IoT Upsets Application Development

Before IoT, applications worked using a "request and response" design where information flows in one direction. Now with the emergence of IoT, applications need to be able to flow data both ways and be able to learn from the incoming data to make improvements on-the-fly.

This report will provide you with insight into how applications must now be developed to cater to an IoT world and how you can incorporate machine learning to facilitate IoT data interpretation.

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The Platform Transformation: How IoT Will Change IT and When

IoT is here to stay. In fact, the IoT platform market is projected to hit $1.6 billion by 2021. IoT makes it possible for businesses to connect to things, people, and locations, manage those connections and harnesses data that can provide insight for businesses.

This report explores key considerations for future-proofing elements of your IT stack and smoothing the transition to IoT components for your business.

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Foundational Elements of an IoT Solution

IoT may seem like a wide array of technologies arranged in a bewildering set of combinations, which is true, but reading this eBook can thankfully break things down for you into clear layers that you can use to inform your mental model of IoT to create your own IoT application. This eBook will teach you how to:

  • Break down IoT into a mental framework to think about your solution
  • Connect, secure and interact with things in the cloud
  • Design and implement with key cloud technologies in mind
  • Wrap up all the information into an application quickly and effectively
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Back to the Future with the API Economy

With this survey-based research, ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES® (EMA™) analysts set out to assess the API economy from multiple dimensions.

Examining both the “consumer” and “provider” sides of the equation, the study explores the challenges of API usage in today’s production environments.

This white paper summarizes the survey findings on the deployment, management, and governance-related challenges of delivering API-driven services.

Complete the form on this page to view the summary today.
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EMA Study

Leading IT analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) has just completed its latest survey-based research on DevOps and Continuous Delivery and will be presenting the results during this webinar. Momentum continues to build for these two timely topics, and the initial findings are confirming the links between accelerated software delivery and revenue growth, which was first revealed by the 2014 EMA research on these same topics.

Join Julie Craig, research director at EMA, to get highlights of this new research.
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The Total Economic ImpactTM Of IBM UrbanCode

Achieving Application Delivery Velocity with a 482% ROI

IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%!

Read the Forrester Consulting study and learn how these enterprise organizations achieved:

  • 97% reduction in the cost of releases
  • Reduction in the risk of failed deployments
  • 75% faster deployment times

Download Study – See how IBM UrbanCode brings deployment velocity while reducing release costs

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Single Sign-on for Office 365, Microsoft Azure and On-Premises Environments

Businesses today are being challenged by the proliferation of handheld devices and new corporate policies for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Users want to be able to access their productivity applications from anywhere, from any device — a laptop, smartphone or tablet— and use only one username and password to access it all. This creates a challenge for IT. How do they give users what they want, while maintaining a secure environment?

To accomplish this, businesses need to have a robust, hybrid infrastructure that allows users to seamlessly access their applications whether they are deployed in their on-premises data center or in the cloud. This white paper focuses specifically on Microsoft’s approach, featuring Office 365 and Azure. It demonstrates how to configure and deploy Active Directory in a hybrid architecture. We’ll discuss why hybrid makes sense, common concerns, pitfalls to consider, and best practices for setting up your hybrid infrastructure leveraging Azure Active Directory Services with Office 365.
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The Hybrid Cloud and Microsoft Azure

The cloud has become mainstream. Businesses are no longer asking “Should we move to the cloud?” but wondering “When should we move?” Furthermore, hybrid clouds are not new, and some of the foundational elements of hybrid cloud creation, operation and maintenance are rooted in decades-old traditional data center technologies.

This whitepaper will:
  • Examine the concepts of hybrid cloud environments.
  • Discuss the potential advantages of using hybrid cloud technologies.
  • Look at how the Microsoft Azure platform enables efficient and effective hybrid cloud computing.
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The Rise of PhD APIs

APIs are no longer just a development tool. In this white paper from ProgrammableWeb, you can learn more about the rise of PhD APIs and how they harbor game-changing potential for organizations and business models.
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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM UrbanCode

IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%! Read the Forrester Consulting study and see how IBM UrbanCode brings deployment velocity while reducing release costs.

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The Total Economic Impact of IBM UrbanCode

IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%!

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UrbanCode ROI Calculator

This ROI calculator is intended to help you calculate the benefits and return of deployment automation across three main categories:

• Automating manual work: The simple reduction of deployment effort from automating a previously manual process.
• Reducing script writing and maintenance: Benefits from using pre-built integrations over writing your own scripts and tools to help with a deployment.
• Error prevention: Manual processes are error-prone. Benefits in both production and pre-production are examined

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Best practices for a DevOps Approach with IBM system z

Tools from IBM® Rational® - specifically, IBM UrbanCode™ Deploy, IBM Rational Development and Test Environments for System z®, and IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server—support development on the IBM System z platform, giving you true capabilities to scale DevOps at the enterprise level. Learn more when you read the IBM white paper “Best practices for a DevOps approach with IBM System z.”

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Innovate Like a Start-up, Scale Like an Enterprise

The rewards of digital transformation are vast, but effectively implementing a startup approach to business and development at enterprise scale is a big challenge. Register now for this IBM Point of View white paper describing the IBM Bluemix Garage Method and how you can utilize it to innovate at scale
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