Manage Your People and Projects

Deltek's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software supports end-to end workflow management for project-based businesses.

Deltek's ERP Software allows you to:

  • Win, manage and deliver more profitable projects
  • Manage projects, resources and financials in one central place, giving you the 360 degree view you need
  • Analyse and monitor business and project performance
  • Develop talent and support team collaboration
  • And much more.

Download this infographic to learn more about Deltek’s project-based ERP software

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Cloud ERP : A Critical Investment for Consulting Firms

In response to client demands, consultancy firms are expected to deliver more, faster, better and cheaper. Having the right technology in place is crucial and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are providing the framework that enables consulting firms to remain competitive in a changing market.

This report, authored by IT Europa and Deltek, gives insight into why Cloud ERP is a crucial investment for consulting firms, enabling them to keep up with market changes, meet client demands and achieve greater profitability. Cloud ERP is not just a deployed IT infrastructure but an integral part of a business strategy, in fact Gartner research has stated that by 2020 ‘cloud shift’ will affect more than $1 Trillion in IT spending.

Read this report to learn:

  • Why consulting firms must move to industry specific cloud ERP if they are to keep up with industry and client expectations
  • The short and long term benefits of implementing cloud ERP and how it can contribute to project success
  • What makes Deltek’s cloud ERP the perfect solution for professional service firms.
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    A Manufacturer’s Guide to Growing Profitably

    Even if you do your best to try to plan for future growth, there will be surprises along the way . Download our eBook highlighting the importance of being able to plan accurately for growth, and suggests areas of your business that you can critique to assess your ability to effectively plan for growth . It also identifies the risk factors and consequences that manufacturers who don’t plan for growth leave themselves open to.
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    The Business Case for Deploying Epicor ERP in the Cloud

    Not all ERP solutions are made equal, and to further complicate the matter not all solutions suite all organizations. If you're looking for an ERP solution for your organization, download our whitepaper to learn how you can assess and evaluate the best ERP deployment model, unique to your business and technical environment.
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    Pourquoi les directeurs informatiques doivent envisager un support indépendant ?

    Combien payez-vous pour simplement « faire tourner la machine » ? Quelle proportion de votre budget SI est absorbée par les frais de maintenance payés à votre éditeur ? De nombreux DSI remettent en question l’intérêt de payer des frais de maintenance exorbitants pour un retour sur investissement minime en termes de nouvelles fonctionnalités face à un TCO croissant. Ainsi, au lieu d’accepter les mises à niveau de leurs plateformes ERP, SCM, HCM et CRM selon un calendrier fixe et le niveau de service rudimentaire imposés par l’éditeur, les DSI s’intéressent au support indépendant comme un moyen de libérer une part importante de leur budget à moindre coût et prolonger l’espérance de vie de leurs systèmes de 10 à 15 ans.
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    Un calendrier stratégique pour l’ERP de nouvelle génération

    L'évolution rapide du paysage technologique actuel et l'avènement de l'ère de l'« informatique hybride » ouvrent des perspectives pour une plateforme ERP de nouvelle génération. Les directeurs informatiques ont une occasion en or de favoriser une transformation continue des activités au sein des départements informatiques — une transformation pouvant assurer une nouvelle croissance pour l'entreprise dans sa globalité.

    Voici quelques-unes des questions essentielles traitées dans cette synthèse opérationnelle :

    • Les plateformes ERP de nouvelle génération doivent refléter les réalités de l'informatique hybride
    • Comment prendre le contrôle de votre stratégie ERP grâce au support indépendant
    • Un calendrier stratégique pour l'ERP de nouvelle génération

    Lisez cette synthèse opérationnelle de pour comprendre de quelle manière les organisations informatiques peuvent saisir cette opportunité pour assurer la transformation de l'activité via l'informatique.

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    Vollständige Kontrolle über Ihre ERP-Investitionen

    Viele ERP-Kunden haben das Gefühl, die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes „IT-Schicksal“ verloren zu haben, weil die Software-Anbieter ihnen ihre Bedingungen diktieren – einschließlich des Zeitpunktes von Upgrades, der Priorisierung von Verbesserungen und erzwungenen Erhöhungen der jährlichen Wartungsgebühren. Dieses White Paper stellt Ihnen die Alternativen vor, die Sie haben, um unnötige Upgrades zu vermeiden, die kaum echte funktionelle Vorteile oder einen überprüfbaren ROI bieten können.
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    Why CIOs Should Consider Independent Support

    How Much Are You Spending Just “Keeping the Lights On”?
    How much of your IT budget is eaten up by annual vendor maintenance fees? Many CIOs are reevaluating paying hefty fees for services that deliver little ROI in the way of features and functionality. Rather than continuing to upgrade their ERP, SCM, HCM and CRM platforms at the vendor's schedule and settling for the rudimentary level of service that "megavendor" maintenance typically provides, CIOs are exploring using independent support providers as a way of freeing up significant operating budget at zero cost.

    Download this white paper to begin exploring independent support.
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    A Strategic Timeline for Next-Generation ERP

    Today's rapidly changing technology landscape and the onset of the "Hybrid IT Era" are driving the vision for a next-generation ERP platform. CIOs have a golden opportunity to lead ongoing business transformation within IT - transformation with the potential to deliver new growth for the business as a whole.

    Here are some key takeaways from this executive brief:
    • Next-generation ERP platforms must reflect the hybrid IT era
    • How you can own your ERP strategy with independent support
    • A strategic timeline for next generation ERP
    Read this executive brief to understand how IT organizations can seize the opportunity to enable IT-driven business transformation.
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    Enterprise Resource Planning Systems drive cost reduction and efficiency in Finance and Accounting Operations

    An analysis of data from 1,200 benchmarking study participants quantifies the benefits an organization can gain through the use of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP's). Benchmarking data shows that Finance organizations that have adopted ERPs experienced as much as 300 percent material improvements in efficiency, and as much as 65 percent reduction in costs associated with performing Finance and Accounting operations.
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    10 Ways to Build Better CRM Processes

    Most businesses see the value in CRM and ERP. When implemented properly, these platforms can enable better sales, more efficient marketing, and drive both top line and bottom line revenue growth. Getting there however, is a challenge. This IT Managers' Journal is designed to give IT managers and business leaders 10 steps that can help them transform CRM into a winning solution for revenue growth and business efficiency. Read this ITMJ and discover how IT and business management can work together to realize real, demonstrable ROI.
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