A Mobile Application Development Primer

This white paper focuses on a comprehensive approach for the development of mobile business applications. The technique described combines best practices for collaborative software lifecycle management with newer requirements unique to the creation of mobile applications. It is intended to provide value for all of the roles involved in mobile enterprise business application development projects.
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Continuous Delivery: The New Normal

Continuous Delivery is an emerging software development methodology that automates and improves software delivery. By building the capability to rapidly, reliably, and repeatedly push out enhancements and bug fixes to customers at low risk and with minimal manual overhead, software development organizations can respond to business needs faster and improve satisfaction for business stakeholders and end users alike.
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Survival Guide for Data in the Wild

It’s a wild world outside the corporate firewall. Protecting data for your entire company is a heavy responsibility. There’s the employee who leaves his laptop in the airport. And the former employee who still has access to corporate data from her personal device. Or the ever-present danger of litigation. You’re accountable for a wide range of scenarios that put your corporate data at risk.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. Learn from the experience of others to ensure that you’re prepared for every threat to your corporate data in the wild. With step-by-step instructions, this Survival Guide is your most valuable tool for keeping corporate assets out of harm’s way.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems ekit

The IBM Rational Intelligent Transportation Systems solution addresses the challenges with complex projects for the planning, development, deployment and lifecycle management of transportation software. Learn more by reviewing the ekit resources.
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DevOps for Dummies

Today’s fast-moving world makes DevOps essential for any business aspiring to be agile and lean in order to respond rapidly to changing customer and marketplace demands. This book helps you understand DevOps and how your organization can gain real business benefits from it. You'll also discover how a holistic view of DevOps that encompasses the entire software delivery life cycle - from ideation and the conception of new business capabilities to implementation in production - can bring competitive advantage in a continuous delivery world.
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The software edge: How effective software development and delivery drives competitive advantage

The IBM Global CEO study found today’s business leaders rank technology as the most important external force that will impact their organizations. A 2013 Institute for Business Value (IBV) software development study supports this, with IT and business leaders identifying five top technology trends critical to competitiveness. However, the same survey reveals that most organizations are not prepared to take advantage of these trends. While management recognizes that software is crucial to capitalizing on technology for competitiveness, they are not successfully executing.
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Ten Steps to Better Requirements Management

Requirements definition and management is recognized as a necessary step for the successful delivery of systems and software projects; the discipline is also required by standards, regulations and quality improvement initiatives like Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
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TechInsights Report: What Smart Businesses Know about DevOps

In a recent global study, Vanson Bourne surveyed 1,300 IT leaders to understand their use of DevOps strategies and processes, including awareness and adoption, the key drivers and obstacles, the investments they are making, and the real benefits they are experiencing. The results are revealing and provide valuable insight for any organization who may be considering a DevOps approach, or who may want to expand their current use of DevOps.

Read the White Paper to gain more insights from those organizations that are achieving success with their DevOps implementations and learn what you can be doing now!

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Dysfunction Junction: A Pragmatic Guide to Getting Started with DevOps

There has been growing buzz about DevOps. DevOps is a methodology that unites the often separate functions of software development (Dev) and production and operations (Ops) into a single, integrated, and continuous process. DevOps is about breaking down the barriers between Dev and Ops. It leverages people, processes, and technology to stimulate collaboration and innovation across the entire software development and release process. Dev and Ops should always be part of an integrated process, but that’s not always as easy as it sounds. You may be stuck in what we call “Dysfunction Junction.” Read this eBooklet to learn about the pitfalls of DevOps, how you can avoid them, and how to get started on your DevOps journey.
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Crossing the DevOps Chasm

This solution brief provides insights into the DevOps movement, why it matters and how you can cross the chasm to achieve better collaboration to deliver business value rapidly. You'll learn how CA Technologies solutions for DevOps bring your portfolio of IT technology forward in a cadence of faster, more predictable releases, letting you confirm the results of each phase of the software life cycle toward positive business outcomes.
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Ten Steps to Better Requirements Management

Requirements definition and management is recognized as a necessary step for the successful delivery of systems and software projects; the discipline is also required by standards, regulations and quality improvement initiatives like Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
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DevOps for Dummies

Today's fast-moving world makes DevOps essential for any business aspiring to be agile and lean in order to respond rapidly to changing customer and marketplace demands. This book helps you understand DevOps and how your organization can gain real business benefits from it. You'll also discover how a holistic view of DevOps that encompasses the entire software delivery life cycle - from ideation and the conception of new business capabilities to implementation in production - can bring competitive advantage in a continuous delivery world.
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Continuous Delivery: Five Habits of Highly Successful Practitioners

Continuous Delivery is a development discipline in which software can be released to production at any time. It's about building a development and release pipeline where early feedback, automated build and test, and incremental deployments into production can dramatically speed up release cycles. Indeed, you accelerate your time to market -- providing a continuous flow of 'release candidates' for business acceptance -- without sacrificing quality.
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Continuous Delivery in Practice: How Leading Practitioners are Successfully Accelerating and Improving Releases

Continuous Delivery allows you to get new features and capabilities to market quickly and reliably - both highly desirable outcomes. But to achieve these outcomes, you need processes and controls that make sure your continuous delivery reaches its full potential. That is why adopters of Continuous Delivery consistently follow a set of best practices: Version Everything; Automate All That You Can; Use a Mainline Model for Visibility and a Single Source of Truth; Maintain a System of Record.
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