Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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3 Keys to Unleashing the Power of Data Analytics in Commercial Construction

The pandemic has seen to that in ways no outside force ever could. McKinsey, for example, reports senior business leaders have accelerated “digitization of their customer and supply-chain interactions… by three to four years.” The executives also say their acquisition of digital or digitally-enabled products has leapfrogged seven years.

This may not be news to you. It’s likely your company has made its share of large and small digital bets. But the expanding flow of data raises some interesting questions:

  • How are you harnessing your database?
  • How could data analytics better support decision-making?
  • What steps can you take — right now — to advance your analytics?

This playbook examines the quickening pace of digital automation in the construction industry and the insights that transformation represents through real-time analytics.

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Construction’s Digital Transformation

Your competition is finding faster ways to capture data and get critical insights from the field into their existing systems. In short, they’re not going bigger, they’re getting smarter.

In this eBook on the construction industry’s digital transformation, find out why the trend is to modernize workflows – and how you can stay ahead of the curve.

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7 Steps to Quickly Move from Paper-Based to Digital

Can you really do more with less? Amid these unprecedented times, those who flourish will be the teams finding new ways to grow, despite the construction industry’s ongoing shortages and delays.

Modernizing operations is the first step to maximize growth and unlock productivity. Embracing software will streamline your core business processes, save you hours of time, centralize projects, and mitigate risks.

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Cool Vendors in Software Engineering: Enhancing Developer Productivity

Tidelift is recognized as a Cool Vendor

We're excited to share that Tidelift has been named as a Cool Vendor in the 2022 Gartner® Cool Vendors™ in Software Engineering: Enhancing Developer Productivity report.

The report is designed to highlight interesting, new and innovative vendors, products and services.

From the report:

"Software engineers struggle to navigate complex code environments and to improve security of the systems they build while remaining productive. These Cool Vendors offer innovative solutions that help software engineering leaders boost developer productivity and mitigate security risks."

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Graybar Boosts IT Infrastructure Automation and Management with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Graybar serves the construction market; the commercial, institutional, and government (CIG) market; and the industrial and utility markets. Graybar now leverages Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as its sole Linux distribution after completing a migration from a third-party Linux OS in 2021. Read this detailed, Red Hat sponsored, customer case study by IDC for information about the organizational challenges, solutions, and business benefits of IT infrastructure and automation management.

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Graybar Boosts IT Infrastructure Automation and Management with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Graybar serves the construction market; the commercial, institutional, and government (CIG) market; and the industrial and utility markets. Graybar now leverages Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as its sole Linux distribution after completing a migration from a third-party Linux OS in 2021. Read this detailed, Red Hat sponsored, customer case study by IDC for information about the organizational challenges, solutions, and business benefits of IT infrastructure and automation management.

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Graybar Boosts IT Infrastructure Automation and Management with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Graybar serves the construction market; the commercial, institutional, and government (CIG) market; and the industrial and utility markets. Graybar now leverages Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as its sole Linux distribution after completing a migration from a third-party Linux OS in 2021. Read this detailed, Red Hat sponsored, customer case study by IDC for information about the organizational challenges, solutions, and business benefits of IT infrastructure and automation management.

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Graybar Boosts IT Infrastructure Automation and Management with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Graybar serves the construction market; the commercial, institutional, and government (CIG) market; and the industrial and utility markets. Graybar now leverages Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® as its sole Linux distribution after completing a migration from a third-party Linux OS in 2021. Read this detailed, Red Hat sponsored, customer case study by IDC for information about the organizational challenges, solutions, and business benefits of IT infrastructure and automation management.

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Although many organizations are dabbling in automation, they’re often approaching it with point solutions rather than a holistic view. Taking this approach can increase costs, result in duplicate efforts, and build barriers between functions and departments. Explore how Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform can help your organization solve enterprise IT challenges across hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Use this e-book as your concise guide to Ansible Automation Platform, its benefits, and information to help you make the right decisions for your organization's automation practice.

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Explore Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible Automation Platform provides an enterprise framework for building and operating IT automation at scale, from hybrid cloud to the edge. Ansible Automation Platform enables users across an organization to create, share, and manage automation—from development and operations to security and network teams.

These interactive learning scenarios provide you with a pre-configured Ansible Automation Platform environment to experiment, learn, and see how the platform can help you solve real-world problems. The environment runs entirely in your browser, enabling you to learn more about our technology at your pace and time.

Try out the interactive learning scenarios for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Although many organizations are dabbling in automation, they’re often approaching it with point solutions rather than a holistic view. Taking this approach can increase costs, result in duplicate efforts, and build barriers between functions and departments. Explore how Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform can help your organization solve enterprise IT challenges across hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Use this e-book as your concise guide to Ansible Automation Platform, its benefits, and information to help you make the right decisions for your organization's automation practice.

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Explore Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible Automation Platform provides an enterprise framework for building and operating IT automation at scale, from hybrid cloud to the edge. Ansible Automation Platform enables users across an organization to create, share, and manage automation—from development and operations to security and network teams.

These interactive learning scenarios provide you with a pre-configured Ansible Automation Platform environment to experiment, learn, and see how the platform can help you solve real-world problems. The environment runs entirely in your browser, enabling you to learn more about our technology at your pace and time.

Try out the interactive learning scenarios for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

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