is driving Digital Transformation in companies, and how you can position your organization for success.
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Acortar camino entre la innovación y el valor de negocio

Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, existe sintonía entre los directores ejecutivos y los grupos y directores de TI, pues han podido constatar los cambios que han tenido lugar en el mercado y son conscientes de que, si desean competir, deben dar con una forma de agilizar y de mejorar en términos de calidad la entrega de nuevos servicios, aplicaciones y capacidades como nunca hasta ahora sin incurrir en nuevos costes o riesgos.
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Guida pratica all’adozione di DevOps

Nell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni business dipende dal software. Per questo motivo DevOps sta rapidamente diventando una delle materie di maggior valore per l'azienda. Si focalizza sul miglioramento della qualità e sull'accelerazione della delivery di nuove applicazioni sul mercato e per ottenere questi risultati integra in maniera serrata sviluppo e operations.

Ormai ovunque, le aziende guardano con interesse a ciò che inizialmente era considerato solo un termine alla moda, potenzialmente superabile in tempi brevi da altre novità.

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DevOps Perspecitves

Collaborando ogni giorno con membri effettivi di team di operations e sviluppo di applicazioni software a ogni livello, CA Technologies è ben consapevole che il "nuovo" termine DevOps deve essere chiarito, analizzato, esaminato.
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Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation: Welche Technologien spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle?

Im Internet of Things (IoT) werden bis zum Jahr 2020 voraussichtlich 26 Milliarden Geräte installiert sein. Anbieter von IoT-Produkten und - Services werden steigende Umsätze erzielen, die 2020 die Marke von 300  Mrd.  USD überschreiten werden. Dabei wird durch Verkäufe an unterschiedliche Endmärkte ein globaler Mehrwert von 1,9 Billionen USD geschaffen werden.

Das ist viel Geld, und Unternehmen wie die MUFG Union Bank, Nordstrom und Swisscom sorgen dafür, dass sie dank geeigneter Softwareanwendungen und -services in dieser neuen Realität ganz vorn dabei sind. Kunden über diese wachsenden Channels zu erreichen und ihre Erwartungen mit beeindruckenden Experiences zu erfüllen, wird für jedes erfolgreiche Unternehmen zur alltäglichen Praxis werden.

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A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

In the application economy, every business is a software business.This is why DevOps is quickly becoming one of the most valuable disciplines for your business. It’s focused on improving the quality and speed of delivering new apps to market. And it’s about tightly integrating development and operations in order to do so.

This is driving businesses everywhere to take a second look at what they may have initially thought was just a buzzword – here one day and gone the next.

Now everyone is starting to wonder, “Can we adopt a DevOps method ourselves? And will it work for us?”

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Virtual Backup Strategies: Using Storage Snapshots for Backups

Effective data protection is a mandatory element in the modern IT environment. Historically, backup strategies were confined to the last few chapters in an administrator’s manual and treated like an afterthought. Now they sit firmly at the forefront of every CIO’s mind. The ability to continue business operations after a system failure and the need to fulfill stringent compliance requirements have made backup a necessity—not only for business continuity, but also for business survival. The question organizations need to ask about data protection is not whether to backup their data, but how to backup their data.
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Software-defined Storage sorgt für Datensicherheit

Der Begriff „Software-defined“ ist inzwischen auch in der Speicherwelt angekommen. Kaum ein großer Anbieter, der dieses Schlagwort nicht für die Beschreibung seiner Produkte nutzt. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Konzept, welche Vorteile entstehen Unternehmen durch dessen Umsetzung und wann lohnt es sich, über Software-defined Storage nachzudenken?
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Software-defined Storage vereinfacht das Management

Doch worum geht es bei SDS eigentlich genau? Eine erste Orientierungshilfe leistet die Erklärung der Analysten von IDC, die unter softwaredefiniertem Storage „einen auf gängigen Ressourcen (x86-Hardware, Hypervisoren oder der Cloud) oder handelsüblicher Rechnerhardware installierten Stack an Storage-Software“ verstehen. Dieser legt das Fundament dafür, dass sich „bestehende Storage-Ressourcen bündeln, besser auslasten und eine servicebasierte Infrastruktur aufbauen lässt.“
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Software-defined Storage löst Performanceprobleme

Doch worum geht es bei SDS eigentlich genau? Eine erste Orientierungshilfe leistet die Erklärung der Analysten von IDC, die unter softwaredefiniertem Storage „einen auf gängigen Ressourcen (x86-Hardware, Hypervisoren oder der Cloud) oder handelsüblicher Rechnerhardware installierten Stack an Storage-Software“ verstehen. Dieser legt das Fundament dafür, dass sich „bestehende Storage-Ressourcen bündeln, besser auslasten und eine servicebasierte Infrastruktur aufbauen lässt.“
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A Winning API Strategy: Developing Secure Mobile Apps with a UX that Delights Customers

The mobile app has become “the” strategic initiative for all digital organizations attempting to drive business forward. “By 2017, mobile apps will be downloaded more than 268 billion times, generating revenue of more than $77 billion — making apps one of the most popular computing tools for users across the globe.”1 The app has become more than a simple method of communication. It is the new critical point of engagement, the face of the organization, and quite possibly the difference maker in customers staying or leaving. Getting the “user experience” (or UX) right in the eyes of the consumer is no longer a nice to have but fundamental to achieving success.
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A Guide to REST and API Design

In his 1966 book “The Psychology of Science,” American psychologist Abraham Maslow tackled the idea that those in the field of psychology needed to approach treatment from multiple perspectives, to take on new ideas, and not just continue using the same theories and techniques created by Freud and his followers so many years ago. Acknowledging that changing your point of view can be difficult, Maslow wrote “[I]t is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything like a nail.” We have all had this experience. We get so used to the way things have been done in the past, we sometimes don’t question the reasons for doing them.
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A How-to Guide to OAuth & API Security

OAuth is an emerging Web standard for authorizing limited access to applications and data. It is designed so that users can grant restricted access to resources they own—such as pictures residing on a site like Flickr or SmugMug—to a third-party client like a photo printing site. In the past, it was common to ask the user to share their username and password with the client, a deceptively simple request masking unacceptable security risk. In contrast to this, OAuth promotes a least privilege model, allowing a user to grant limited access to their applications and data by issuing a token with limited capability.
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5 Pillars of API Management

Across industry sectors, the boundaries of the traditional enterprise are blurring, as organizations open up their on-premise data and application functionality to partner organizations, the Web, mobile apps, smart devices and the cloud. APIs (application programming interfaces) form the foundation of this new open enterprise, allowing enterprises to reuse their existing information assets across organizational boundaries.
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