CRM For Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the use of technology to assist marketers in handling customer data management, customer segmentation, and campaign management automatically across multiple channels. Because the data is easily accessible in the CRM software, it empowers marketers to offer targeted, data-driven, and real-time campaigns with enhanced efficiency and productivity.

The main goal of Marketing Automation is to improve customer engagement, lead nurturing process, qualified lead pipeline, campaign measurability, campaign productivity, and sales revenue.

Organizations adopting Marketing Automation should select the right CRM software to integrate their marketing systems and streamline all marketing processes. However, they also need to carefully review their internal needs and the software capabilities. This would avoid the redundancies with existing technologies and unnecessary investments.

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SourceForge is one of the most visited websites in the world and where over 1,000,000 software researchers and buyers find and connect with software companies like yours every day.

Claiming your existing page is absolutely FREE, easy, and can be done in just a few minutes.

For more information, please review (and update if necessary) your contact information already filled into the form on this page. If it’s accurate, you’re all set!

Next, click the DOWNLOAD button for a summary sheet with important details on how claiming your page on SourceForge can help you find new customers, generate more business.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Deploying Containers in a RTOS World

Embedded development is modernizing and transforming digitally, changing forever — and for good. The Internet of Things and the advent of intelligent systems require network connectivity to collect data that can be used for monitoring and analytics. This persistent connectivity calls for constant upgrades and new capabilities as well as rapid fixes for security issues. One of the most efficient and effective ways to accomplish this is through containers.

This demonstration and discussion will touch on some of the embedded use cases where it makes sense to leverage container technology on an RTOS. We will show you how containers can empower a software developer to leverage open source, extend functionality after deployment, and adapt to changing specifications.

What you will learn:

  • Use cases for containers on both Linux and VxWorks
  • How to resource partitioning to maximize container benefits
  • How to rapidly deploy a new application for VxWorks using containers

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Redefining the Role of the RTOS

The world of embedded systems is undergoing a profound evolution. Once isolated and purpose-built, embedded systems are increasingly software-defined with much greater requirements for connectivity, reliability, and flexibility.

VxWorks® continues to lead this evolution with even greater capability, giving developers the power to be more productive and innovative. VxWorks enables embedded developers to take a modern approach to build next-generation embedded designs without compromising security, safety, reliability, and performance.

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Smart Linux Solutions for the Intelligent Edge

Linux is the default environment for most software developers and is a popular choice for embedded solutions. However, one of Linux’s greatest strengths, and to some extent its biggest challenge, is that it comes in so many flavors and varieties, each well suited to a particular use case.

Commercially supported embedded Linux is the primary alternative to RYO. Not only are the long-term support and maintenance costs much lower but the technical, business, and legal risks of commercially supported embedded Linux are much lower as well. Commercial vendors can also provide full development services, including platform, services, maintenance, and support, which increase productivity and reduce the overhead of maintaining your own unique embedded Linux distribution.

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Four Things to Look for in a Call Center Software

This guide is written to all salespeople, sales managers, VPs, IT, customer service and general management (CEO, CTO, CFO). It should be a required reading for an-yone that is part of the decision to expand to a call cen-ter. It is specifically written to those companies that have outgrown the typical ways of cold calling and desire to move into a full-fledged call center program to accel-erate company growth.

Within this document we will focus on the importance of the following in a call center software:

  • Stable platform on which to base the system
  • Enterprise-grade, full-featured software
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Works for your budget

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How Configuration Management Systems Deliver Change and Compliance

The fundamental capability which configuration management provides is backup and archiving of critical configuration data from network and server equipment. This along with collecting detailed inventory data provide the basis for managing change and compliance.

The ability to detect, report and alert on change in near real time improves overall service availability and reduces the time required to identify the cause of incidents and outages.

This paper is to help Network Engineers, IT Managers and Executive Leadership understand the benefits of configuration management and how it contributes to change and compliance management at the business.

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Optimizing and Automating Event Management to Support Incident Management

Opie has just arrived in the office and sat down to check his email. “Holy moly!” He yells out. He is looking at a massive influx of email messages in his Inbox from the Event Management tool, which was just configured to send out the alert notifications via email. “There’s no way the operations team will be able to respond to all those notifications in an efficient and timely manner. There has to be a better way to handle and address network events.”

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NMS Security Architecture Considerations & Approaches

The purpose of this article is to provide some practical guidance on securing Network Management systems and associated infrastructure. While it can’t make any guarantees of absolutely protecting from similar attacks in the future, implementing these approaches can make the job of an adversary significantly harder. It will also propose techniques for increasing the probability of detecting breaches, which should be a significant consideration within any security solution.

This article cannot provide exhaustive coverage. However, it will focus on delivering actionable guidance that will have a tangible impact in strengthening the Network Management’s security posture (and potentially other) Systems.

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An IT Managers Guide to Network Process Automation

This guide is designed for IT Managers looking to implement Network Process Automation in their organisation. It discusses the best approach for change management and team buy-in, provides a methodology framework to use when considering the automation of a manual task in a network environment and the Tsteps to take in order to identify an effective test case for your organization.

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Nextlink Takes Network Management to the Next Level with Opmantek

In 2019, Nextlink implemented solutions from Opmantek for its monitoring, management, data collection and other operational tasks across its network. One of the products Nextlink uses, an event manager that automates event handling through extendable policies that enrich, correlate, organize and manage all the events in Nextlink’s environment.

With opEvents, Nextlink can automate event diagnostics and leverage intelligent automation to remediate network events which has helped to streamline its workflow. Using process automation, opEvents, modelled by Nextlink’s troubleshooting procedure, automates the troubleshooting and remediation of events, reducing the mean time to resolution (MTTR) when faults occur.

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Beyond Core Schools

Which strategies should you be implementing to build a diverse pipeline of talented entry-level candidates?

While many recruiting strategies focus on nurturing relationships at a set of core schools, there are several elements to a successful diversity recruiting strategy. To help you build a pipeline of diverse candidates, RippleMatch has put together a set of recommended strategies to implement and key academic institutions to build relationships with to help you increase representation and build stronger teams.

Download our guide for four key strategies to increase diversity and information on hundreds of schools to incorporate into your virtual campus recruitment strategy.

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Recruiting at HBCUs

There are many ways to build a successful university recruiting strategy, but seeking out candidates from a wide range of colleges and universities is an important strategy for building a diverse pipeline. Among the schools recruitment teams should establish a presence at are Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), a group of more than 100 universities with historical significance and hundreds of thousands of bright, talented students. Hoping to establish or expand your presence at HBCUs? Our guide has everything you need to know.

  • Quick facts every employer should know about HBCUs
  • Tips for recruiting at HBCUs
  • What HBCU students value in the workplace
  • The top HBCUs to visit
  • The top HBCUs for STEM, Computer Science, Business, and Liberal Arts

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A Guide to Recruiting at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

To increase representation at the entry-level, recruit at colleges and universities with a diverse student base – like Hispanic-Serving Institutions.

To help more talent teams establish or expand their presence at HSIs, we’ve put together a guide with key facts to know about these institutions, tips for recruiting there, and the top schools for subjects like STEM, Business, and Liberal Arts. Use this guide to bolster your campus recruiting strategy and achieve your hiring goals this year and beyond.

What You'll Learn From This Guide

  • The most important facts about HSIs
  • Top tips for recruiting at HSIs
  • Where to find the right candidates

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