The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM DB2 With BLU Acceleration

Learn about the cost savings and business benefits of DB2 with BLU Acceleration. In a commissioned study, Forrester Consulting evaluated the total economic impact of BLU Acceleration in-memory technology at a financial services client. Download now for detailed results based on interviews and subsequent financial analysis and research.

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In-Memory Databases Put the Action in Actionable Insights

In order to derive business value from Big Data, practitioners must have the means to quickly (as in sub-milliseconds) analyze data, derive actionable insights from that analysis, and execute the recommended actions. While Hadoop is ideal for storing and processing large volumes of data affordably, it is less suited to this type of real-time operational analytics, or Inline Analytics. For these types of workloads, a different style of computing is required. The answer is in-memory databases.
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Follow the Money: Big Data ROI and Inline Analytics

Wikibon conducted in-depth interviews with organizations that had achieved Big Data success and high rates of returns. These interviews determined an important generality: that Big Data winners focused on operationalizing and automating their Big Data projects. They used Inline Analytics to drive algorithms that directly connected to and facilitated automatic change in the operational systems-of-record. These algorithms were usually developed and supported by data tables derived using Deep Data Analytics from Big Data Hadoop systems and/or data warehouses. Instead of focusing on enlightening the few with pretty historical graphs, successful players focused on changing the operational systems for everybody and managed the feedback and improvement process from the company as a whole.
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Affordable, Scalable, Reliable OLTP in a Cloud and Big Data World: IBM DB2 pureScale

This white paper discusses the concept of shared data scale-out clusters, as well as how they deliver continuous availability and why they are important for delivering scalable transaction processing support. It also contrasts this approach, taken in a relational database context, with clustering approaches employed by NoSQL databases and Hadoop applications, showing the importance It goes on to discuss the specific advantages offered by IBM's DB2 pureScale, which is designed to deliver the power of server scale-out architecture, enabling enterprises to affordably develop and manage transactional databases that can meet the requirements of a cloud-based world with rapid transaction data growth, in an affordable manner.

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Data science methodology: Best practices for successful implementations

Often, data scientists construct a model to predict outcomes or discover underlying patterns, with the goal of gaining insights. The flow of IBM's data science methodology ensures that as data scientists learn more about the data and the modeling, they can return to a previous stage to make adjustments, iterate quickly and provide continuous value to the organization.
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Data Warehousing Shifts: Hadoop and Analytic tools move to the Cloud

This IT Managers Journal looks at how enterprises are leveraging the power of Hadoop and the evolving Big Data ecosystem to rapidly extract the information needed to speed business decision-making in today’s hybrid data environments.

Slashdot’s editors will provide a POV on the importance of leveraging Hadoop as part of a data warehousing solution whether Cloud, hybrid or on-premises, and will present several other assets that highlight the bottom-line benefits of these new approaches.

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A Guide to REST and API Design

In his 1966 book “The Psychology of Science,” American psychologist Abraham Maslow tackled the idea that those in the field of psychology needed to approach treatment from multiple perspectives, to take on new ideas, and not just continue using the same theories and techniques created by Freud and his followers so many years ago. Acknowledging that changing your point of view can be difficult, Maslow wrote “[I]t is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything like a nail.” We have all had this experience. We get so used to the way things have been done in the past, we sometimes don’t question the reasons for doing them.
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WiFi Is a Game Changer for the Connected Enterprise

Digital transformation has become a top priority for businesses and IT leaders. Organizations of all sizes are looking to harness the power of contextual information and analytics to make better, faster decisions that will enable them to gain a competitive advantage. A business that wants to evolve into a digital organization must first become a connected enterprise. It’s the connection of things and devices that will act as the foundation of a digital organization.

Becoming a connected enterprise is an evolutionary leap for businesses. You require new tools processes, and understanding. Use this download as your guide to a more connected enterprise.

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Evaluator Group: Strategische Investitionen in All-Flash-Arrays

Für Kunden, die Flash-Systeme für primären Datacenter Storage implementieren möchten, bietet das All-Flash FAS System von NetApp erhebliche Vorteile gegenüber anderen Angeboten.  All-Flash FAS Arrays lassen sich beispielsweise jetzt nur für bestimmte Applikationen implementieren und später auf private oder Hybrid Cloud-basierte Applikationen ausweiten – ganz so, wie es die Langzeit-Strategie der Unternehmens-IT vorsieht.  Gewinnen Sie in diesem Papier technologischen Einblick für strategische Investitionen in All-Flash-Arrays.
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ESG Whitepaper: Steigerung des geschäftlichen Nutzens mit Flash-optimiertem Storage

NetApp orientiert sich bei der Produktentwicklung und seinem Portfolio an den tatsächlichen Applikationsanforderungen seiner Kunden und fokussiert sich dabei auf den greifbaren geschäftlichen Nutzen.  Somit ist auch das umfassende Produktportfolio von NetApp auf Kundenanforderungen abgestimmt – angefangen bei maximaler Leistung bis hin zu ausgereiften Datenmanagement-Funktionen.  Was dies bedeutet, können Sie hier nachlesen.
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Using Veeam and VMware vSphere tags for advanced policy-driven data protection

Modern data centers are becoming more and more complex, and there are several reasons for this trend. First, there is a business reason behind any technical enhancement, and lately the paramount business requirement is to shrink as much as possible (the so called “time to market”). People have become used to the quick deploy time provided by virtualization – reducing provision times from weeks and months to days or hours. This has led to the more general concept that any new workload should be immediately available upon request. Cloud-like technologies have further pushed this concept by adding additional elements to the data center such as “infinite scalability” and “self-service.”
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In 2014, Veeam® released Veeam Cloud Connect as part of Veeam Availability Suite™ v8. Veeam Cloud Connect was a new technology that allowed the easy creation and consumption of off-site backup repositories. It was the first solution specifically designed around service providers, both from a technical and a business point of view. The extreme ease of use combined with the powerful capabilities within Veeam Cloud Connect made it an instant success. Within the first year, more than one thousand service providers began offering off-site backup services based on Veeam Cloud Connect.
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Introduction to Hyper-V High-Availability

Businesses now need to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the year. Services must be kept online or customers will be lost. In today’s global marketplace, it is critical for systems to always be available so companies can remain competitive and keep their users satisfied. High datacenter availability can be achieved in several ways, but the most common and easiest is through the combination of server virtualization and failover clustering.
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Conversational Availability for the Always-On Enterprises

Veeam’s mission is to enable every company in the world to operate as an Always-On Business. In response, Veeam has pioneered a new market of Availability for the Always-On Enterprise™ to help companies solve the challenges of keeping their business up and running at all times. Veeam Availability solutions provide recovery time and point objectives (RTPO™) of less than 15 minutes for all virtualized applications and data.
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4 Reasons Why You Can’t Do Without Data Visualization Any Longer

Terms such as Big Data and Internet of Things, unknown to most just a few years ago, are now commonly used not only by top managers and entrepreneurs, but also by the wider corporate pyramid.

We are often surprised by how things change at a speed which surpasses our ability to learn and to understand. And just as often, corporate dynamics and the context within which we move appear too complicated, too costly, too complex. All too much.

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