Mobile App Agility: What Matters Most to Today’s Development and Operations Teams

What’s the biggest challenge that mobility presents to development teams? What’s the biggest focus? This Slashdot Pulse paper presents the results of a recent Pulse poll that looks into what’s top of mind for today’s mobile app development teams, such as the categories of apps that are gaining popularity, how to get feedback that speeds fixes and improvements to the field and the “next big thing” in mobile development.
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Development in Motion: Wrangling the Moving Targets of Hybrid Cloud and Multiple Mobile Platforms

The evolution of IT infrastructure is no more evident than in the development teams that must provide access and linkage to the growing number of apps--in-house, packaged, and SaaS--that comprise today's infrastructure. This Pulse discusses the results of a recent Slashdot Media survey that looks at the challenges facing developers today, how the primary development target is evolving, and how strategies are changing to embrace public, private, and hybrid-Cloud models. Respondents to the survey were asked four questions regarding their challenges in development and their needs regarding infrastructure and PaaS. Download now to view the results.
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SWOT Assessment: Flexera Software, FlexNet Manager Suite for Enterprises 2014

In today's economic climate, there is significant pressure on CIOs to control costs and reduce risks while finding ways to fund new business initiatives. Software is a strategic asset that is typically under-managed in most organizations. It should therefore be a priority for CIOs to find ways to automate and optimize software asset management in order to uncover cost savings and minimize license liability risk.
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Software Budgets, Waste & Shifts in Software Licensing

The 2013-14 Key trends in Software Pricing and Licensing survey was conducted by Flexera Software with input from IDC’s Software Pricing and Licensing Research division under the direction of Amy Konary, research vice president - software licensing and provisioning at IDC. This annual research project looks at software licensing, pricing and enforcement trends and best practices. The survey reaches out to executives at application producers (Software vendors and intelligent device manufacturers) and enterprises who use and manage software and devices. Now in its ninth year, the survey is made available to the industry at large each year.
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Mobile Development for 2015: Challenges Enterprises Must Solve Now

A recent survey conducted by Slashdot Media asked mobile developers four key questions that look into the most pressing challenges they face today, how their development approach is changing, which mobile platforms are taking the forefront in the coming years, and how they are ensuring that their apps will meet the quality standards that users demand. Register now to see the results of the survey.
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IBM MobileFirst Platform Developer Edition

IBM Worklight Developer Edition V6.2 is a collection of three self-contained, easy-to-install development tools:

1) Worklight Studio
Use this Eclipse plugin to quickly build, run, and manage mobile web, hybrid, and native apps.

2) Command Line Interface
As an alternative to the Worklight Studio plugin, you can create and manage native and hybrid apps using your own preferred environments for editing and continuous integration.

3) Mobile Test Workbench
If you have Worklight Studio installed, you can automate the functional testing of Android and iOS apps built with Worklight Studio.

Register now for a free download!

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Ceph is in the Linux kernel and has been integrated with the leading open source cloud management platforms. Key to Ceph’s design is the autonomous, self-healing, and intelligent Object Storage Daemon (OSD). Storage clients and OSDs both use the Controlled, Replication, Under, Scalable, Hashing (CRUSH) algorithm to efficiently compute information about data containers on demand, instead of having to depend on a central lookup table.

CRUSH provides a better data management mechanism than older approaches and enables massive scale by cleanly distributing the work to all the clients and OSDs in the cluster. CRUSH uses intelligent data replication to ensure resiliency, which is better suited to hyper-scale storage. Let’s take a deeper look at how CRUSH works to enable modern cloud storage infrastructures.

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Transforming How We Deliver Value: Agility at Scale

Continuous delivery in software development allows us to deliver incrementally, get quick feedback, and react. A key enabler is the adoption of agile techniques and methods; key inhibitors in the enterprise are size, scale, and complexity. Now we must coordinate work across multiple interdependent teams to deliver value, rather than focusing on developing a single product or application. Amy Silberbauer shares her experience of adapting SAFe in an enterprise organization and describes the struggles, mistakes, and successes throughout that process. Learn how to avoid some common pitfalls as you and your own organization embark on this same transformation.
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Leaner software development using DevOps

Reduce cycle times and eliminate waste with Rational software. Inspired by lean software development principles, this TechBytes session focuses on various ways to help you notice and remove waste in your process and your time, all while improving time to feedback.
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Data Deduplication in Windows Server 2012 R2 in Depth

Data deduplication has been around for years and comes in many forms. Most people think about expensive storage arrays when they talk about deduplication but that is certainly not the only type of data deduplication technology.

This white paper examines the data deduplication technology embedded in Windows Server 2012 R2 and the benefits it can bring to your environment. The discussion includes how it works and the possible scenarios for using Windows Server 2012 R2 data deduplication.

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SONDERDRUCK für Datacore Software

SANsymphony-V10 oder Virtual SAN – dieser Vergleich drängt sich auf, wenn die Speichervirtualisierung zum Einsatz kommen soll. Zudem spielt auch noch das Scale-out-Prinzip eine Rolle, wie es zum Beispiel von Nutanix favorisiert wird. Vor dem Hintergrund der Vorstellung und der Produktfreigabe von Version 10 von SANsymphony-V sowie der Freigabe von Virtual SAN soll eine vergleichende Darstellung die wesentlichen Unterschiede herausarbeiten.
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Software-defined Storage sorgt für Datensicherheit

Der Begriff „Software-defined“ ist inzwischen auch in der Speicherwelt angekommen. Kaum ein großer Anbieter, der dieses Schlagwort nicht für die Beschreibung seiner Produkte nutzt. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Konzept, welche Vorteile entstehen Unternehmen durch dessen Umsetzung und wann lohnt es sich, über Software-defined Storage nachzudenken?
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