Eight Considerations for Utilising Big Data Analytics with Hadoop

The power of Hadoop is that it utilises schema on read. With a data warehouse, you often have to know what the tables look like before loading data. With Hadoop, you can pull data from any source or type and then figure out how to organize it. Organisations are beginning to use Hadoop as a dumping ground for all kinds of data because it is inexpensive and doesn’t require a schema on write. Such storage is often referred to as a Hadoop “data lake.” On the flip side, the Hadoop/MapReduce engine is not optimised for the iterative processing that analytics often requires. It is best suited to batch processing.
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The Accidental Intrapreneur: Becoming the Knowledge Center CEO

In a world where you can ask your smartphone for directions to your destination or for a diagnosis of a troubling medical symptom, conversations about the value of curated information and professional information services take on a new urgency. No longer is it enough for knowledge centers to have highly-skilled information professionals providing the best, most authoritative information to clients. Now, you have to take a more strategic approach to the role of the knowledge center within your larger organization. Download this paper for key insights into how to effectively respond to new competitive pressures, find out clients’ new needs, and create new services that best meet those needs.
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Datensicherung virtueller Maschinen mit HP StoreEverBandbibliotheken

Viele Unternehmen suchen nach Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs, der Kühlanforderungen und des Serverstellplatzes. Auch die Speicherkapazität ist heutzutage ein wichtiger Aspekt. Der Wechsel zu einer virtualisierten Umgebung entschärft dieses Thema, da er eine Möglichkeit zur Konsolidierung des Rechenzentrums eröffnet. Eine weitere Strategie, die zu diesem Ziel beiträgt, ist die Speicherung der Daten auf preiswerteren bandbasierten Lösungen anstatt auf teuren Festplatten-basierten Speichermedien.
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Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools: Die Top 10 Gründe, sich für Veeam zu entscheiden

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit zur Sicherung Ihres Modern Data Center™… aber definitiv die beste. Zwar können jetzt auch viele herkömmliche Backup-Tools Imagebasierte Backups virtueller Maschinen (VMs) erstellen, aber nur Veeam nutzt die Vorteile virtueller Umgebungen voll aus, um Kosten zu senken und den Mehrwert von Backups zu erhöhen – und zwar beträchtlich.
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Defend Against Injection-based Attacks

We’ll explore some of the most common security vulnerabilities currently plaguing the software development industry, and present different ways in which Static Code Analysis, or SCA, can detect them.

In this paper, we’ll:

• Provide a detailed description of the weakness

• Show how it presents itself to the end user and the developer

• Explain mitigation strategies to help resolve each issue

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Time for Converged Infrastructure?

Managing corporate information technology infrastructure has long centered on the challenge of getting the pieces—servers, storage, networks—to work together.

With converged infrastructure (CI), that work is done ahead of time and behind the scenes. So it can be easier to install, deploy, update, and manage infrastructure, as well as to optimize its performance, minimize its cost, and maximize its business value. IT organizations can rescue skilled staff from “keeping the lights on” and focus them on realizing new technology-enabled business opportunities.

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The 10 Most Useful Toad™ Features

Millions of users trust Toad solutions to provide a simple, consistent way to build manage and maintain their databases. Toad is a fully mature product with over three million lines of code, and it’s improving all the time. In fact, there are so many useful features that even people who have been using the product for years may be missing out on some of Toad’s best functionality.
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Getting Agile with Database Development

Once an organization becomes convinced of the advantagesof agile development, there is no going back. Shorter time to value, lower risk and greater flexibility are among the most frequently cited benefits of the agile mentality.

Although most application developers now consider agile a mainstream approach, database developers — especially those working on relational databases — have been slower to embrace it because of the need to understand and respect the state of a database when deploying changes. Thus, database professionals have had to rely on manual processes that do not scale up to the faster development cycles at the heart of agile.

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Deliver Better Applications Using Database Development Best Practices

Delivering properly functioning, easily maintainable, bugfree code really is harder than it used to be. Not only do development teams have to deal with frequently changing requirements and tight project timelines, they also must find ways to work effectively in distributed project teams, and with larger, more complex database environments than even just a few years ago.

The resulting challenges include:

• Ensuring that the code works properly

• Ensuring that the application functions not only today, but also years into the future

• Dealing with everyday setbacks, such as coding errors and rework, in the most effective way

• Making sure development projects are versioned properly

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Neue Funktionen von Toad for Oracle® 2015

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Veröffentlichung von Toad for Oracle 2015 bekanntzugeben. In dieser technischen Übersicht werden die Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen vorgestellt. Außerdem erhalten Sie Informationen zur Evaluierung und Verwendung des Tools. Die neuesten Updates von Toad werden Ihre täglichen Aufgaben deutlich vereinfachen und optimieren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon lange mit Toad arbeiten oder ob Toad für Sie Neuland ist.
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Toad™ for Oracle® Tips and Tricks

I have used Toad™ for 10 years, since I made the leap from Access® to Oracle®. Most of my time is spent in the editor, writing new code or opening and running one of the many snippets I have saved there over the years. Toad makes me more efficient, the latest version reminds me of errors before I even hit compile. Using code review, there is an instructor standing over my shoulder every time I hit format.
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The 10 Most Useful Toad™ Features

Millions of users trust Toad solutions to provide a simple, consistent way to build manage and maintain their databases. Toad is a fully mature product with over three million lines of code, and it’s improving all the time. In fact, there are so many useful features that even people who have been using the product for years may be missing out on some of Toad’s best functionality.
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Getting Agile with Database Development

Once an organization becomes convinced of the advantagesof agile development, there is no going back. Shorter time to value, lower risk and greater flexibility are among the most frequently cited benefits of the agile mentality.

Although most application developers now consider agile a mainstream approach, database developers — especially those working on relational databases — have been slower to embrace it because of the need to understand and respect the state of a database when deploying changes. Thus, database professionals have had to rely on manual processes that do not scale up to the faster development cycles at the heart of agile.

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Deliver Better Applications Using Database Development Best Practices

Delivering properly functioning, easily maintainable, bugfree code really is harder than it used to be. Not only do development teams have to deal with frequently changing requirements and tight project timelines, they also must find ways to work effectively in distributed project teams, and with larger, more complex database environments than even just a few years ago.

The resulting challenges include:

• Ensuring that the code works properly

• Ensuring that the application functions not only today, but also years into the future

• Dealing with everyday setbacks, such as coding errors and rework, in the most effective way

• Making sure development projects are versioned properly

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Neue Funktionen von Toad for Oracle® 2015

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Veröffentlichung von Toad for Oracle 2015 bekanntzugeben. In dieser technischen Übersicht werden die Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen vorgestellt. Außerdem erhalten Sie Informationen zur Evaluierung und Verwendung des Tools. Die neuesten Updates von Toad werden Ihre täglichen Aufgaben deutlich vereinfachen und optimieren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon lange mit Toad arbeiten oder ob Toad für Sie Neuland ist.
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