Deliver Better Applications Using Database Development Best Practices

Delivering properly functioning, easily maintainable, bugfree code really is harder than it used to be. Not only do development teams have to deal with frequently changing requirements and tight project timelines, they also must find ways to work effectively in distributed project teams, and with larger, more complex database environments than even just a few years ago.

The resulting challenges include:

• Ensuring that the code works properly

• Ensuring that the application functions not only today, but also years into the future

• Dealing with everyday setbacks, such as coding errors and rework, in the most effective way

• Making sure development projects are versioned properly

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Neue Funktionen von Toad for Oracle® 2015

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Veröffentlichung von Toad for Oracle 2015 bekanntzugeben. In dieser technischen Übersicht werden die Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen vorgestellt. Außerdem erhalten Sie Informationen zur Evaluierung und Verwendung des Tools. Die neuesten Updates von Toad werden Ihre täglichen Aufgaben deutlich vereinfachen und optimieren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon lange mit Toad arbeiten oder ob Toad für Sie Neuland ist.
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Don’t get left behind. Technology is disrupting established industries at an increasingly rapid rate and the average lifespan of a Fortune 500 company halves every 30 years. Only 13% of companies that made the list in 1955 still exist today. Future-proof your company – download the eBook to learn how EMC XtremIO can make the agile data center your new reality.
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Hadoop Workflow Automation Improves Efficiency And Increases Competitive Advantage

In this commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of BMC, you’ll learn how peers are using Hadoop in their organizations and how workflow automation can enable an economical Hadoop platform that enables faster time to value for Big Data projects.

Read the study to learn how workflow automation can:
  • Accelerate the setup, installation, configuration, and management of Hadoop clusters
  • Improve productivity, reduce cost, and minimize human error
  • Provide a more efficient and manageable alternative to manual scripting
  • Support an enterprise approach to Hadoop and Big Data
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    Connect Hadoop to the Enterprise

    The Apache® Hadoop® ecosystem has grown faster than the tools and knowledge available to harness it. Many enterprise big data programs have stalled as a result.

    BMC Control-M Application Integrator, a workload automation design tool, helps organizations quickly deliver value from big data by providing a simpler, more consistent approach for designing and deploying big data workflows. It reduces the possibility of error when creating workflows, which helps organizations deliver new services to business users more quickly without driving up staff and support costs.
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    BMC Control-M Is Free: The Economic Benefits of Workload Automation

    Lean how to make workload automation pay for itself—and more.  Workload automation can provide value throughout the organization and reduce costs to deliver more than complete return on investment.

    Find out how you can:
    • Reduce cost by eliminating the delays and errors of manual processes
    • Prioritize IT events according to their business impact
    • Maximize profit while
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    Consolidating Job Schedulers to Save Money

    A single, comprehensive view of workload scheduling across the enterprise can help you reduce inefficiencies, lower costs, and empower IT to more quickly adapt to business needs.

    Learn how enterprise workload scheduling allows you to:
    • Improve the quality of business service delivery
    • Lower the cost of licensing, training, and staffing
    • Gain greater agility to meet fast-changing business needs
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    Changing Job Schedulers is Easier Than You Think

    Find out how you can make a simple, low-risk, and effective move from multiple schedulers to enterprise workload automation to help you achieve new levels of efficiency and greater visibility.

    Read the white paper to learn about:
    • Four signs of severe inefficiencies that will help you justify the need to convert
    • Three ways to maximize the benefits of enterprise scheduling
    • Conversion strategies to accelerate time to value
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    Mantenere la Business Continuity contrastando gli attuali attacchi avanzati

    Il concetto degli odierni attacchi avanzati, noti anche come minacce persistenti avanzate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT), è entrato a far parte del vocabolario e della mentalità della comunità IT. Sull'onda del susseguirsi di notizie su violazioni di dati, le APT hanno acquisito un significato “leggendario”, ma sono largamente fraintese. Soprattutto è passata l'idea che ogni violazione dei dati fosse un'APT, anche nei casi in cui le indagini a posteriori hanno dimostrato che l'infiltrazione iniziale della rete era stata causata da un errore umano o da difetti di progettazione.
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    Dlaczego do ochrony potrzebujesz technologii sandboxing?

    Informacje o organizacjach, które uległy atakom typu APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) stale goszczą na pierwszych stronach gazet, a najnowszym zalecanym rozwiązaniem, które chroni przed tego rodzaju atakami jest sandboxing. Dlaczego sandboxing? Jakie zalety ma rozwiązanie typu sandbox w odróżnieniu od stosowanych obecnie warstw zabezpieczeń?
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    Utrzymanie ciągłości działalności biznesowej i zwalczanie najnowszych zaawansowanych ataków

    Pojęcie zaawansowanych ataków, zwanych również atakami typu APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) stało się obecnie częścią terminologii używanej na co dzień w społeczności zajmującej się technologiami informatycznymi. W związku z doniesieniami o kolejnych naruszeniach bezpieczeństwa danych ataki typu APT nabrały niemal mitycznego znaczenia, jednak w dużej mierze są błędnie pojmowane. Zakłada się ponadto, że każde naruszenie bezpieczeństwa danych jest wynikiem ataku typu APT, nawet jeśli z przeprowadzanych po fakcie ekspertyz wynika, że powodem pierwotnej infiltracji sieci był błąd ludzki lub ograniczenie w strukturze sieci.
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    Warum Sie Sandboxing zur Gefahrenabwehr benötigen

    Unternehmen, deren Daten durch Advanced Persistent Threats (APT oder hoch entwickelte, andauernde Bedrohungen) abgegriffen wurden, beherrschen die Schlagzeilen und Sandboxing wird als das Nonplusultra zum Schutz gegen APTs propagiert. Warum? Warum Sandboxing? Was kann Ihnen eine Sandbox-Lösung bieten, das Ihre vorhandenen Sicherheitsebenen Ihnen noch nicht liefern?
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    Das Fortinet Advanced Threat Protection Framework

    In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 haben viele bekannte Marken und große Unternehmen Schlagzeilen gemacht. Der Grund dafür war jedoch weder eine beachtenswerte wirtschaftliche Leistung noch ein innovatives Produkt, sondern die Tatsache, dass sie Opfer von massivem Datenklau wurden. Durch nur einen dieser dreisten und weitreichenden Angriffe wurden die personenbezogenen und/oder Kreditkartendaten von über 100 Millionen Kunden gestohlen.
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    Pourquoi utiliser la technologie Sandbox pour votre protection ?

    Les entreprises mises à mal par des menaces persistantes avancées (APT) ne cessent de défrayer la chronique. La technologie Sandbox est la dernière solution à la mode prônée pour vous protéger contre ces menaces. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi la technologie Sandbox ? Quels avantages une solution de Sandbox vous offre-t-elle par rapport aux couches de sécurité existantes ?
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