Building Application Security Into Production Container Environments

Organizations are leveraging containers on a massive scale to rapidly package and deliver software applications. But because it is difficult for organizations to see the components and dependencies in all their container images, the security risks associated with containerized software delivery have become a critical topic in DevOps.

This puts the spotlight on operations teams to find security vulnerabilities in production environments without sacrificing the efficiency of containers.

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9 Hyperion Myths That Are Making You Less Effective

The tools in Oracle's Hyperion suite of software products for enterprise performance management (EPM) and business intelligence (BI) are among the most powerful and effective applications available to corporate environments. However, it's also true that with the great power of Hyperion comes great responsibility -- which many organizations struggle with.

EPM systems like Hyperion are mission-critical, but they can be complicated and mercurial to manage. If you're a Hyperion administrator, manager or even a finance director, you're almost certainly well familiar with crashes, bugs, and performance issues, and you know that they can delay reporting and take hours or even days to fix.

This white paper has aimed to bust some of the biggest myths surrounding Oracle Hyperion performance management. When you have the right tools at your disposal, the idea that Hyperion performance management is difficult, time-consuming and expensive isn’t just incorrect, it’s holding your business back.

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Cut Costs and Improve ROI: Turn Hyperion EPM Pain into Business Gain

These days, data is one of an organization's most valuable currencies. Of course, the more companies come to rely on accurate, up-to-date data, the more painful it becomes when they start to have problems with data analysis and reporting. These pain points can come in many forms, including missing and inaccurate data, late reports, and overlooked insights.

In far too many cases, these challenges are a result of problems with the Oracle Hyperion enterprise performance management (EPM) software suite. Although Hyperion has incredible advantages, it can also suck up valuable time and effort. As a result, even the most well-intentioned companies are distracted from focusing on their core revenue-generating business initiatives.

The good news is that organizations don't have to live with chronic Hyperion pain. By joining forces with a skilled partner who has extensive knowledge of and experience with Oracle applications, and the resources to provide a complete view of the inner workings of the Hyperion engine, companies can cut costs, become more efficient, and liberate their employees to work on higher-level core activities.

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Open Innovation Labs Datasheet

Red Hat Open Innovation Labs is an immersive teaming residency that arms customers with the skills, tools, and processes to deliver better software, more quickly, to meet the demands of today’s market. Whether it’s co-creating a disruptive product, accelerating cultural transformation in the enterprise, or discovering what’s possible with a suite of proven and open tools and methods-Open Innovation Labs is designed to jump-start organizations’ most innovative ideas. Learn more.

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Automation App Delivery Datasheet

To successfully streamline and automate application delivery, businesses need effective technology and an effective framework. Red Hat® Consulting partners with enterprise organizations to create a strategic approach to app delivery and provide guidance on making operations more repeatable, predictable, and scalable. Using Red Hat Ansible Automation, Red Hat subject matter experts help businesses automate and streamline complicated workflows by speeding processes and eliminating human error. After establishing this foundation, Red Hat consultants show your teams how to manage workflows across multiple infrastructures to help you focus on delivering value to their business.

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Digital Business Process Management: A Transformational Force

These days, we are witnessing the greatest expansion of information technology into business processes ever seen. Entire new businesses – running solely on the cloud, employing data in new and ingenious ways – are disrupting the corporate world to the point where even the largest organizations are fearing for their relevance. Today’s consumers are digitally empowered, not only with devices, but also an abundance of online resources.

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of open source software solutions, using a community powered approach to provide reliable and high-performing cloud, Linux, middleware, storage, and virtualization technologies. Red Hat also offers award-winning support, training, and consulting services. As a connective hub in a global network of enterprises, partners, and open source communities, Red Hat helps create relevant, innovative technologies that liberate resources for growth and prepare customers for the future of IT.

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5 Ways to Strengthen Your SaaS Security and Build Customer Loyalty

The SaaS business model is built on one thing – trust. As a SaaS provider, you must prove to prospects and customers that your platform is secure and their data is safe.

This eBook addresses the unique security requirements for SaaS companies including elastic infrastructure, shared resources, and the housing your customer data. Read all about:

  • Creating real-time security observability and monitoring workflows.
  • Applying operations principles to security
  • Data encryption and continuous scanning.
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Enabling Database Development Agility for DevOps

Join guest speaker IDC research director Melinda Ballou and Quest® Toad® product manager John Pocknell as they discuss the state of DevOps and the value it provides for continuous application delivery.

This session will highlight the advantages of bringing database development into the DevOps pipeline. You’ll learn how this prevents bottlenecks from occurring when application releases require database changes. You’ll also get to see how new tooling helps integrate Oracle database development processes to accelerate DevOps momentum.

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of:

  • The challenges and benefits of DevOps
  • Key factors for DevOps success
  • How software can support DevOps processes and integration of the database
  • Melinda Ballou: Research Director, Agile ALM, Quality and Portfolio Strategies
  • John Pocknell: Sr. Product Manager, Quest Software
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Unleash your DevOps Strategy by Synchronizing Application and Database Changes

Need an easier way to keep up with business and customer demands? In this educational session, you’ll learn how to integrate database changes with your DevOps strategy. And before you say, “That’s only for application development” – don’t worry. You’re about to see how to extend those same time-saving concepts to database teams.

So what’s the secret to DevOps for databases? Implementing specific processes and tools to synchronize database and applications as they are deployed. You’ll get step-by-step guidance from Oracle expert and Toad Product Manager John Pocknell to help you streamline database development.

In this DevOps training session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Shorten your database development cycles without compromising quality and performance.
  • Integrate code-quality reviews and functional code testing into your continuous integration workflow.
  • Work smarter and become more agile by delivering code 40 percent faster.
  • John Pocknell: Sr. Product Manager, Quest Software
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The Value of Connectivity

Everywhere you turn there’s another thought leader or business strategist talking about the importance of digital transformation. In an IT survey conducted by MuleSoft, more than two-thirds of IT decision makers (ITDMs) said they were undertaking digital transformation initiatives.

One of the key factors to achieving digital transformation is organizational agility. In this whitepaper we will discuss the measurable and quantifiable benchmarks to achieving greater agility and show how, by implementing an application network, companies in numerous industries were able to meet and, in many cases, exceed those benchmarks.

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The Forrester Wave™: Static Application Security Testing, Q4 2017

Static application security testing (SAST) is an important part of prerelease application testing that can identify tricky dataflow issues. It can also catch issues such as cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that other tools, including dynamic application security testing (DAST), have trouble finding.

According to The Forrester Wave™: Static Application Security Testing, Q4 2017, SAST remains critical to eliminate proprietary software vulnerabilities so attackers can’t exploit them in production. Download this report to see what’s new and why Forrester has named Synopsys a Wave Leader.

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Is ITSM Obsolete in a DevOps World? How to bridge the gap between ITSM and DevOps

As DevOps grows and matures inside more organizations, many people have begun to question whether ITSM is becoming obsolete.

To combat this notion, ITSM professionals need to continually evolve to keep up with the pace of change and help bridge the gap between IT, Development and Operations.

Read this 4-page whitepaper and learn how to:

  • Evolve ITSM to deliver value in a DevOps world
  • Increase ITSM’s value as DevOps processes mature
  • Bridge the gap between traditional ITSM and DevOps tools
  • </ul Get the whitepaper today!
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Your first steps to a well-paying data science career

Are you looking for a data science job? Springboard has just launched the first online course to offer you a data science job or your money back. Benefit from personalized mentorship, 1-to-1 career coaching, and a curated curriculum on your way to starting a data science career. Fill in your information to get the course syllabus!
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4 Ways to Improve Your DevOps Testing

You already know the longer it takes to detect a problem, the more expensive it is to resolve. Your testing needs to happen earlier in the development pipeline while considering all aspects of privacy, security and monitoring.

Read the 4-part eBook to learn how to detect problems earlier in your DevOps testing processes by:

  • Proactively responding to your monitoring software
  • Integrating your security reqs in your initial development
  • Replicating real-world conditions to find unexpected variables
  • Performing continuous testing to uncover points of failure
  • </ul
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Object Pascal Handbook

This newly updated 500-page ebook is a complete guide to the current, modern Object Pascal programming language by best-selling Delphi books author and Delphi Senior Product Manager, Marco Cantu. This new language manual for new & existing Object Pascal developers covers core language features, object-oriented programming with Object Pascal, and the latest language features like generics, anonymous methods, and reflection in today’s Delphi compilers.

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