The path to cloud-native applications

For the majority of organizations, digital business means pivoting to a culture of organizational agility, where the rapid pace of demand can only be satisfied by faster and more flexible development and delivery models. As most organizations do not have the luxury of completely rebuilding their technology foundation or immediately adopting new practices and mindsets, they are embracing gradual yet fundamental shifts in culture, processes, and technology to support greater velocity and agility. Learn 8 steps to guide your journey to cloud-native application development, including Red Hat® customer success stories.
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Agile integration: A blueprint for enterprise architecture

As applications and services become more central to business strategy, and as distributed methodologies like agile and DevOps change the way teams operate, it is critical for IT leaders to find a way to integrate their backend systems, legacy systems, and teams in an agile, adaptable way. This e-book details an architecture called agile integration, consisting of three technology pillars—distributed integration, containers, and APIs—to deliver flexibility, scalability, and reusability.
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Strings Management Manifesto

The effect of text strings on the User Experience is undeniable, but not many companies have the time or resources to spend on perfecting UI content. When the responsibility to write, edit and update text strings falls on engineers, it is tough to spend adequate time on content strategy and optimization - not to mention the drain on already time-constrained developers. The ideal solution is one that enables both engineers to manage strings more effectively and non-technical product team members to manage them without reliance on developers. Learn how to centrally manage your strings, automate UI content updates and elevate your product content with the help of AI and emotional tone analysis.

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The Importance of Continuous Monitoring in a DevOps Pipeline

Organizations today are under tremendous pressure to quickly deploy new software and updates to their production applications in order to cope with intensely competitive markets and the rapidly evolving technology landscape. To meet this challenge, more and more organizations are turning to DevOps, a set of practices that emphasize collaboration and communication between development, operations and other functional areas to enable the building, testing and release of software in a rapid and reliable fashion.

Explore this Tech Brief to learn the most important terms in the DevOps world:

  • Agile Development
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Monitoring

Discover how Foglight can help DBAs monitor their entire database environment at a glance for DevOps agility.

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DBAs Face New Challenges: Trend in Database Administration

To gain insight into the evolving challenges for DBAs, Quest commissioned Unisphere Research to survey DBAs and those responsible for the management of the corporate data management infrastructure. The results are in and the thought-provoking findings are now available.

Among the key findings are:

  • Structured data under management continues to grow at a substantial rate, requiring DBAs to manage both more database instances and a wider variety of relational database management systems.
  • Cloud technology plays a significant role in hosting databases and that role will continue to grow. Cloud approaches will have the greatest impact on database administration over the next three years.
  • NoSQL platforms represent a smaller but important slice of the data management infrastructure.
  • Database management tools have reduced the time some DBAs must invest in some routine operations, allowing them to expand their roles in other areas. Database performance continues to be the top priority for DBAs.
  • Many DBAs are increasingly involved in application development.
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Accelerate Database Efficiency with SQL Performance Investigator (PI)

Get a wealth of information at a fraction of the impact of conventional collection methods. Foglight’s SQL Performance Investigator (SQL PI) ensures optimal database performance with comprehensive database, storage and virtualization monitoring, along with advanced workload analytics. It integrates transaction workload investigations with database resource monitoring for a seamless workflow. While database resource monitoring ensures that database components operate within their limits – and alerts database administrators (DBAs) when they’re over-extended – transaction workload analysis measures and analyzes the SQL that connects users to resources, enabling management of database service levels.

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Speed Your DevOps Pipeline by Including Database Development

DevOps can help deliver new releases faster and with fewer defects. But database development is often excluded. That’s because code testing and reviews would put a huge speedbump in the process. Until now.

In this tech brief, you’ll see how the Quest® Toad® DevOps Toolkit solution enables you to bring Oracle development into your Database DevOps pipeline, making for better and more reliable application deployments.

Discover how the Toad DevOps Toolkit makes it possible to integrate the following database development tasks into the DevOps framework:

  • Code reviews
  • Script execution
  • Database, schema and data compare and sync
  • PL/SQL unit testing
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Full e-book: Enabling Agile Database Development with Toad

Life is all about choices. You can choose to muddle through manual tasks, or you can get the e-book on automating agile database development. One choice will slowly drive you nuts, and the other will make you the MVP of your team. Save your sanity. Get this e-book.

Download your copy today, so you can easily reference expert tips to:

  • Improve your functional correctness, code quality, code maintainability and application performance.
  • Implement the automation components of Toad Development Suite for Oracle.
  • Integrate Toad DevOps Toolkit with your continuous integration servers.
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Unlock the Full Potential of DevOps

Many organizations are turning to DevOps to help them succeed in today’s intensely competitive markets. By embracing Database DevOps practices, which emphasize collaboration and communica­tion between development, operations and other functional areas, they can build, test and release software faster and with fewer defects.

Unfortunately, there is often one huge bottleneck in the otherwise agile DevOps workflow: database development. Organizations have been unable to easily integrate database development tasks such as functional testing of Oracle PL/SQL code or schema compare and sync into the DevOps workflow, or to implement scripts to physically deploy database changes. As a result, they have been unable to fully achieve their goals of faster release cycles and reliably high-quality code.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Download this white paper today and discover:

  • What DevOps is (spoiler alert: it’s not just a set of continuous integration and continuous delivery tools)
  • The benefits DevOps promises, and the results organizations are already achieving
  • How quickly organizations, both large and small, are adopting DevOps
  • The three key factors to a successful DevOps program
  • Why the ideal solution will enable you to execute key database development tasks within your DevOps workflow, and which specific functionality to look for
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Red Hat Open Innovation Labs EBook

Red Hat Open Innovation Labs is an immersive residency for modernizing application development. Developing applications can take years and cost millions, and security, compliance, and privacy requirements stall progress. IT teams are innovating faster and improving quality with DevOps. The approach is to make large-scale changes iteratively, instead of all at once-adjusting direction as you go. Learn how in this ebook about Red Hat Open Innovation Labs.

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Enabling faster innovation with DevOps and Red Hat OpenShift

Modern application platforms, based on container technology, microservices architecture, and cloud are key enablers of DevOps practices, helping deliver secure and innovative software services at the speed of digital business. This datasheet describes the key stages of application development and delivery and the features of Red Hat OpenShift that support faster innovation.

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Teaching an elephant to dance

Your organization's current-and future-digital transformation is based on your culture and technology choices. It is an evolutionary process, and the stages of change and the final result look different for each organization. This e-book examines the stages of "digital Darwinism" and helps you determine how your organization should evolve to effectively control your digital transformation- taking your technology "elephant" and teaching it to be agile, process -driven, and adaptive.

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2018 Hybrid Cloud eBook: The New Normal

Where once Operations teams built extensive, high-availability data centers, today they extend their capabilities with the elastic storage, compute, and delivery capacity of public cloud services. In this eBook we look at some of the considerations Ops - and especially the newly-minted DevOps - teams must keep in mind as they integrate public cloud services into their hybrid cloud environments. From the serious - to the quirky, this collection of perspectives provides a window into the challenging world of the hybrid cloud operation.

Chapters Include:

  • The problem lurking inside your hybrid IT strategy
  • SaaS comes at you fast
  • 10 ways to make outage mitigation fun
  • Cloud capabilities turn developers into operational experts
  • Self-sourced data won’t get you where you want to go
  • Metrics that beat Murphy’s law
  • Cloud-first + DevOps-first = 81% competitive advantage
  • Optimizing for resources and consumers alike

Get your copy of the 2018 Hybrid Cloud eBook today!

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SecOps Report: 52% of Companies Sacrifice Cybersecurity for Speed

A recent Threat Stack survey finds that over 50% of companies admit to cutting back on security measures to meet a business deadline or objective. As long as companies are willing to sacrifice security at the altar of speed, the long-held dream of marrying DevOps and security simply won’t come true.

This report examines why the vision for SecOps hasn’t become a reality at most organizations. Key findings indicate that:

  • 68% of companies state that their CEOs demand DevOps and security teams not do anything to slow the business down
  • 62% say their Ops teams push back when asked to deploy secure technology
  • 57% say Ops teams push back on security best practices
  • Read more now!
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Enabling Database Development Agility for DevOps

Join guest speaker IDC research director Melinda Ballou and Quest® Toad® product manager John Pocknell as they discuss the state of DevOps and the value it provides for continuous application delivery.

This session will highlight the advantages of bringing database development into the DevOps pipeline. You’ll learn how this prevents bottlenecks from occurring when application releases require database changes. You’ll also get to see how new tooling helps integrate Oracle database development processes to accelerate DevOps momentum.

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of:

  • The challenges and benefits of DevOps
  • Key factors for DevOps success
  • How software can support DevOps processes and integration of the database
  • Melinda Ballou: Research Director, Agile ALM, Quality and Portfolio Strategies
  • John Pocknell: Sr. Product Manager, Quest Software
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