Continuous Delivery in the Enterprise

This paper characterizes the three key components of release management modernization and provides case studies illustrating how companies use continuous delivery and DevOps to transform the discipline, suggesting steps to adapt practices so companies can compete better with less risk.
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Whitepaper: DevOps and the cost of downtime

DevOps is bringing technical and business benefits to LOB leaders, the C-suite and IT delivery organizations. This IDC Report states that communicating DevOps business value is critical to securing additional funding and accelerating the rate and course of change in an enterprise.
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Monitoring Docker Containers in a DevOps Context

DevOps teams are challenged with monitoring, tracking and troubleshooting issues in a context where continuous integration servers and DevOps tools emit their own logging data. Machine data can come from numerous sources, and CD tools may not agree on a common method. Once log data has been acquired, assembling meaningful real-time metrics such as the condition of your host environment, the number of running containers, CPU usage, memory consumption and network performance can be challenging.
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DevOps Tools in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Attend this informative OnDemand TechByte sponsored by Sumo Logic and presented by Slashdot Media to learn what it takes to make adoption of a DevOps strategy a success, and avoid the “DevOps didn’t work for us” lament.

Attendees will learn:

· How to gain visibility into your entire development pipeline
· Methods for supporting faster release
· What tools matter – and how to utilize them
· The role of monitoring and how to achieve ‘single pane of glass’ views
· Why legacy waterfall development can’t meet changing demands

Don’t hesitate – register now for this timely event and learn how to increase agility of your development and operations teams.

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Defend Against Injection-based Attacks

We’ll explore some of the most common security vulnerabilities currently plaguing the software development industry, and present different ways in which Static Code Analysis, or SCA, can detect them.

In this paper, we’ll:

• Provide a detailed description of the weakness

• Show how it presents itself to the end user and the developer

• Explain mitigation strategies to help resolve each issue

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Getting Agile with Database Development

Once an organization becomes convinced of the advantagesof agile development, there is no going back. Shorter time to value, lower risk and greater flexibility are among the most frequently cited benefits of the agile mentality.

Although most application developers now consider agile a mainstream approach, database developers — especially those working on relational databases — have been slower to embrace it because of the need to understand and respect the state of a database when deploying changes. Thus, database professionals have had to rely on manual processes that do not scale up to the faster development cycles at the heart of agile.

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The Increasing Importance of Middleware and Platforms for Coding and DevOps

The dynamic nature of business requires that companies be agile enough to quickly react to new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, traditional development approaches no longer meet the business demands for speed, compounded by the complexities inherent in connecting new front-end mobile apps to back-end data services. This Slashguide details how a DevOps strategy with middleware and application run-time development platforms at the core can help today's businesses remain agile.
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DevOps From the Trenches: Lessons Learned from the DevOps Community

DevOps is a strategy for developing what is becoming a universally recognized process for managing continuous delivery, but it is not that process. In this eBook, thought leaders and practitioners weigh in on the culture, process and tools that lead to the deployment of quality software at high velocity.
  1. DevOps is a Strategy
  2. Change Management in a Change Dominated World
  3. Do Containers Become the DevOps Pipeline?
  4. Automated Testing in a DevOps World
  5. Who Controls Docker Containers
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An Enterprise Architect’s Guide to Mobility

Key insights and expert guidance for the enterprise development leader on:
  • Agile and Lean development approaches for mobile
  • The ideal way to organize a mobile team
  • Design for multiple mobile form factors
  • Basic principles of mobile development
  • QA/Testing for mobile apps
  • Mobile data integration
  • Management and app security
  • Mobile analytics
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    5 Key Forces Shaping Next Generation of Enterprise Mobility

    Explosive growth in mobile device usage has created new opportunities for the enterprise. There are five major forces that will impact the success of your enterprise mobile app projects.

    After reading this whitepaper, you’ll know how to:
    • Gain a competitive edge via mobile innovation
    • Minimize mobility costs using the latest technologies
    • Deliver unique and innovative experiences across platforms
    • Protect mobile app projects against security risks
    • Leverage existing data when developing mobile apps
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    The Enterprise Approach to Mobile App Development

    Time-to-market, reliability and positive brand representation are fundamental to commercial success.

    IDG Connect interviewed 150 IT decision makers engaged in mobile app development. Their responses provide a detailed picture of how companies across the four territories currently approach mobile app development and offers insight into changes to the way they plan and manage the development process to help overcome the challenges they face.
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    Applications, DevOps and the Cloud: IT Impact of Trends in Motion

    This SlashGuide discusses the results of a recent Slashdot Media Pulse survey that looks at how new Cloud-based tools are impacting web and mobile app development, what factors are most impeding the ability to deliver new code releases and how development is migrating from on-premises to the Cloud.
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