The Product Delivery Problem (Hint: It’s Not You)

For product managers and their counterparts, the road to launch is a fight to keep every task, every detail, every change grounded in business goals. It’s not enough to be fast. Or to deliver the right product. You need to do both. This requires:

• Balancing the needs of many stakeholders to define a set of requirements for what’s being built, why and how.

• Prioritizing and re-prioritizing “must-have” mandates from multiple voices—everyone from front-end users to engineers to sales to support.

• Ensuring that what gets built is what every one expects.

This white paper outlines surefire ways you can establish and maintain a strong connection between intended outcomes, development methodologies and customer value.

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ESG Brief: Enhancing Database Environments with NetApp Storage

Organizations of all kinds rely on their relational databases for both transaction processing and analytics, but many still have challenges in meeting their goals of high availability, security, and performance. Whether planning for a major upgrade of existing databases or considering a net new project, enterprise solution architects should realize that the storage capabilities will matter. NetApp’s systems, software, and services offer a number of advantages as a foundation for better operational results.
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Profiting from the Transition to Physical + Digital Solutions

Technology trends impacting network equipment providers include increasing software intellectual property (IP) component in physical products, mainstreaming of virtualization technology, the ability to decouple software from hardware and an increasing desire for service providers and enterprises to transition from using custom hardware to generic, commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware powered by software.
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Testing SAP Solutions For Dummies

In this eBook, we share how IBM software and solutions can help an organization manage quality and begin testing SAP solutions and the integrations they depend on earlier, continuously, while testing smarter.
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Version Everything for Outstanding DevOps Performance

Over the last five years, the DevOps movement has brought Development and Operations teams together to meet the common goal of releasing better-quality software faster.

A key to DevOps success is the adoption of and adherence to a much advocated best practice: version everything.

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Development Testing For Java Applications

Learn how the Coverity Development Testing Platform can be used in conjunction with open source solutions to help you fix more of the quality and security issues in your Java code that matter, with your existing resources and a unified process across the enterprise.
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Development Testing for C# Applications

Static analysis shouldn’t be about finding loads of coding style or standard issues. It should be focused on finding the most critical defects. Although traditional byte code analysis solutions such as FxCop are useful, they can miss critical, crash causing defects - plus produce a large set of coding style issues, which can slow down the development team. Learn how the Coverity Development Testing Platform can help you:

• Find and fix resource leaks, concurrency problems and null references within Visual Studio

• Eliminate defects such as inconsistent indention issues and copy paste errors that can only be found by understanding the intent of the programmer through source code analysis

• Understand the impact of change to better prioritize and focus your automated testing efforts

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The Great Security Divide

How do you get your development team to collaborate with you to achieve more secure software? Learn some of the common pitfalls to avoid as you work on building a long term, more strategic relationship with development.
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The Great Security Divide

How do you get your development team to collaborate with you to achieve more secure software? Learn some of the common pitfalls to avoid as you work on building a long term, more strategic relationship with development.
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Hyper-V Backup and Storage Best Practices

Although nearly every enterprise backup application being sold today supports virtualization, software support alone is not enough. The key to creating reliable backups of your virtualization infrastructure is to adhere to the established best practices for backing up your hypervisor. This paper discusses some best practices for Hyper-V backups.
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Get Your Big Data into Production at the Speed of Business

In this paper, learn how a proven workload automation solution can help you shorten development time and get Hadoop applications into production more quickly. By replacing scripting with the standard functions provided by a workload automation system, you can also deliver an application that is simpler, more reliable, and easier to debug once in production.
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Why Should Organizations Bother with Software License Optimization?

Flexera Software is the established global leader in Software License Optimization solutions focused on software governance, compliance risk mitigation, and cost control. Our products and services allow you to stop worrying about software audits and compliance – while helping you to optimize your software estate and focus on getting more value from those assets. Is this something you should look at?
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